I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 145

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 145


A shrill horse whinny pierced the night air.

Almost simultaneously with Wei Changtian’s shout to “go”, the black carriage burst out of the alley, racing forward along the empty streets.

This wasn’t because Zhang San reacted quickly, but because he, like Wei Changtian, had sensed something was off in that night wind.

Although it was faint, there was indeed a hint of bloodlust in the wind!


In the violently shaking carriage, Ning Yukuo, still unaware of what was happening, asked with a trembling voice: “W-what’s going on? Why are we running?”

“Has the palace discovered us?”

“Are we going to……”

“Want to live? Then shut up!”

Wei Changtian didn’t have time to explain these things to Ning Yukuo, and after a stern rebuke, he slightly opened the carriage curtain, narrowing his eyes to look outside.

As expected, four black shadows were hot on their heels, following closely behind the carriage. From their reaction time, it seemed they had been watching them for a while.

Damn it, how did this happen?

These assassins had clearly succeeded in infiltrating the palace, but why didn’t they make a sound?

Did Ning Qingyu not have any skilled hands under his command?

Or had the assassins’ power already surpassed the palace guards?

Wei Changtian couldn’t understand the situation, and currently, he didn’t have the luxury to think about these irrelevant questions.

The most critical thing was how to escape!

Calm down!

Taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes, and his brain began to rapidly analyze the current situation.

Firstly, these assassins probably didn’t know Ning Yukuo was in his carriage, otherwise, they wouldn’t have sent only a few people to pursue.

Next, he shouldn’t have exposed himself either.

After all, this horse-drawn carriage was specially arranged by Zhang San to pick up Ning Yu Ke, and had nothing to do with him.

In other words, these people were chasing him, probably because they sensed something was off, just in case they wanted to silence him.

So, what should he do?

Because he had to go to Yan Yun Mountain, and Wei Chang Tian had deliberately not let the dark guards follow, leaving only Zhang San by his side.

Could the two of them alone take on the four assassins on the other side?

Wei Chang Tian was uncertain.

Or, if all else failed… should he flee to the Xuan Jing Temple or the government office?

Those assassins would probably not dare to make a move in such a place.

However, this would inevitably expose his identity, and Ning Yong Nian could easily find out about his involvement in tonight’s incident.

Wei Chang Tian absolutely did not want to see this happen, and judging from the commotion outside, he would probably be caught soon, and it was uncertain whether he could escape to those two places in time.

Damn it, since that was the case…

“Zhang San!”

Wei Chang Tian suddenly opened his eyes and ordered Zhang San, who was driving the horse, “Find a small alley and turn in!”


“Whoosh whoosh whoosh!”

The night was as dark as ink, and the four black-clothed figures almost blended into the darkness.

Just as Wei Chang Tian had guessed, they didn’t know who was on the horse-drawn carriage and were chasing after them solely to silence them.

Even if they knew Wei Chang Tian was on the carriage, they might not have chased after them at all.

But now…

“Hurry up! Don’t leave a single one alive!”

A dark figure roared in anger, and the black horse-drawn carriage in front was getting closer, its outline now visible from the initial small black dot.

Although in the previous life, no matter how fast one ran, they couldn’t catch up to the carriage, but this was the cultivation world after all.

Unless the horse was a demon, a sixth-grade warrior could run faster than a horse.


The four black-clothed figures exerted their strength again, quickly closing the distance.

Just then, they saw the horse-drawn carriage suddenly turn into a small alley, scraping against the wall as it rushed in.

Compared to the wide main road, this small alley could accommodate a carriage, but it would greatly affect its speed.

If they had time to calmly analyze the situation, the four assassins should have noticed something unusual.

But they didn’t have the time to think, and in a few breaths, they arrived at the alley entrance, continuing to chase after the horse-drawn carriage that was still speeding away.

“Clatter clatter! Clatter clatter!”

The urgent hoofbeats echoed in the narrow alley, the moonlight casting a shadow of the speeding carriage and people on the wall, like a puppet show being performed on the alley walls.

But it seemed like the puppeteer had made a mistake, as two of the four figures suddenly froze, then broke into two pieces.


Fresh blood splattered on the alley walls, and the two bisected corpses continued to fly forward due to inertia before landing on the ground with a “thud” in the disbelieving eyes of their companions.

“Damn it!”

The two surviving assassins immediately stopped, their rich combat experience allowing them to quickly lock onto the attacker.

A blue tight-fitting long shirt, long hair tied up high, right hand holding a sword, left hand grasping the scabbard…

The two assassins were stunned for a moment, almost subconsciously blurting out:

“You, you are……”


Wei Changtian’s tone turned icy cold as he asked, “Do you know me?”


The two assassins exchanged a glance, and one of them immediately spoke up loudly, “Young Master Wei, this might be a misunderstanding.”


Wei Changtian’s expression gradually turned ferocious: “I don’t think there’s any misunderstanding. Even if there is, you can explain it to the King of Hell when you get there!”


With one step forward, Wei Changtian sneered, raising his knife as if ready to strike again.

The two assassins took a slight step back, but their faces didn’t show any panic.

If it weren’t for the sneak attack, they were confident that Wei Changtian wouldn’t be their match.

However…… even if they could win, if they didn’t have absolute certainty of killing him, they wouldn’t dare take action against Young Master Wei in front of them.

This matter was too big, far beyond what the two of them could handle.

“Young Master Wei, we really didn’t know the person on the carriage was you…… We don’t know if you can spare our lives this once, and we’ll have someone give you a satisfactory answer within three days.”

“Spare your lives?”

Wei Changtian’s eyes narrowed: “Who is your master?”


The two assassins estimated that if they didn’t reveal the name, Wei Changtian would never let them go. After a moment of hesitation, they finally responded in a low tone:

“Young Master Wei, we are under the service of…… the Ning Family.”

“The Ning Family?”

Wei Changtian’s expression immediately turned unpredictable.

And his reaction was exactly what the two assassins had expected.

Although there were many people with the surname Ning, only one could be referred to as the “Ning Family”, not even including princes.

Indeed, after about five or six breaths, Wei Changtian finally made a “difficult” decision.

“If you’re really from the Ning Family, I might be able to spare your lives.”

“But who knows if you’re telling the truth or not. It’s better to……”

“Young Master Wei! We dare not speak nonsense about this!”

One assassin hastily interrupted: “If you don’t believe us, we can take you to meet someone right now!”


“You’ll know when you see them, Young Master!”


Wei Changtian lowered his head, “hesitated” for a moment, then returned his knife to its sheath with a “clinking” sound.

“Lead the way.”

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