I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 141

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 141

As for how to utilize Chu Xianping, Wei Changtian had given it careful consideration.

Initially, he thought of finding an opportunity to promote Chu Xianping to an official position, then slowly taking control of the Suspended Mirror Agency’s Sichuan branch.

However, after weighing the pros and cons, he ultimately decided not to do so.

The reason was simple.

Because Chen Bo was currently, at the very least, superficially obedient to him. If he were to force Chu Xianping into a position of power at this time, it would likely lead to discontent, or even resistance, among Chen Bo’s group of “old men.”

They might not dare to do anything openly, but behind the scenes, they would probably secretly create obstacles.

Wei Changtian only needed a obedient Suspended Mirror Agency, not necessarily one that he had complete control over, so there was no need to take that risk.

In that case, the Communion Society was the best place for Chu Xianping.

Zhang San was just an executor and couldn’t plan things on his own.

Chu Xianping, on the other hand, was different. If he were to take charge of the Communion Society’s development in Sichuan, it was estimated that it wouldn’t take long for the Sichuan branch to surpass the headquarters in the capital.

Of course, this was assuming that what was said in the original story was true.


The next day, Wei Changtian met Chu Xianping again at the “Drunken Mist Pavilion.”

He seemed the same as before, yet also somewhat different.

This difference didn’t manifest in his appearance, but rather as an inner, intangible change in his aura.

First, he was betrayed by his loved one, then he killed that person himself……

It would be strange if he hadn’t changed.

It’s just that Chu Xianping had hidden this change very well, and aside from Wei Changtian, who was in the know, others probably couldn’t detect his difference.

On the table were still two jugs of wine, a plate of peanuts, and a plate of pickled beef.

The waiter was still babbling on about that “newly opened brothel,” and Chu Xianping, as usual, smiled and tossed him twenty copper coins.

“Brother Chu.”

“Lord Wei.”

This was the first time Wei Changtian had met Chu Xianping since the night at the Guo Manor.

The two of them exchanged a glance, didn’t say much, and quickly fell into a state of silently drinking.

According to the saying from his previous life, smoking and drinking were the fastest ways to establish male camaraderie.

There was no smoke, nor high-proof liquor that had undergone distillation.

However, the Sichuan specialty, Bamboo Leaf Green, was sufficient.

The two of them started with cups, then used bowls, and eventually didn’t even bother to pour, simply drinking directly from the jug.

The empty wine jugs soon piled up on the table, and it wasn’t until then that Wei Changtian felt a slight sense of intoxication.

“Brother Chu, you once said you’d be willing to be my horse and carriage… is that still valid?”

“Of course it’s still valid.”

“Then I’d like you to help me with something.”

“Just say it, Lord Wei.”

Wei Changtian glanced at Chu Xianping, who was equally sober, and briefed him on the matters of the Communion Society in a few words.

Chu Xianping listened attentively, showing no surprise, and smiled, “Young Master, this isn’t a trivial matter.”

Wei Changtian also smiled, “Just tell me if you’re willing to help me.”

“I’ve already given you my answer, Young Master.”

“Ha ha ha, excellent!”

It’s undeniable that exchanging words with intelligent people is a pleasure, as it requires minimal explanation and no repetitive clarifications.

Wei Changtian, in a pleasant mood, poured himself another cup of wine and suddenly asked a question he had asked before.

“Brother Chu, do you want to visit that new brothel with me today?”


Two hours later, Wei Changtian and Chu Xianping emerged from “Manchun Inn” and went their separate ways.

As it turned out, this was Wei Changtian’s first visit to a brothel in Chengdu.

People say that southern women are gentle, but the experience wasn’t much different from what he had in the capital.

It’s just a different path to the same destination.

However, although Wei Changtian didn’t feel anything special, the girls at Manchun Inn were abuzz with gossip after they left.

Because the two young masters, apart from being generous, were unlike other men in other ways.

One was unusually “enduring,” and three sisters took turns to entertain him for over an hour.

The other was quite amusing, spending money without undressing, sitting at the table drinking tea for an hour, leaving the serving girl frustrated.

“This kind of man I’ve never seen before, he’s like a wooden statue!”

“He didn’t respond to my chat, didn’t listen to my zither, and even sat on my lap without giving me a proper glance!”

“If I hadn’t discreetly grabbed his hand, I would’ve thought he was a eunuch!”

The above was said by a embroiderer girl, her small face filled with annoyance.

A nearby sister teased, “What’s wrong with that? He gave you silver, didn’t he?”

“Hmph, although that’s true……”

The embroiderer girl wrinkled her nose, whispering, “But I just feel that person is weird……”


In the following days, Wei Changtian didn’t go out to cause trouble, instead, he “hosted” the “wedding” of Zhang San and Li Suoyue at home.

It was called a wedding, but the entire process was as simple as it could be.

Zhang San’s parents had passed away many years ago, and he had no relatives or friends in Chengdu.

Li Suoyue’s parents had also passed away a few years ago, and although they had some occasional acquaintances, they probably didn’t invite them to avoid embarrassing Zhang San.

So, in the end, it was just a gathering at home with a table of wine, attended by familiar faces like Yinger and Liang Jin.

Although there were few people, the celebration was still quite lively.

Even Liang Zhen took time off to join in the fun, leaving a 200-tael silver note as a gift for Zhang San.

Wei Changtian had also prepared to give a few hundred taels as a gesture, but Zhang San and Li Suoyue refused to accept, so he gave up.

After paying respects to heaven and earth, eating the wedding wine, and entering the bridal chamber… the next day, when the red lanterns and other decorations were removed, everything seemed to have returned to normal, with many subtle changes.

For example, Li Suoyue no longer addressed Wei Changtian as “Young Master,” but instead called him “Old Master”;

For example, Wang Ran changed her surname to Zhang Ran;

For instance, Zhang San changed from being “on call 24 hours” to having a regular schedule, sleeping in the neighboring house at night.

For instance, Ah Chun occasionally wondered why Su Yue Auntie, who wasn’t a cultivator, could “dual cultivate” with Zhang San Uncle…

Philosophy and science both tell us that everything in the world is constantly changing, yet remains unchanged in its essence.

Some of these changes might be as slow and subtle as what Zhang San and Li Su Yue are currently experiencing.

But others can be sudden and drastic, capable of altering the fate of a person, a family, or even a dynasty in an instant.

The five-day deadline had passed.

At midnight, Ning Yu Ke quietly slipped out of the Shun Wang Fu under the escort of several people from the same sect, quickly disappearing into the darkness of the night.

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