I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 159

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 159

The next morning.

After breakfast, Wei Changtian took Yang Liushi out, changing horses twice in the city before heading out of town towards Yunyun Mountain.

Today was the day he had agreed to meet Qingxuan for the first “delivery,” marking the beginning of Wei Changtian’s “rapid rise” journey.

“Master, what’s the point of bringing so many demonic beasts to meet the Demon King?”

Yang Liushi asked with a smile, “Can’t you tell me either?”

“Too many questions. You’ll know when we get there.”

Wei Changtian rolled his eyes, finding Yang Liushi’s intimate attitude quite annoying.

Ever since that day they returned from the Ten Thousand Great Mountains, this fox’s “master complex” had grown more pronounced, always wanting to dig up the roots of everything he did.

However, Yang Liushi was indeed one of the few people who knew his secrets, and with the system’s “backing,” Wei Changtian wasn’t planning to keep the “demon-catching” business from her.

After all, I’ll be coming here every three days, and when I have something to attend to, I’ll have to rely on Yang Liu Shi to “receive goods” alone, so there’s no point in hiding it.

“By the way, why are you dressed like that today?”

Glancing at Yang Liu Shi’s pure white dress, Wei Chang Tian casually changed the subject: “Didn’t you used to wear red clothes all the time?”

“Hehehe, the young master has noticed.”

Yang Liu Shi happily sat back a bit, as if she wanted Wei Chang Tian to see her from every angle.

“As I’m about to become someone’s wife, I naturally can’t dress as provocatively as before.”

“Do you like this dress, young master?”


Looking at Yang Liu Shi’s overall style, which had changed from “bewitching” to “pure and innocent”, Wei Chang Tian nodded ambiguously.

“Not bad.”

“Can I wear this from now on?”

“Wear whatever you like.”

“Young master, how can you say that? I dress for your sake, don’t I?”

“Then don’t wear anything at all.”

“……You’re really annoying, young master. You even told me to wrap my legs with black gauze before……”

“Cough! Stop it!”


An hour later.

The horse carriage slowly stopped at the foot of the Smoky Cloud Mountain, and Wei Chang Tian and Yang Liu Shi got out of the carriage, walking along the trail trodden by wild beasts for another quarter of an hour before arriving at an open area where they saw a strong man with several pieces of tiger skin tied to his body.

The strong man had a sturdy build, a slightly protruding nose, and could be identified as a bear demon at first glance.

By his feet was a five-colored, double-tailed evil wolf.

“Is the person coming here the Young Master Wei?”

The bear demon, transformed into a man, let out a loud shout, his eyes filled with caution.

“That’s me!”

Wei Chang Tian responded, simultaneously pulling out a peculiarly shaped white jade from his bosom and tossing it over.

This was the token given to him by Qing Xian.


From noble mtl dot come

The strong man caught the white jade, seemingly a bit dull-witted, and only nodded after observing it for a while before tossing it back.

“Good, since that’s the case, I’ll hand over this wolf demon to you, Young Master Bai. I’ll wait for you at the same time three days later.”


Wei Chang Tian’s face turned somewhat strange as he reminded him, “My surname is Wei……”

“Ah, yes! Young Master Wei!”

The strong man scratched his head, looking a bit embarrassed, and said “I’ll leave first, Young Master Bai” before turning around and disappearing into the forest.


Wei Chang Tian stared blankly at the spot where the strong man had vanished, remaining silent for a while before turning to look at Yang Liu Shi, who was unfazed.

“How did your Demon King send such an idiot?”

“Young master, this is already considered not bad……”

Yang Liu Shi explained in a low voice, “There are even more foolish ones in the demon tribe.”

Wei Chang Tian was somewhat surprised: “More foolish? That’s not directly being an idiot, is it?”


Yang Liu Po hadn’t heard of this phrase, but she roughly guessed its meaning and couldn’t help but cover her mouth and laugh: “Young master, although the demon beast’s transformation makes it look like a human, its spiritual intelligence is still inferior to that of humans.”


Wei Chang Tian nodded, looking at Yang Liu Po with a hint of a smile.

The latter immediately reacted, her face flushing as she argued: “I’m a fox spirit, naturally I’m different from those stupid bears.”


Wei Chang Tian laughed heartily, and at the same time, the double-tailed wolf beast that was tied up let out a low, angry growl.


The leaves trembled, and the birds flew away in surprise.

Good grief, you almost forgot about the flirting.

“You wait here and use your illusion to cover everything around us.”

After giving Yang Liu Po instructions, Wei Chang Tian slowly repressed his smile and walked towards the wolf beast, his dragon-roaring sword at the ready.

The wolf beast was bound by a brown vine, and although it struggled fiercely, the delicate vine showed no signs of breaking.

It was probably another product of the Ten Thousand Great Mountains, and it would be a waste not to bring it back.

Wei Chang Tian’s peasant instincts kicked in, and to ensure the vine’s integrity, he observed the wolf beast for a while before finally finding a suitable spot to strike, and then swiftly cut the vine with his sword.



Accompanied by the crisp sound of the vine breaking and the wolf beast’s terrified howl, the double-tailed wolf beast jumped back several feet, its bright red eyes fixed on Wei Chang Tian, its back arched high, and its fur standing on end.

If it were the Wei Chang Tian from when he first crossed over, he would have probably turned around and fled in fear at the sight.

But things were different now. Today, he wanted to easily kill this wolf beast that was less than fifty years old in cultivation.

If he wanted to do it quickly, one sword strike would be enough.

However, Wei Chang Tian wanted to test his newly acquired divine power…

“Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh!”

A series of breaking air sounds suddenly erupted.

Yang Liu Po’s eyes widened in shock, watching as sword after sword flew out of Wei Chang Tian’s waist sword sheath, their tips hovering in mid-air, motionless.

If she weren’t familiar with illusions, she would have definitely thought this was an illusion.

“This, this…”

Yang Liu Po’s mouth opened and closed, while the wolf beast also instinctively retreated a few steps, looking like it was preparing to escape.

But how could Wei Chang Tian possibly let it escape?

“Swish! Swish swish swish!”

The suspended swords suddenly moved, dozens of cold lights flashing, almost instantly surrounding the wolf beast from all directions and completely sealing off its escape routes.

Then, in the next moment, a flurry of attacks rained down, stabbing, slashing, and chopping towards the wolf beast.


The desperate roars grew louder, the sound of claws and metal clashing incessantly.

Wei Chang Tian stood still, unmoving, while Yang Liu Po watched in increasing shock.

The visual impact was only one aspect.

After all, a four-star martial artist who had reached the “heart follows the mind” level could also achieve this.

Once they entered the four-star level, their control over their inner power would rise to a new level, making the so-called “sword-controlling technique” possible.

But Yang Liu Po was shocked because she knew that Wei Chang Tian’s abilities went beyond mere “sword-controlling technique”…

No one could simultaneously control twenty flying swords and perform such fine manipulation.

The current scene only gave her one feeling—

It was as if the twenty swords dancing in the air were being held by twenty invisible, yet real, people.

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