I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 153

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 153

Training along the way, learning about the demon tribe’s situation.

Two days later, Wei Changtian finally arrived at the outskirts of the renowned Southwest Ten Thousand Great Mountains.

Since it’s called Ten Thousand Great Mountains, it’s not a single mountain, but a continuous mountain range.

Of course, ten thousand peaks are an exaggeration, but there are probably over a thousand large and small mountain peaks.

The Ten Thousand Great Mountains are located at the southernmost tip of Shu State, stretching over a thousand miles from east to west, spanning the two countries of Da Ning and Da Li. Legend has it that they were formed from the corpse of an ancient divine dragon, and the peak before Wei Changtian was the location of the dragon’s head.

“Tsk tsk tsk.”

Gazing at the towering peak in the distance, Wei Changtian clicked his tongue, thinking that the Blue Bird Demon King was quite considerate, having deliberately arranged their meeting place at the outskirts of the Ten Thousand Great Mountains for his convenience.

Otherwise, letting him “venture deep” into the lair of the demon tribe alone would be a bit daunting, even with a second-rate expert by his side.

No mistake, to prevent any unexpected events, Wei Changtian directly called Qin Zhengqiu over.

After all, this demon king had eight hundred years of cultivation, equivalent to at least a second-rate realm in human terms. If he didn’t have any guarantees, what if something went wrong? Wouldn’t that be “asking for trouble”?

“Changtian, what’s the purpose of your visit to the demon king this time?”

On the side, Qin Zhengqiu couldn’t help but ask, “Could it be related to that Xiaofeng?”

Ever since Wei Changtian left the Heavenly Net Sect last time, this old man had been waiting for news, preparing to take action at any moment to get rid of that Xiaofeng who was competing with his grandson for opportunities.

But Wei Changtian hadn’t sent any news for half a month, and now he was asking Qin Zhengqiu to come out and play the role of a bodyguard.

In fact, Wei Changtian’s meeting with the demon king was originally quite unimaginable.

But unfortunately, with precedents like “Walking Through the Heavenly Road” and “Meeting Immortals in Dreams”, Qin Zhengqiu only felt that the current situation wasn’t worth getting too worked up about.

His grandson was going to become an immortal in the future, so getting to know a few demon kings and preparing a few mounts for when he ascended to immortality wasn’t unusual, was it?

“Grandpa, this has nothing to do with Xiaofeng.”

On the other side, Wei Changtian didn’t know about Qin Zhengqiu’s rich inner thoughts and shook his head to explain, “But it’s related to my cultivation.”

“Ah? Related to cultivation?”


Wei Changtian didn’t hide it either: “Do you still remember what I said last time about entering the fourth rank within half a year?”

“Of course, I remember.”

“I came to see the demon king to get its help in achieving this.”

“I see.”

Qin Zhengqiu was puzzled about the connection between cultivation and the demon tribe, but he didn’t ask further, only nodding to promise, “When the time comes, you can ask the demon king to do whatever you want, and if it doesn’t agree, I’ll beat it until it does.”

“No big deal, I’ll just kill it and find another obedient demon king!”


Good grief, was this old man so confident in his own strength?

Although he was indeed the number one warrior in the Da Ning region on the surface, there were actually several others who were stronger than him in secret!

Wei Changtian barely restrained himself from revealing the plot and striking Qin Zhengqiu, and could only advise, “Grandpa, a demon king is really nothing to you.”

“But this is the Ten Thousand Great Mountains, and what if the demon king doesn’t follow the rules and summons its subordinates to surround us? We might suffer a great loss!”

“Hahaha! What’s there to fear?”

Qin Zhengqiu laughed heartily, stroking his beard and looking up at the sky: “You’re the son of fate, and with the heavens’ blessings, even if the demon tribe uses all its strength, it can’t do anything to us!”

Wei Changtian: “Hehe……”

Could you please not rely on the heavens’ blessings?

It’s already good enough if the heavens don’t intentionally create obstacles for me!

Wei Changtian was speechless in his heart, but fortunately, Qin Zhengqiu didn’t get too carried away and lost his senses, and after laughing for a while, he finally said a somewhat rational sentence.

“Cough, of course, it’s always better to be cautious, Changtian. You should have a good talk with the demon king.”

“Yes, grandson knows……”

Wei Changtian let out a sigh of relief, but before he could finish speaking, Qin Zhengqiu added:

“If the talk doesn’t work out, I’ll take action!”


The Tongtian Peak, as the “dragon head” of the Ten Thousand Great Mountains, naturally had the most majestic momentum.

The angle of the mountain walls was almost vertical, and the harsh environment made it so that only one type of plant could grow on the entire mountain, apart from weeds.

That was the towering pine trees rooted in the stone crevices.

These pine trees were majestic and towering, with a hint of spiritual energy lingering around them, making it seem like even plants could become sentient beings.


Under Yang Liu’s lead, Wei Changtian and Qin Zhengqiu were rapidly climbing up the steep cliff, their footsteps as light as if they were walking on flat ground.

Wei Changtian didn’t feel anything out of the ordinary, as his footwork had already reached a small level of perfection, allowing him to walk on water without using his inner strength, let alone climb a mountain.

However, Qin Zhengqiu was shocked once again.

Such agility, he could see that it was extraordinary… at the very least, better than his own.

He recalled Wei Changtian’s previous performance of “One Sword Cutting Water”…


Qin Zhengqiu took another step forward, his heart filled with admiration—

The skills he had learned were indeed formidable, and his grandson was truly a person with great fate!


An hour later, they reached the peak of Tongtian Mountain.

The ancients often said that when you reach the top, you can see all the surrounding mountains.

However, Du Fu probably didn’t know what the view was like when he wrote that poem on top of Mount Tai.

It was like Wei Changtian’s current situation, where all he could see were endless rolling clouds, with no “surrounding mountains” in sight.

Was this like flying in an airplane?

Was the altitude already higher than Mount Everest?

Fortunately, they were cultivators; ordinary people would probably suffer from altitude sickness.

Wei Changtian shook his head, surveying the barren mountaintop, his gaze quickly locking onto a small pavilion standing on a giant rock in the distance.

And inside the pavilion, a woman in a white dress was standing with her back to them, facing the wind.

Without a doubt, this was the Demon King.

But the question was… was the Demon King a woman?

Wei Changtian suddenly realized he might have made an experiential mistake, just as he was about to ask Yang Liu for confirmation, the woman in white slowly turned around.

Her white dress was like snow, her long hair like ink, extraordinary and otherworldly, beautiful like an illusion…


Wei Changtian and Qin Zhengqiu almost simultaneously swallowed their saliva, their eyes fixed on her in a daze.

This was a beauty that was hard to describe with words, with a hint of a goddess’s aura.

Wei Changtian had always thought that Yang Liu was the pinnacle of beauty, as he had seen many beautiful women but none could surpass her.

But compared to the Demon King in the distance…

Damn, if he could get his hands on her……

Wait! Be more careful!

What if this wasn’t the Demon King, but the Demon King’s woman or something?

Wei Changtian quickly snapped out of it, whispering to Yang Liu.

“Is this woman the Demon King?”

“Yes, it’s the Demon King.”

This answer made Wei Changtian feel a thrill of excitement, but before he could even react, Yang Liu continued to remind him:

“But, young master, the Demon King is not a woman.”

“What? Not a woman?”

Wei Changtian was as if struck by lightning, his voice trembling in despair: “Damn it! So beautiful, and it’s a man?!”

He had thought encountering a “male beauty” was already hopeless, but he never expected……

“Young master, the Demon King… is not a man either.”


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