I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 152

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 152

The next morning.

Chu Xianping had already started handling the aftermath, while Wei Changtian took Yang Liu Shi on a carriage ride to the Ten Thousand Great Mountains.

He was going to meet the renowned, eight-hundred-year-old Demon King.

Wei Changtian would have preferred to deal with the Ning Yuke incident first, but Yang Liu Shi had already made an appointment with the Demon King, and he couldn’t possibly stand up a powerful demon like that.

“Speaking of the Demon King’s true form, what is it?”

Sitting in the slightly swaying carriage, Wei Changtian casually asked Yang Liu Shi, “Since the Demon King’s son in the Hanging Mirror Agency is a tiger, shouldn’t the Demon King be a tiger as well?”

“Hehehe, Lord Wei, you’re wrong.”

Yang Liu Shi covered her mouth and laughed, “Our Demon King is a transformed blue bird.”

“A blue bird?”

Wei Changtian was taken aback, and the first thought that came to his mind was the Fire Shadow Ninja, followed by the divine beast that delivered messages for the Queen Mother in the Shan Hai Jing.

However, these weren’t important; it was just a name, after all. Maybe there was a bird called the blue bird in this world.

The key was… how did a bird give birth to a tiger? Was it ignoring the concept of reproductive isolation?

Good grief, modern biological science was taking another hit.

Since the original work didn’t mention anything about the demon tribe except for the part where Xiao Feng helped Yang Liu Shi rescue the Demon King’s son, Wei Changtian could only ask Yang Liu Shi.

“A blue bird… is it a type of bird?”


Yang Liu Shi nodded, already guessing what Wei Changtian was wondering, and smiled as she explained, “Lord Wei, the blue bird may be a bird, but it’s a spirit born from heaven and earth, different from us.”

“What’s the difference?”

“Hmm… the Demon King descended from heaven and wasn’t born from an egg, and is independent of the world…”

“Wait, independent of the world? So, there’s only one blue bird Demon King in this world?”


“Then where did its son come from?”

“Of course, not born from its own body.”

Yangliu Shi replied, “The Demon King has five sons, each respectively being the Tiger, Lion, Leopard, Wolf, and Fox demons, who are actually the descendants of several major demon families.”

“For instance, the Tiger Demon Qiuchu, who is currently imprisoned in the Hanging Mirror Prison of the Demon-Suppressing Division, is the eldest son of the Black Tiger clan from Mount Wumong.”


Has Qiuchu been released?

Wei Changtian suddenly recalled the original settings and their relationship with this world, but he didn’t bother to dwell on those details.

After thinking for a while, he asked Yangliu Shi again.

“So, are you from the Fox Demon clan among them?”

“Yes, I’m a junior member of the White Fox clan from Mount Qingqiu, and my brother is also the Demon King’s fifth son.”


Wei Changtian couldn’t help but laugh, teasing, “So, that means you’re also a member of the imperial family?”

“Master, please don’t mock me ~”

Yangliu Shi pouted, saying, “The demon tribe only occupies a small area of the Ten Thousand Great Mountains, and it’s already difficult to survive; where did this ‘imperial family’ come from?”

“You can’t say that; don’t you still have a Demon King?”

“Yes, but the Demon King and the human emperor are actually different…”

Yangliu Shi softly explained some details about the demon tribe to Wei Changtian, as the carriage sped along the official road, soon passing by the Smoking Cloud Mountain, which hid the ancient sword repair cave.

The Smoking Cloud Mountain, rarely visited by humans, remained unchanged, with its strange rocks and yellow leaves.

However, Wei Changtian probably never expected that, at this moment, Xiao Feng was actually walking through the mountain forest, seemingly getting closer to the mountain cave.


“Master, this time the Xuantian Assembly might…”

By a small creek, Xiao Feng was wiping his hands with a handkerchief, holding the Xuantian Sword, while the man beside him looked exhausted, with worn-out clothes.

They had been hiding in the Smoking Cloud Mountain for three days, eating and sleeping rough, but the most difficult thing was the state of anxiety.

Although they had escaped the imperial court’s extermination of the Xuantian Assembly, they were still worried about their future.

“Master, can’t we just go back to the capital?”

“Go back to the capital? Where can we go back to?”

Xiao Feng stood up from the creek, putting the Xuantian Sword back into its scabbard.

“Do you think, Brother Ren, that only the Xuantian Assembly in Shu Province is in trouble?”

“Ah? Master, do you mean…”

“Assassinating the Crown Prince; since the imperial court has accused us of this crime…”

Xiao Feng sighed, shaking his head: “I estimate it won’t take long for the Xuantian Assembly to be completely eradicated from the martial arts world.”


The big man’s face turned pale: “Then, what should we do?”

“Sigh, we can only take it one step at a time.”

Xiao Feng let out a sigh, but his thinking was still clear: “We’ll hide in the Smoking Cloud Mountain for a while longer, and then return to Shu Province City after the storm passes.”

“Previously, I helped the Qiao family with a favor, so I believe they should be willing to temporarily provide us with a place to stay.”

“The Qiao family?”

The big man was taken aback: “Is it the Qiao family that sells grains?”


Xiao Feng nodded, walking and explaining, “The Qiao family’s influence in Shu Province is not weak, and they should be able to keep us safe.”

“As for what to do in the future, whether to stay in Shu Province or go elsewhere… I’ll think about it after I kill Wei Changtian.”

“I’ll listen to Master’s orders…”


The murmurs gradually faded away, soon disappearing completely into the dense forest.

However, neither of them noticed that there was a hidden cave in the mountains, not far from where they had just rested.

The cave was square in shape, with a white stone resembling a long sword at its entrance.



【Plot development detected】

【Reward system points: 200】


In the carriage, the sudden system prompt startled Wei Changtian.

At first, he thought he was hallucinating, but after repeatedly confirming that his system points had indeed increased from 230 to 430, he realized it was real.

What did I do?

Where did these system points come from?

Wei Changtian was bewildered, both surprised and delighted to have mysteriously earned 200 points.

200 points, that’s a major plot twist!

Previously, capturing Chu Xianping was worth 200 points, and killing Liu Yuanshan was only 300 points……

So what exactly happened?

Did Ning Yuke die?

No, Ning Yuke wasn’t even a character in the original story.

Did Xiao Feng die?

That’s not possible either. If Xiao Feng had died, the reward would have been at least a few thousand points.

Did Lu Jingyao die?

Hmm…there’s a possibility. I’ll write a letter to ask when I get back.

Wei Changtian pondered for a while but couldn’t figure it out. When he looked up, he saw Yang Liushi gazing at him curiously.

“What were you thinking just now, Young Master?”

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Her voice was soft, with a hint of reproach.

“Ah, nothing.”

Wei Changtian shook his head, unaffected by the sudden interruption.

“Let’s continue!”


The galloping horse carriage swayed violently.

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