I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 154

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 154

“Also not a guy???”

Wei Changtian and Qin Zhengqiu almost simultaneously exclaimed this sentence.

The former was doubting the Demon King’s gender, while the latter had some regrets.

It seemed that his future mount was only “rideable” but not “ridable”!

What a pity, it was indeed a pity!

“Master, Qin Zhengqiu……”

On the other side, Yang Liu Shi was somewhat speechless towards the two people’s reactions.

As a fox spirit, she might never truly understand human men’s interest in beauties, but she still quietly explained:

“The Demon King is a transformation of the Blue Bird, born from the heavens and earth, naturally without male or female distinction… only preferring to show a feminine appearance.”

“No male or female distinction……”

Wei Changtian’s tone paused, with a curious spirit, and asked further, “Then is it a hermaphrodite or neither male nor female?”


Yang Liu Shi took a deep breath: “I don’t know… Master, why don’t you ask the Demon King yourself?”

“That’s still not necessary.”

Wei Changtian waved his hand, saying he wasn’t stupid, then gathered his thoughts, adjusted his clothes, and walked towards the small pavilion.

The figure in the pavilion was getting closer, and that peerless face was becoming increasingly clear.

From noble mtl dot come

However, Wei Changtian and Qin Zhengqiu’s expressions were both very calm, clearly having become more tranquil after learning the “truth.”

“I am Wei Changtian, nice to meet you, Demon King.”

Standing in front of the Demon King, Wei Changtian bowed slightly, then turned to introduce, “This is my grandfather, the leader of the Heavenly Net Sect.”

“Ah, I’m Qin.”

Qin Zhengqiu had his hands behind his back, looking very pretentious, but his eyes were cautious, probably estimating the Demon King’s combat power.

“Wei Changtian, Qin Zhengqiu……”

Across from them, the cherry-like, tender, and red lips slightly opened, and the voice was like a heavenly sound from beyond the nine heavens.

“I have no surname, and I named myself Qing Qian.”

Qing Qian?

Hearing this soft and gentle voice, Wei Changtian’s bones turned soft, thinking that this Demon King was quite easy to talk to.

But just as he was about to make some small talk, he heard Qing Qian ask:

“Wei Changtian, do you know what you and Qin Zhengqiu were saying earlier? It seemed to be related to me?”


Wei Changtian hesitated slightly, wanting to casually brush it off: “I haven’t seen the world, and earlier I saw the Demon King’s true form, so I was startled and praised you a few times.”


Qing Qian laughed, then asked: “Then why, now that you’re closer to me, don’t I see any surprise on your face?”


Haha, why don’t you have any shame?

Wei Changtian was about to speak, but Qin Zhengqiu took a step ahead and opened his mouth.

“You’re asking too many questions.”


The beautiful eyes slightly narrowed, Qing Qian turned to look at Qin Zhengqiu: “I don’t know what Qin Zhengqiu means by this.”

Qin Zhengqiu’s unyielding gaze shot back: “No big deal, just be more polite when speaking with my grandson.”

“Ha ha ha, Qin Master, this is in the Ten Thousand Great Mountains, if I…”

“You can try your best.”


The two didn’t speak again, and after a brief pause, they simultaneously unleashed a palm strike, clashing in mid-air without warning.


Like a level 10 gale, the surging energy waves centered around the pavilion suddenly rolled out in all directions, sweeping up countless pebbles, and even tearing apart the cloud sea beneath their feet, revealing the hidden mountains below.

Good grief! Is this the power of a second-rank expert?

This sudden turn of events shocked both Wei Changtian and Yang Liushi.

Affected by the energy wave, the latter retreated three or four steps before stabilizing himself, while Wei Changtian remained unmoved, but a wave of turmoil stirred in his heart.

He didn’t know how much strength the two had used in their palm strike, but the current scene was enough to shock him.

More importantly, why did the two of them resort to violence at the slightest disagreement?

Wei Changtian had seen third-rank and even second-rank experts before, like Li Huizhong, who had visited him two days ago.

But even when the old eunuch was enraged, he didn’t directly strike out with a palm, so why were Qin Zhengqiu and Qing Xian so aggressive?

Could it be…

As he looked at the two, Wei Changtian suddenly had an epiphany.

The top experts he had seen before usually had complicated backgrounds and interests, making them cautious in their words and actions, and unlikely to resort to violence easily.

But Qin Zhengqiu and Qing Xian were different.

One was the Demon Sect Master, and the other was the Demon King, originally unconstrained by worldly rules and conventions, with a style that could be described as “doing as they pleased.”

Of course, this didn’t mean they only solved problems through violence.

Want to sit and talk with me? You can, but you need to prove you have the qualifications to do so first.


Thinking this, Wei Changtian couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief, feeling lucky to have brought Qin Zhengqiu along, or else he would have suffered a great loss.

“Qin Master, impressive skills!”

On the other side, after the energy wave dissipated, Qing Xian spoke up calmly.

Her expression was as usual, but upon close inspection, a hint of trepidation could be seen.

Qin Zhengqiu’s expression, on the other hand, was slightly arrogant, likely because he had gained the upper hand in their palm strike.

“You’re not bad either, it seems you haven’t lived in vain for 800 years.”


Qin Zhengqiu’s words were clearly laced with condescension, but Qing Xian didn’t retort, only pointing to the stone bench inside the pavilion.

“Qin Master, Lord Wei, let’s sit and talk.”


Wei Changtian bowed and sat down, glancing at Qin Zhengqiu before suddenly realizing a phrase in his heart—

The weak will never have the right to truly converse with the strong.


The cold wind howled, and the cloud sea beneath their feet had already begun to churn and close up again.

Unaware what kind of stone the Eight Immortals’ table was made of, three people sat around it, with only Yang Liushi standing to the side, her black hair swaying in the wind.

The table was empty, with no tea, fruit, or warm wine.

From this aspect, the Demon tribe’s etiquette was still quite different from that of humans.

However, Wei Changtian wasn’t here to drink tea, so he didn’t care about these details. After a few simple pleasantries, he got straight to the point.

“Your Majesty, I heard from Liu Shi that you have a son who is currently being held in the Demon-Subduing Bureau’s prison?”


Qing Xuan’s expression remained unchanged as she asked lightly, “Did you come to find me, Wei Gongzi, for his sake?”

“That’s correct.”

Wei Changtian nodded, directly answering, “I can rescue him from prison.”


Qing Xuan tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, her movements as elegant as a celestial being who didn’t eat mortal food.

She lowered her eyelids, not asking how Wei Changtian would accomplish this, but instead softly laughed and asked, “I wonder what you want from me in return, Gongzi?”

“I want what Your Majesty possesses the most.”

Wei Changtian’s face remained unchanged as he paused for a moment before uttering a single word.


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