I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 150

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 150

Li Huizhong wasn’t bluffing; he really knew something.

This was Wei Changtian’s judgment at this moment.

Because he saw Li Huizhong’s orchid finger, which had never been put down from the start.

The little finger and thumb were lightly moving up and down, indicating that Li Huizhong was very relaxed at the moment.

Wei Changtian wasn’t a detective, but he was a loyal fan of “Werewolf Killing” in his past life.

Based on his experience, Li Huizhong’s current state was completely “in control of everything.”

So the question was:

What did Li Huizhong know?

If Wei Changtian didn’t figure this out, he would always be at a disadvantage, because he didn’t know what to say or what not to say.

Li Huizhong would certainly use this psychological advantage to pressure himself, until he got the answer he wanted, or even gained an unexpected advantage.

One thought after another flashed through his mind, then was analyzed and negated.

Every response, every sentence spoken could determine the future of Wei Changtian and the entire Wei family.

Wei Changtian had not thought that things would turn out this way before.

But when it really happened, he realized that he had still underestimated the danger hidden within, like walking on thin ice.

Li Huizhong… was he really not bluffing?

Could an old eunuch who had been in the palace for a lifetime really judge one’s inner thoughts through subtle movements?

At this moment, Wei Changtian even doubted his initial judgment again.

The more he thought, the more chaotic his mind became, and the more hesitant he was.


Three breaths, four breaths……

Time passed slowly, and Wei Changtian’s reaction time had already exceeded the normal range.

Li Huizhong’s smile grew wider, and a hint of cold intention appeared in his narrowed eyes.

Just at this critical moment, Wei Changtian suddenly abandoned all complicated thoughts in his mind.

Cut through the confusion with a swift sword!

He decided to follow his initial intuition, which was also the most reasonable guess he could make… and take a gamble.

“Li Gonggong……”

Wei Changtian suddenly raised his head, looked straight at Li Huizhong without flinching, and asked softly:

“Did the king really send someone to kill him?”

From noble mtl dot come


The main hall was quiet, with the fragrance of tea lingering, and the silence was so profound that one could hear a pin drop.

Did the king really send someone to kill him?

Although it was a question, it contained a lot of information.

By asking this, Wei Changtian showed that he already knew or had guessed the mastermind behind the scenes, which meant he had already grasped Ning Qingyu’s intention to rebel, and it also implied that he had “known but not reported”……

“Wei Gongzi……”

Li Huizhong’s expression remained unchanged, but his eyes seemed to have added a hint of interest: “I don’t know where this came from. Do you know that saying this out loud is already a grave offense?”

“Don’t play dumb with me, Gonggong.”

Since he had started, he had to follow through to the end. Wei Changtian still looked straight at Li Huizhong, smiled lightly, and said:

“Since we’ve already said this much, I might as well make it even clearer.”

“On the 21st of October, the king summoned me to the king’s mansion and told me some things… I suppose you already know about this, Gonggong?”

“Heh heh.”

Li Huizhong took a sip of tea, neither confirming nor denying, and instead asked with a smile: “So how did you respond to the king back then?”


Wei Changtian shook his head: “You didn’t bring any officials to arrest me today, which means you already know my response then, right?”


Li Huizhong put down his teacup and finally shifted his gaze away from Wei Changtian for the first time.

“However, I have two things I don’t understand. Can you explain them to me, Gongzi?”

“Please ask, Gonggong.”

“Good, the first one is why you didn’t report the king’s intention to rebel to the court?”

Li Huizhong fluttered his sleeves, and his eyes seemed to be teasing.

But Wei Changtian didn’t even think about it and directly countered with a question: “Why should I report it to the court? What’s the connection between this matter and me?”

“The king’s intention to rebel is his attempt to seize the throne of Da Ning, regardless of success or failure, I won’t get any benefits. Why would I do something that’s not beneficial to me?”

“Moreover, if I reported this to the emperor, what if the king found out and wanted to take revenge on me?”

“What’s the point of doing something that only brings harm and no benefits?”

“Is that what the Emperor said?”


This series of rhetorical questions left Li Huai Zhong momentarily taken aback.

He had initially thought that Wei Chang Tian would come up with all sorts of excuses to explain why he wasn’t intentionally “fulfilling but not reporting”, but who would have thought that Wei Chang Tian was also straightforward, his words implying—

I’m intentionally not reporting, and you can do whatever you want, but I won’t get involved in this mess!

“Lord Wei is indeed a straightforward person.”

Li Huai Zhong quickly regained his composure, lightly clapping his hands and laughing: “But this means we’re even more unclear about the second matter.”

“Since you already know the King’s intention to rebel, why would you still want to marry Princess Rong An? Aren’t you afraid that once the rebellion is exposed, the Emperor will treat you as a traitor as well?”


Wei Chang Tian was surprised: “When did I say I wanted to marry the princess?”

“You just told me, Lord Wei.”

Li Huai Zhong looked deeply at Wei Chang Tian: “You said you had an agreement with the princess, that you would remove her scar, and she would……”

“Oh, that…”

Wei Chang Tian didn’t let Li Huai Zhong finish before interrupting with a wave of his hand: “Earlier, I said all that to deceive you, didn’t I?”


Wei Chang Tian’s words had a teasing tone, but Li Huai Zhong, after a brief pause, didn’t get angry and instead laughed, asking again in a high-pitched voice: “Hahaha, then please, Lord Wei, explain again why you wanted to remove the princess’s scar?”


Wei Chang Tian suddenly leaned back in his chair, even crossing his legs.

He smiled at the old eunuch beside him, who could take his life at any moment, his expression relaxed, but his words were extremely arrogant.

“Li Gong Gong, if I don’t say it, what can you do to me?”



After a brief silence, Li Huai Zhong’s laughter grew even louder, as if he had heard the most ridiculous joke in the world.

“Lord Wei, we can’t do anything to you, but it’s hard to say what the Emperor will think.”

“You killed Minister Liu last time, and Lord Wei handed over the two guards of the Xuanjing Bureau to save your life. If the Emperor thinks you’re intentionally rebelling this time, do you think the Xuanjing Bureau will still belong to the Wei family?”

“Li Gong Gong, you can’t say it like that. Who doesn’t have a few secrets they can’t reveal?”

Facing Li Huai Zhong’s blatant threat, Wei Chang Tian’s expression didn’t change: “Aren’t you the same, Gong Gong?”

“Your cultivation of the yin-yang technique has gone awry, and your realm has regressed. You’re now at the middle of the second rank, aren’t you……”

“Liu, the head of the Heavenly Machine Pavilion, gave you a rotten method, saying that sitting on the dragon throne for an hour every day could maintain your realm using the national fortune.”

“Tsk tsk tsk, you actually believed it, and every night, you’d rush to the Golden Palace to sit on the dragon throne…… I wonder if you’ve told the Emperor about this, Gong Gong?”


The blue and white ceramic teacup shattered into powder in an instant, and the tea water inside also burst out suddenly.

In the midst of the water mist, Li Huai Zhong suddenly sprang up, his eyes fixed on Wei Chang Tian, his turbid pupils revealing a killing intent.

However, Wei Chang Tian seemed completely unaware of this, still sitting calmly in his chair, continuing to speak:

“Gong Gong, I’m saying this without any other intention.”

“I just want to tell Gong Gong that since I don’t have any intention of rebelling, and I don’t know where the princess is, there’s no need to dig deeper into other matters.”

“Li Gong Gong……”

Wei Chang Tian raised his head, his voice very soft.

But when his last sentence drifted into Li Huai’s ears, it surprisingly made the old eunuch, who had reached the “mountain-crushing” realm, pause for a moment in his breathing.

“Is that what you mean, Lord Li?”

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