I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 148

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 148

“Prince Shun’s family was exterminated last night!”

“What?! How did you hear the news?”

“It’s all over the city, you’re the only one who doesn’t know! Haven’t you seen all the officials on the streets today?”

“This… wasn’t the investigation into the prince’s assassination a few days ago still ongoing? Is it the same group of people?”

“Who knows? There’s a rumor that it’s the Xuantian Sect.”

“The Xuantian Sect? Why would they kill Prince Shun?”

“You ask me, I ask who…”

“Alas, what’s going on in Daming recently……”


As Wei Changtian had expected, the news of Prince Shun’s family being exterminated spread throughout the entire city of Shuzhou like wildfire the next day.

Ning Qingyu had lived in Shuzhou for over 20 years, was low-key, and occasionally wrote popular poems, so most citizens had a good impression of this prince.

But who would have thought that such a peaceful prince would die so mysteriously?

Apart from sorrow and shock, discussions about “who was the mastermind” also spread rapidly, almost becoming the most popular topic of conversation in every household.

The government is incompetent, a bunch of trash, probably colluding with bandits……

The “Joint Investigation Team” from the capital faced unprecedented pressure, and in this public opinion environment, news from the imperial palace quickly reached Shuzhou.

I didn’t sleep for three days after hearing the news……

The sorrow and anger of Ning Yongnian were already palpable, and just listening to the announcement officer read it out made people want to cry.

Apart from expressing grief for his brother, he also mentioned three things in the announcement.

One was that the deadline for solving the case was shortened from “before the year-end” to ten days, and the Joint Investigation Team had to crack the case within ten days, or all members would be dismissed and sent home.

Two was that half a month later, the Imperial Guard would personally escort Ning Qingyu’s body back to the capital for burial.

Three was that the court offered a reward of 10,000 silver taels, encouraging citizens to provide clues related to the missing Ning Yukuo.

Under the pressure of public opinion and the emperor’s edict, the Joint Investigation Team finally cracked the case after a tumultuous investigation in Shuzhou.

Eight days after the “Prince’s Family Extermination” case.

The Shuzhou government, the Xuanjing Agency, and the Qingbao Army simultaneously launched an operation, destroying the Xuantian Sect’s Shuzhou branch, and capturing the leader, Bai Sheng’an, on the spot.

After a day and night of continuous interrogation, Bai Sheng’an not only confessed to his crimes but also revealed a “shocking” secret –

Both attempts to assassinate Ning Qingyu were actually ordered by Princess Ruo’an, Ning Yukuo!

Although this sounded unbelievable, it had a certain degree of reasonability from a certain perspective.

Bai Sheng’an, a man about to die, had no reason to slander Ning Yukuo before his death.

Moreover, why did everyone else die, but Ning Yukuo mysteriously disappeared?

Even if she really did escape by luck, why didn’t she show up afterwards?

Although there were still many doubts, when all the contradictions pointed to Ning Yukuo, most people’s minds already had a very clear answer –

Ning Yukuo was a guilty conscience, not daring to show her face!

People always tend to believe what they want to believe, but it’s hard to discern whether this “willingness” is truly their own subjective intention.

So, the first-class joint investigation team made the investigation results public, although they didn’t explicitly point out that Ning Yukuo was the mastermind behind the scenes, the furious public outrage was still instantly ignited.

The behavior of beating and murdering one’s parents and seniors was called “evil rebellion,” a capital offense in the Great Ning Law.

From a moral standpoint, especially in a world that attaches great importance to family values, such behavior was so heinous that even death a hundred times over wouldn’t be enough to atone for it.

At that time, the people of Shu State, and even the entire kingdom, were using all their might to curse Ning Yukuo.

If there were social media back then, Ning Yukuo would probably be scolded to the point of self-imposed exile.

Apart from cursing, regardless of whether it was ordinary citizens or various hidden forces, everyone was curious about one thing—

Where did Ning Yukuo, who seemed to have vanished into thin air, go?



“Your Highness, this is the notice that the state government just posted today. Take a look.”


In the dark room that didn’t see the light of day, Ning Yukuo’s face was somewhat pale, unsure if it was due to lack of rest in recent days or because she hadn’t seen the sun for too long.

She lightly took the paper with writing on it from Wei Changtian’s hand, read it slowly with her head bowed, and a bitter smile appeared on her face.

“Prince, are people all scolding me today…”


Wei Changtian didn’t deceive Ning Yukuo with “kind intentions” but replied truthfully: “Although the notice doesn’t explicitly say so, most people do think that way.”


Ning Yukuo’s lips trembled slightly, and she bowed her head even lower.

“I know……”

“If you don’t have anything else, Princess, then I’ll take my leave.”

Wei Changtian nodded: “I might have to go out on business for a few days tomorrow. During this time, Yuan’er will continue to bring you meals and change your clothes. Please rest assured, and we’ll discuss other matters when I return.”


Ning Yukuo first responded lightly, then suddenly called out to Wei Changtian, who was already preparing to leave.

“Pr—Prince…… I have one more request.”

“What is it?”

“I saw on the notice that my father’s and sister’s remains will be sent back to the capital for burial…… I want to see them one last time when they’re sent away.”


Wei Changtian turned his head back, his brow slightly furrowed: “Do you know the risks involved?”


Ning Yukuo’s body trembled lightly, her voice very small: “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t be causing you trouble.”

“Please forgive me……”


Sigh, you’re giving me a headache.

Wei Changtian sighed inwardly.

Ning Yukuo’s thoughts were understandable, after all, her whole family had died, and wanting to see them off one last time was a normal human sentiment.

However, the risks involved were too great, and Wei Changtian even suspected that Ning Yongnian wanted to transport the bodies back to the capital for burial just to lure Ning Yukuo out.

Looking at Ning Yukuo, who had already become the “public enemy,” Wei Changtian hesitated for a moment before ultimately not rejecting her request outright.

“I’ll consider this matter.”

“Thank you, thank you, Young Master! Thank you, Young Master!”

Ning Yukuo was taken aback upon hearing this, and her face immediately flushed with excitement: “I just want to take a glimpse from afar, just one glance is enough…”

“I didn’t agree to that, Princess.”

Wei Changtian narrowed his eyes, his tone slightly impatient: “Please recall the promise you made that night in the carriage.”

“I can help you, but I can’t help someone who’s a burden!”

“A burden…”

Ning Yukuo’s eyes snapped shut, her breathing quickened, and then gradually calmed down.

After a few moments, she slowly stood up from her chair, then slowly knelt down in front of Wei Changtian, her hands clasped together in a humble gesture.

Her long white dress resembled a blooming peony, and her black hair cascaded to the floor like a waterfall, as if submitting to him.

“Young Master, I won’t dare to…”

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