I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 16

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 16

Five days later.

Xuanjing Bureau, Performance Hall.

Early in the morning, over a hundred people were already waiting at the door, their eyes fixed on the entrance, not daring to breathe.

The atmosphere was similar to that of elderly people waiting at a supermarket door, ready to grab discounted eggs.

A few sparrows perched on the branches, watching the scene, and just as they were about to preen their feathers, they were startled by the sudden shouts and cheers.

“He’s here! Young Master Wei is here again today!”

“Finally! I was so scared to death!”

“Ah ah ah! Lord Wei! I must challenge you to a fight today!”

“Look at me! Look at me!”

“Quick! Go grab the sign!”

“Heaven bless us! We must get the sign today!”


The excited crowd surged forward, surrounding Wei Changtian and Wang Er, recreating a classic fan scene from their past lives.

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“Don’t push! Don’t push!”

Wang Er, with a helpless expression, blocked in front of Wei Changtian, pulling out a签筒 (a wooden tube for drawing lots) from a cloth bag, and the bamboo slips inside were quickly snatched away.

The sounds of wailing and laughter erupted simultaneously, with some rejoicing and others despairing.

“Hahaha! I got the red sign! Heaven has finally opened its eyes! It’s finally my turn!”

“Damn it! I didn’t get it again!”

“Brother, I’ll give you fifty taels for the sign in your hand. How about it?”

“No sale! I’m just one achievement away from promotion, go find someone else.”


Those who drew the red sign were overjoyed, while those who didn’t were initially disappointed but eventually accepted reality, rummaging through their pockets for silver coins and squeezing towards another person.

“Brother Liu! How’s the betting going?”

“Gentlemen! Today, as usual, it’s about whether Young Master Wei can win one out of ten matches!”

The person surrounded in the middle wore a badge resembling a cicada, indicating that he was an official at the betting station.

He held up a wooden board and shouted loudly:

“Those who bet on ‘can’ win ten times the stake! Those who bet on ‘cannot’ win twelve times the stake!”

“The former has no betting limit! The latter will receive a total of two hundred taels! First come, first…”


Before he could finish, the crowd rushed forward, competing to hand over their silver coins.

“Cannot, five taels!”

“Cannot, three taels two coins!”

“Cannot, ten taels!”


The uniform “cannot” voices echoed, quickly adding up to the total of two hundred taels.

Although there were a few who attempted to make a big bet with a small one, adding up to only two taels and eight coins.

No wonder everyone didn’t have high hopes for Wei Changtian.

After all, his “fifty consecutive losses” record in the past five days was quite “dazzling”.

It was unknown if there would be any newcomers, but being unmatched in the past was indeed achieved.

What’s the logic in not taking advantage of this opportunity?

However, facing all this, “ATM” Wei Changtian himself didn’t have much of a reaction.

Or maybe he had already gotten used to it.

He just glanced over and walked straight towards the second ring, with Wang Er following behind, taking out ten silver tickets worth fifty taels each, ready to “pay up” at any moment.

But neither of them noticed that just as they walked away, a majestic and elegant woman suddenly approached the person who opened the betting table.

She wore a standard black uniform, with a red ribbon tied in her long hair, and had a slender yet toned figure.

Although her eyebrows and eyes were beautiful, one glance told you she wasn’t the kind of delicate flower like Lu Jingyao who didn’t have the strength to truss a chicken.

“Xu General Flag? You want to play a hand too?”

The person who opened the betting table’s eyes lit up, but he didn’t dare to look directly at the woman, instead lowering his head and saying regretfully, “Ah, you’re too late, now you can only bet on Young Master Wei winning.”

“I’m betting on him winning one round today.”

The woman smiled slightly, taking out a pouch of money and tossing it over: “I’ll go all in.”

“How much is this?”

“Thirty taels.”



The stone table surface was covered in dust as Wei Changtian fell to the ground again, looking extremely pathetic.

His opponent didn’t continue to attack, saying “I apologize” before jumping down from the ring, then happily taking the silver tickets from Wang Er’s hand.

As they watched him leave, Wang Er picked up a small knife and carved another mark on the wooden board beside the ring.

There were already eleven “positive” marks, plus three strokes, after the “loss” character.

The “win” character, however, remained empty.

Fifty-eight consecutive losses, Wei Changtian was now refreshing his own record by one more every time he fought.

……It was unknown when the young master would finally win a round.

Wang Er felt a bit helpless, but was also somewhat surprised.

He was Wei Changtian’s servant, as well as a deadly warrior trained by the Wei family since childhood.

Not only was his cultivation level not low, but his rich experience in life-and-death battles also allowed him to see through a person’s skills at a glance.

Although Wei Changtian’s moves were still immature, compared to five days ago, he had undergone a tremendous change.

From his reaction speed to the rationality of his moves, to his inner energy usage… these changes were obvious, but not sudden, rather a gradual improvement every day.

This was normal, but the problem was… the progress was too rapid.

Even the most talented martial artists Wang Er had seen might not be able to keep up with Wei Changtian’s pace.

Could it be that his young master was a once-in-a-century genius?

After all, his parents were top-notch experts in the world, so it was possible for their son to have exceptional talent.

It was just a pity that he started a bit late…

Wang Er was lost in thought as he helped Wei Changtian up from the ground.

“Young Master, there are still two rounds left, do you want to take a break before continuing?”


Wei Changtian took a few deep breaths, then took two red and white dan pills from Wang Er, popping them into his mouth like candy and swallowing them directly.

The red one is the Rejuvenation Pill to restore inner energy, and the white one is the Revival Pill to restore vital energy.

With just these two pills, they could sell for fifty to sixty taels on the market, while Wei Changtian had to eat seven or eight of them every day.

It’s hard not to say that having money is indeed arbitrary.

The medicinal effects spread, and a warm current flowed throughout his body.

He closed his eyes, took a half-breath, and stood up again: “Call the next one!”

“Yes, young master.”

Wang Er nodded, pointing to a man who had been waiting eagerly below the stage: “It’s your turn!”


The man immediately jumped onto the stage, gave Wei Changtian a fist salute: “Apologies, Young Master Wei!”


Apologizing in advance?

Wei Changtian was speechless, thinking that these people were getting more and more outrageous.

However, he didn’t say much, just took a deep breath, and introduced himself with a calm face.

“Seventh rank, Wei Changtian.”

“Flower Wing Guard, eighth rank, Song Linming!”

The man seemed a bit impatient, and as soon as he finished speaking, he took a step forward, throwing a punch straight at Wei Changtian’s chest.

This punch was very fast, and it seemed like he had practiced some sort of martial art.

However, Wei Changtian was no longer at the level of five days ago. He retreated half a step, dodging the punch, and simultaneously countered with a punch to the opponent’s throat.


The elbow was blocked, the force of the punch dissipated, and only Song Linming’s collar was skewed.

The two immediately separated.

First move, six-four open, Wei Changtian slightly took the upper hand.

“Hey? Young Master Wei seems to have the upper hand this round!”

Someone in the audience exclaimed, but someone nearby quickly countered, “Brother Song just got caught off guard due to his realm.”

“If this is the first round, Young Master Wei indeed has a few chances of winning.”

“But now it’s already the eighth round. Even if he took the Rejuvenation Pill, his inner energy would only recover to two or three tenths, and it wouldn’t last long.”

“When the time comes, Young Master Wei’s defeat is inevitable.”

“There’s reason to that……”

The person who spoke earlier nodded, looking quite convinced.

In fact, Wei Changtian himself was also very clear about this situation.

If he wanted to win, he had to find an opportunity to strike before his inner energy was depleted.

His feet didn’t stop moving, and scenes he.repeatly experienced in his dreams floated in his mind.

Suddenly, at a certain moment, Song Linming’s movement coincided with one of the scenes.


Wei Changtian’s heart was filled with excitement.

This was the move!

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