I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 146

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 146

If anyone else had made this choice, the two assassins would probably suspect a trap.

Following the assassins who were just chasing them to meet the mastermind behind the scenes?

Who would do such a thing?

But when this happened to Wei Changtian, everything seemed to become somewhat reasonable.

The two assassins clearly knew about Wei Changtian’s various rumors and legends.

A chaotic devil king who dared to kill even the prime minister, never suffered a single setback from childhood to adulthood, and felt that no one dared to touch him, doing things without considering the consequences, which was also acceptable.

However, despite this, the two of them still maintained the most basic level of vigilance.

They glanced secretly at the two companions who were not far away, split into two groups, and said in a low, solemn tone:

“Prince Wei, we can take you there now, but… can you put down your sword?”

“Put down my sword?”

Wei Changtian was taken aback, then asked disdainfully, “Are you afraid I’ll kill you?”

The two assassins didn’t feel ashamed, calmly nodding: “We’re just trying to protect ourselves. Prince Wei’s martial arts are unparalleled, and we acknowledge that we’re no match for him.”


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Wei Changtian seemed to enjoy this flattery, but after laughing twice, his expression turned mocking: “I can put down my sword, but what about you?”

“We will also put down our swords to ease your mind.”

The two assassins immediately guaranteed: “If you have any concerns, the three of us can…”

“Enough, enough, stop nagging like old women.”

Wei Changtian waved his hand impatiently, then drew his sword without hesitation, using force to swing it forward.


A silver light flashed above the two assassins’ heads, followed by a “thud” as it was embedded in the mud more than ten feet behind them.


After looking at the empty scabbard in Wei Changtian’s hand, the two assassins nodded to each other, then threw their own swords to the ground behind them.

“Thud, thud, thud!”

The three long swords were inserted into the ground at an angle, their handles trembling slightly.

The two assassins finally let out a sigh of relief.

They were indeed afraid of Wei Changtian’s overwhelming swordsmanship, but they absolutely didn’t believe that the latter could surpass them in hand-to-hand combat.

Even if they took a step back, they wouldn’t necessarily die on the spot, and they could still try to escape.

“Prince, please follow us.”

The distance between the two sides narrowed to within five feet for the first time, and was still decreasing.

Wei Changtian was standing on the outer side of the alley, and the two assassins had to cross in front of him to lead the way.

The air was tense, almost solidifying into a substance. Although Wei Changtian maintained a nonchalant expression, the two assassins were extremely vigilant.

Just then…


The distance between the two sides had narrowed to less than a foot, and Wei Changtian suddenly raised his head, asking a question that made the two assassins’ hair stand on end.

“Is there anyone alive in the Wang Mansion?”

The two assassins stopped in their tracks like wooden stakes, their faces flashing with shock.

“We, we don’t know what you’re talking about, Prince.”

“It seems there’s no one alive, then.”

Wei Changtian nodded to himself, then asked, “Do you know where Princess Rong’an is?”


This time, the two assassins couldn’t hide their shock, their eyes widening as they unconsciously took a step back.

Wei Changtian’s ability to guess that they had slaughtered everyone in the Wang Mansion was within the realm of understanding, since his carriage had stopped beside the Wang Mansion earlier, and he might have sensed something.

But how did Wei Changtian know that Ning Yuke was missing?

Unless… Ning Yuke, the only survivor, was with Wei Changtian?!

“Rattle, rattle, rattle!”

The two assassins retreated three steps, their muscles tensing instantly, their internal energy surging through their meridians.

They stared fixedly at Wei Changtian’s every move, ready to flee at any moment.

“You don’t want to talk, that’s fine…”

However, Wei Changtian only relaxed his expression and shook his head.

He had already gotten the answer he wanted.

These assassins indeed did not know that Ning Yuke was right here with him… at least, apart from these two, nobody else knew for now.

Since he had confirmed what he needed to, it was time…

“You two, go die.”

Calmly uttering the final sentence, a knife handle suddenly appeared out of thin air in the previously empty scabbard, like a magic trick.


The two assassins were stunned by this unbelievable scene, unable to help but freeze for a moment.

And in that moment, Wei Changtian had already drawn his knife at lightning speed, followed by a swift swing through the air.


The soft armor emitted a sickening cracking sound, and the two assassins looked down, only to see a faint bloodstain on their exposed skin.

“This is…”


Fresh blood spurted out, shooting into the air.

In the blink of an eye, two more corpses crashed to the ground, split in half.

Moonlight, alley walls, fresh blood, severed bodies…


Looking at the scene before him, Wei Changtian finally let out a long sigh of relief.

No mistake, from the start, he had never intended to meet the mastermind, and everything was just to take out these four assassins.

He first had Zhang San lure them into the alley, using the enemy’s momentary “loss of vision” to jump off the carriage, then lay in ambush in the corner, waiting for an opportunity to strike.

Although the ambush didn’t quite go as planned, killing only two.

But Wei Changtian didn’t expect these two assassins to recognize him.

So he turned the tables, ultimately achieving his goal without breaking a sweat.

“Master, are you okay?”

On the other side, Zhang San, who had been hiding in the surroundings, suddenly appeared, hurrying over.

“I’m fine.”

Wei Changtian shook his head, putting the long knife back in its sheath.

This second knife belonged to Zhang San, who had picked it up before jumping off the carriage and storing it in the Starlight Scabbard, not expecting it to come in handy.

“Master, I wasn’t afraid to die earlier…”

Zhang San grasped the flying knife, anxiously wanting to explain something.

“No need to say it.”

However, Wei Changtian waved his hand to interrupt: “You adapted well to the situation, you did a good job this time.”

Wei Changtian wasn’t speaking ironically.

According to the original plan, if he hadn’t succeeded in one strike, and really got into a fight with the assassins, Zhang San should have immediately stopped the carriage to help.

But Zhang San had probably also sensed the change in the situation at the time, and therefore didn’t rush to appear, which was a smart move.

“Thank you, Master, for your praise.”

As Wei Changtian understood himself, Zhang San didn’t explain further, instead asking in a low voice, “Young Master, what’s next…”

“Is Ning Yuqiao still in the car?”

“She is. I had her acupoints blocked before getting out of the car to prevent any danger from occurring.”

“Okay, we shouldn’t stay here for long.”

Wei Changtian nodded, directly lifting the two broken corpses on the ground with one hand each.

“Put the bodies in the car, let’s go.”

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