I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 161

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 161

After leaving the teahouse, Wei Changtian and Ning Yukuo boarded two separate horse-drawn carriages, one heading out of the south gate, and the other towards a casino in the city.


An ordinary horse-drawn carriage stopped at the back door of a casino called “Changle,” and Ning Yukuo got off, quickly entering the building under the protection of several “gamblers.”

A few minutes later, she appeared in a spacious secret room.


Five men practicing martial arts suddenly turned around, their eyes fixed on her without a word, some even quietly grasping the hilts of their swords.

A weak woman facing five fierce men alone in such a secretive place, yet Ning Yukuo’s face showed no fear.

“Gentlemen, I’m here on behalf of Sir Wei to correct your behavior.”


The men exchanged glances, and one of them asked in a low voice, “How can we trust you?”

“Why didn’t Sir Chu inform us beforehand if you’re really sent by Sir Wei?”

“Who the hell are you?!”

The five men spoke while slowly approaching Ning Yukuo, who remained expressionless, only shaking her head slightly.

“You’re no longer members of the Justice League; why do you still speak so crudely?”

“Didn’t Sir Wei tell you to remember your new identities?”


The five men stopped in their tracks, their expressions becoming somewhat uncertain.

Ning Yukuo paused, then continued on her own:

“Besides, if I were really here to test you, wouldn’t your previous words have already exposed Sir Wei and Sir Chu?”

“Your lives are insignificant, but if you implicate Sir Wei because of this, have you considered the consequences?”


The five people present were suddenly drenched in cold sweat, and gradually believed Ning Yu Ke’s identity.

“This young lady, we know we’re wrong, and we hope you…”

“Answer again from the beginning.”

Ning Yu Ke suddenly interrupted with a cold tone.


The men across from her exchanged glances, and after a long pause, one of them finally responded in a deep voice:

“What about Prince Wei? We don’t understand what you’re saying!”


“Try your best, then.”

Ning Yu Ke walked to the table, sat down slowly, and lowered her eyelids: “There are too many things you need to change, so let’s start with your posture today.”


The five of them finally confirmed that the woman in front of them, wearing a cloth skirt, was indeed sent by Prince Wei, and they respectfully replied before putting down their knives.

Although Ning Yu Ke’s expression remained calm, her palms were already sweaty.

In just a few short days, she had transformed from the gentle Princess Rong An to the “instructor” of an underground organization.

This was the task Prince Wei had entrusted to her—

Within a month, she was to completely “reform” these men who only knew how to fight, so they could become pillars of the Da Ning court in the future.

Ning Yu Ke didn’t know why Prince Wei had told her such a secret, but……

“Stand upright, shoulders level, back straight, arms like embracing a drum, this is the correct posture……”


In the southern part of Shu State, at Xiao Qing Mountain.

As Ning Yu Ke was using her knowledge of etiquette, acquired since childhood, to reform the five people from the same boat, Prince Wei was pacing back and forth in a farmhouse.

At first glance, this seemed to be just a hunter’s residence, but in reality, it had long been controlled by the Gong Ji Association, used as a “rapid transit station”.

If he had something urgent and couldn’t make it to the Smoking Cloud Mountain, Yang Liu Shi would bring people to receive the demonic beasts from the Ten Thousand Great Mountains and then send them here.

Today, he had let Yang Liu Shi bring some helpers from the Gong Ji Association to go with him, as he was accompanying Ning Yu Ke to attend Ning Qing Yu’s funeral.

But unexpectedly, a problem arose on the first try.

“What time is it now?”

Prince Wei frowned and asked Zhang San beside him.

“It’s almost noon, young master,” Zhang San replied immediately.

“There’s only a quarter of an hour left until it’s afternoon.”


It’s almost afternoon?

Prince Wei looked at the motionless mountain road in the distance, his brow furrowing deeper.

This shouldn’t be, Smoking Cloud Mountain and Xiao Qing Mountain weren’t far apart; if they followed the previous “delivery” time, Yang Liu Shi should have returned by early noon at the latest.

Why was it taking so long?

Was it that stupid bear “delivering” late?

Or did the demonic beast break free? Did Yang Liu Shi and the others fail to subdue it?

These few people all had sixth-grade strength; dealing with a demonic beast under 50 years old should be no problem.

Prince Wei was getting more and more suspicious, unsure which link in the chain had gone wrong.

But this wasn’t something he could blame on others.

Even if he were given ten more chances, Prince Wei probably still couldn’t guess what Yang Liu Shi had encountered on Smoking Cloud Mountain.

Smoke and clouds shrouded the mountains.


Yang Liu Shi coughed out a mouthful of blood, surrounded by several lifeless men.

She looked up to see the man holding a black sword in front of her, and she couldn’t believe she had run into Xiao Feng here.

Xiao Feng was also very surprised.

He had originally been guarding the mountains, hoping to stumble upon the mysterious person who possessed the “Demon-Sealing” technique.

But he never expected to encounter Yang Liu Shi instead.

Xiao Feng wasn’t foolish; he knew that his previous attempt to kill Wei Chang Tian had failed because Yang Liu Shi must have tipped him off in advance.

Adding to that, Yang Liu Shi had been living with Wei Chang Tian in Shu State since her arrival, and their relationship had become increasingly intimate.

Xiao Feng naturally harbored a grudge against her for this “betrayal,” but he had been unable to take action due to the strict guards surrounding the Wei Manor.

But he never expected to find an opportunity like this today.


The black sword pointed forward, mere inches from her pale neck.

Xiao Feng gazed down at her, his expressionless face speaking in a flat tone: “I’ll ask you one last time: did you absorb any cultivation from the demon corpse, and do you know about the ‘Demon-Sealing’ technique?”


Yang Liu Shi hadn’t heard of the “Demon-Sealing” technique, but she knew that Xiao Feng was referring to one of the methods Wei Chang Tian had displayed that day.

“Xiao…cough, Xiao sir, there’s no need to ask again. I don’t know.”

“Ah, it seems you’re not willing to say.”

Xiao Feng shook his head, his internal energy circulating around the black sword: “Although I don’t know why you’re doing this, I suppose it’s for Wei Chang Tian’s sake.”

“Actually, if you hadn’t betrayed me back then, I might not have killed you today…”


Yang Liu Shi flashed a mocking smile, interrupting him: “Xiao sir, you’re being overly sentimental.”

“Back then, I only agreed to help you twice in order to lure you into Wei Gong Zi’s trap.”

“I never had any real intentions; how could I have betrayed you?”

“It’s just a pity that Xiao sir, you’re quite lucky and managed to escape. Thinking about it now, it’s truly regrettable…”

Fresh blood stained her lips, then trickled down her delicate chin.

Yang Liu Shi continued to smile, her stunning face showing no fear, only ridicule.


“Damn it!”

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A loud roar erupted as a long knife was drawn.

But the person cursing wasn’t Xiao Feng; it was the large man who had followed him from the capital to Shu State.

“Damn it, Master! Let me take care of this worthless woman for you!”

The man’s face was filled with anger, and without waiting for Xiao Feng’s response, he raised his long knife and prepared to strike Yang Liu Shi, who was already unable to resist.

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