I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 155

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 155


Not only Qing Xuan, but even Qin Zhengqiu and Yang Liushi didn’t expect Wei Changtian to propose such a condition.

Want demons from the Demon King?

What for?

“Wei Gongzi…”

Qing Xuan furrowed her brow, asking uncertainly, “Could you please explain further? What do you plan to do?”

“I want demons, Your Majesty.”

Wei Changtian calmly replied, “Above thirty years of cultivation, below fifty years, one every three days, for a total of one hundred twenty demons over the course of a year.”

“As for what I want to do with these demons…”

He looked up at Qing Xuan’s tightly furrowed brows and smiled, honestly answering.

“Kill them, of course.”


Requesting the Demon King to send demons for him to kill was undoubtedly an excessive demand, but it wasn’t beyond what Qing Xuan could accept.

After all, those demons that hadn’t taken shape yet were beyond her control, and she didn’t care about their lives or deaths.


“Wei Gongzi, this isn’t impossible.”

Qing Xuan pondered for a moment before asking, “But I wonder, why do you need to kill so many demons?”

“That’s not for Your Majesty to worry about.”

With Qin Zhengqiu backing him up, Wei Changtian’s tone was firm: “A hundred or so demons below fifty years of cultivation are nothing to you.”

“But rescuing a powerful demon from the Demon-Subduing Bureau’s prison isn’t something just anyone can do.”

“I believe Your Majesty won’t fail to understand this.”


Another brief moment of silence.

If it weren’t for Qin Zhengqiu, Qing Xuan would definitely have asked for a reason, but now…

“Very well, since that’s the case, I won’t ask.”

Nodding, Qing Xuan said seriously, “I agree to your request, Gongzi.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty.”

Wei Changtian’s calm and collected gesture hid his slight excitement.

He had been thinking about how to quickly improve his cultivation level and still believed that relying on the divine ability “Demon Absorption” to absorb the cultivation of demons was the most reliable method.

However, he wasn’t Xiao Feng, and without the Demon-Sensing Disk, it was difficult to find demons, making the source of his “experience points” unstable.

So, he came up with this plan.

Every three days, a demon would be delivered to his doorstep, basically ensuring that “Demon Absorption” was always running at full capacity. If he persisted for a year… hmm, he wouldn’t say he’d directly reach the third rank, but reaching the peak of the fourth rank shouldn’t be a problem!


Wei Changtian instantly stopped envying Xiao Feng.

What’s the point of being able to find demons? As a “high-ranking, wealthy, and handsome” idol like him, demons would voluntarily deliver themselves to his doorstep!


Later, Wei Changtian discussed the “cooperation” details with Qing Xuan.

Wei Changtian promised to rescue Qiong Qi within half a year, and Qing Xuan guaranteed that she would send the first demon to the outskirts of Shu State City’s Yi Yun Mountain in five days.

After all, having demons “delivered to the doorstep” wasn’t realistic, as it would attract too much attention. It was better to arrange the “delivery” location outside the city.

From noble mtl dot come

Having settled this matter, Wei Changtian’s main purpose for this trip was achieved. However, he still had a small favor to ask.

Glancing at Yang Liu Shi, who stood beside him, he suddenly added:

“Your Majesty, I have another request.”

“Please, Wei Gongzi, speak freely.”

Since they had established a preliminary cooperative relationship, Qing Xuan’s tone was more relaxed now.

She noticed Wei Changtian’s gaze and couldn’t help but laugh: “I suppose this matter concerns Yang Liu Shi?”


Wei Changtian didn’t hesitate, and under Yang Liu Shi’s surprised gaze, he pulled out a small jade box from his sleeve.

The box opened, revealing a glittering golden dagger inside.

“Your Majesty, I’m sure you’re aware of my relationship with Yang Liu Shi.”

“I do. I intend to take her as my concubine, and I ask for your permission.”

“Yang Liu Shi once told me that there are no such formalities in the demon tribe, but I want to consider it more thoroughly. This dagger is called Falling Leaf, forged from dark gold. I hope Your Majesty will accept it as a betrothal gift.”


The cold wind howled, blowing their clothes and skirts.

After Wei Changtian finished speaking, not only Qing Xuan was stunned, but Yang Liu Shi was also frozen in shock.

She never expected Wei Changtian’s second request to be about this!

Last time, she had caused a big fuss when she returned from the Ten Thousand Great Mountains, and Wei Changtian had seemed extremely cold back then.

Yang Liu Shi didn’t say anything, but she was actually very disappointed in her heart.

She thought Wei Changtian only saw her as a plaything and never considered marrying her.

But who knew…

A pair of big, foolish eyes stared at Wei Changtian, and Yang Liu Shi’s eyes suddenly welled up with tears.

Meanwhile, Wei Changtian’s calm exterior hid his inner excitement. If there weren’t so many people present, he would have burst into laughter.


【Plot twist detected】

【Reward system points: 200】

Another 200 points added to his account!

The always “disobedient” Yang Liu Shi finally surrendered, just like Lu Jing Yao!

He didn’t expect such an unexpected gain, Wei Changtian thought.

The reason he said this today was mainly because he felt indebted to Yang Liu Shi.

To be fair, Yang Liu Shi was the woman who had helped him the most so far.

Whether it was the previous design of Xiao Feng or following him to Shu Zhou without hesitation, or even now, using her to connect with the Demon King.

Even in their daily “training” routines…

Yang Liu Shi had always been obedient to his commands, but his attitude towards her was not much better than towards Lu Jing Yao.

Although Wei Changtian had transmigrated into the body of an antagonist, he had done many “antagonistic” things out of necessity, but that didn’t mean his values only consisted of “utilization,” “deception,” and “manipulation.”

So he made this promise to Yang Liu Shi in front of Qing Xian.

As for the “Falling Leaf” dagger, it was originally meant to be a gift for the Demon King, but Qin Zhengqiu’s strong performance had rendered it unnecessary.

“It’s not easy for Master Wei to make such a move…”

Qing Xian gazed deeply at Wei Changtian, then closed the jade box and turned to look at Yang Liu Shi, whose eyes were red from crying.

“Yang Liu Shi, take a seat.”

“Thank you, Demon King…”

Yang Liu Shi wiped away her tears and sat down at the octagonal table for the first time.

She stole a glance at Wei Changtian, her small hands clenched tightly.


Qing Xian looked at her expression, shook his head helplessly, and turned his gaze to Wei Changtian.

“Master Wei, although our demon tribe doesn’t value etiquette, we do know the principle of reciprocity.”

“I’ve accepted this dagger, so you can ask for any heavenly materials or treasures you want, and I’ll consider it as a dowry for Yang Liu Shi.”


Wei Changtian’s breath caught.

If it were Xiao Feng, he would definitely say something like “I already have Yang Liu Shi, that’s enough.”

But… not taking advantage of an opportunity wasn’t being foolish, was it?!

“Since the Demon King has spoken, I won’t be polite!”

“Jade marrow, purple ape flowers, heavenly spirit fruits, seven-star grass, mystical ice flowers, and nine-turn spirit ginseng…”

Qing Xian: “??”

Yang Liu Shi: “??”

Qin Zhengqiu: “Good! Grandson, you can also take the Bodhi flowers and heavenly bamboo, and by the way, you can have some of the wooden butterflies, I have a great use for them…”

Wei Changtian: “???”

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