I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 160

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 160

Stellar Scabbard, Myriad Blades, Demon-Slaying……

When the thick white fog dispersed, Wei Changtian stood up from beside the somewhat withered wolf demon corpse, and Yang Liu Shi was already shocked to the point of numbness.

“Whoosh whoosh whoosh!”

With a swing of his sword, Wei Changtian sliced the useless demon corpse into pieces, unleashing his inner energy, which propelled the fragments into the dense forest.

Wei Changtian casually picked up the vines used to bind the wolf demon and strolled back to Yang Liu Shi’s side.

“Let’s go, we’ll come back in three days.”


Yang Liu Shi was taken aback, her gaze filled with an unspoken, complex emotion.

“Sir, how many secrets do you still have……”

“Not many, you basically know them all.”

Wei Changtian joked, waving his hand: “You must keep my secrets, or I’ll be very disappointed.”

“I know……”

Yang Liu Shi nodded, somewhat moved.

Wei Changtian had always given her an elusive feeling, even though they had already become very “close,” but she still couldn’t see through this man.

Although she was still far from “seeing through” him, she at least felt a sense of trust from Wei Changtian for the first time.

“Sir, I will never betray you in this life.”


Originally, it was a heartfelt vow, but Wei Changtian’s expression turned somewhat strange after hearing it.

It seemed that Xiao Feng had also said the same thing to Lu Jingyao back then?

“Cough, don’t set flags randomly.”


Yang Liu Shi looked puzzled: “What’s that?”

“It means don’t make promises lightly, in case you can’t keep them later and end up embarrassed.”

“I’ll definitely keep my promise!”


“Then… does Sir have nothing to say to me?”



The conversation between the two grew quieter and eventually disappeared into the forest.

Not long after they left, two people appeared in the same small clearing.


Looking at the Demon-Tracking Disk in his hand, Xiao Feng slightly furrowed his brow.

Earlier, the disk had indicated that there was a demon nearby, but about an hour ago, the pointer had reverted to its chaotic state.

This situation could only mean one thing: the demon was already dead.

“Master, there are signs of a fight here!”

The burly man beside him suddenly spoke up, analyzing the sword marks and scattered grass and leaves on the ground: “From these sword marks, there should be at least ten or so people, but……”

Xiao Feng walked over after hearing this: “But what?”

“But there are no footprints on the ground.”

Dahan pointed to the marks on the ground, looking puzzled: “Shifu, look, there are only beast tracks here, but no human footprints.”

“If it was a group of ten or so people attacking a demon, it’s impossible that they wouldn’t leave any footprints, unless they deliberately cleaned up before leaving.”

“But why did they only clean up the footprints and not these sword and knife marks?”

The more Dahan analyzed, the more he didn’t understand. Meanwhile, Xiao Feng picked up a piece of flesh with fur attached from a nearby tree branch and examined it closely.

As he looked at the flesh, his eyes gradually became shocked, then doubtful, and eventually, his breathing quickened.

From the freshness of the flesh and the toughness of the fur, it should belong to the demon beast that had been killed.

This wasn’t unusual, but what was strange was that there was no spiritual energy in the flesh at all.

It’s common knowledge that any demon beast’s spiritual energy would remain in its body for a long time after death, until it decomposed and returned to nature.

But this piece of flesh, although fresh, had no spiritual energy whatsoever.

Xiao Feng was actually quite familiar with this situation, even very familiar.

Because this was the effect of “demon capture”!

So… could it be that there was someone else in this world who also possessed this divine ability?!

“What did you discover, Shifu?” the man beside him asked.

Xiao Feng hesitated, then threw away the flesh: “Nothing.”

“Since that’s the case, shall we leave?”

The man reminded him: “Didn’t you say we were going to enter the city to find the Qiao family today?”


Xiao Feng took a deep breath, thought for a moment, and then shook his head.

“The Qiao family can wait.”

“We’ll stay here for a few more days. There’s something I want to figure out.”

Three days later.

Today was the day Ning Qingyu’s body was being brought back to the capital.

The entire middle street was filled with white horses and carriages, with nobles and aristocrats coming to pay their respects. The Wangfu’s white banners were fluttering, and the main gate was wide open.

It was almost noon.

Nearly a hundred guards, riding white horses and wearing white armor, surrounded over a dozen “extended” carriages. Each of them had a black rope tied to their sword hilt, and they moved steadily out of the Wangfu, heading north towards the city gate.

Strictly speaking, this was a funeral procession.

Since Ning Qingyu’s entire family had been slaughtered by assassins, there were no relatives wailing and crying, but the treatment was still the same.

From noble mtl dot come

Thirty-two people carrying ceremonial flags led the procession, each holding weapons, flags, and paper offerings.

Next came the carriages carrying the coffins.

About ten people were qualified to be buried in the capital, while the other dead servants had already been buried.

The mourning music started, and white paper money fluttered down.

Ordinary families would scatter yellow paper during funerals, while noble families would scatter white paper money.

This money was for the spirits to use as tolls, so the deceased could have a safe journey.


A gust of wind blew, and the paper money flew everywhere like snow.

Many children and beggars followed behind the procession, constantly bending down to pick up the paper money. They could sell it back to the coffin shops and buy a few steamed buns or a piece of candy.

Although this was a bit inauspicious, the beggars and children didn’t care, and even had smiles on their faces.

It was probably because the paper money was easier to pick up today.

To be honest, this treatment looks pretty high-end.

In a private room at a certain teahouse, Wei Changtian withdrew his gaze and glanced at the woman beside him.

With a silk skirt, wooden hairpin, and a few freckles on her face, it was naturally Ning Yukuo, who had already changed into her disguise.

Wei Changtian thought that after seeing the scene outside the window, she would at least cover her face and sob, if not directly faint from pain.

But unexpectedly, Ning Yukuo showed almost no emotional fluctuations throughout.

She only leaned against the windowsill, silently watching the entire procession slowly pass by the teahouse and disappear into the distance.

“Hey……hey hey hey……”

Amidst the sorrowful and wistful sound of the suona, Ning Yukuo left the window and bowed her head slightly to Wei Changtian.

“Sir, let’s go.”


Wei Changtian didn’t speak, getting up to close the window.

But just then…

“Sir, sir, can I take another look……”

Ning Yukuo suddenly lifted her head, but then forced herself to swallow the rest of her sentence.


Wei Changtian let out a sigh in his heart, stretched out his hand towards the window, and a small paper money with a round hole in the center fluttered in.

He folded the paper money twice and gently placed it in Ning Yukuo’s hand, which remained still.

Wei Changtian looked at her deeply, shook his head, and said:

“Keep it as a memento.”

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