I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 162

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 162

The knife, infused with powerful internal energy, was about to strike Yang Liu Shi’s neck. She didn’t resist, only closing her eyes in silence.

It was a lie to say she wasn’t afraid, but in her heart, she felt more regret.

Master had already promised to marry her, but in the end, she couldn’t wait for that day.

If only she could have died a few days later…

The wind from the knife arrived first, gently blowing away the scattered hair on her face.

At this moment, countless scenes of Yang Liu Shi’s interactions with Wei Chang Tian flashed through her mind.

Although that man had always been dismissive and arrogant towards her, although he had many other women, although they had only known each other for less than half a year…

When did her heart start to fall for the young master, anyway?

Yang Liu Shi recalled the poem that had once made her famous.

The clouds think of my clothes, the flowers think of my face, the spring breeze caresses the rail, and the dew is dense.

If not for the gathering of jade on the mountain, I would have met you under the moonlit tower……

It’s really beautiful……

At this moment, Yang Liu Shi suddenly felt a sense of relief.

However, in the last moment of her life, a hint of shyness arose in her heart again.

After dying, she would transform back into her demon form.

She wondered if the young master would despise her if he saw her.

If Xiao Feng could throw her corpse somewhere the young master couldn’t find it, that would be great……


A loud metallic collision resonated beside her ear.

In the midst of the flames, the long sword that had almost taken her life was knocked flying.


According to the clichés of online novels, the hero who appears at the last moment would definitely be Wei Chang Tian.

This was also the first and only thought that arose in Yang Liu Shi’s mind.

Unfortunately, Wei Chang Tian was still waiting at Xiao Qing Mountain for “express delivery”……

The black long sword quivered slightly, with two small characters etched at the base of the blade –

Xuan Tian.

“Master! What’s this……”

The man wielding the sword suddenly turned his head, ignoring the pain in his tiger’s mouth, his eyes filled with confusion.

However, Xiao Feng didn’t answer his doubts, only lowering his head and spitting out two words like a madman.

“Not enough……”

“Not enough?”

The big man was taken aback: “What’s not enough?”

“Just killing her isn’t enough……”

Xiao Feng slowly raised his head, his demonic expression scaring the man into retreating a step.

“M-master, what’s gotten into you?”

“I-if you think it’s not enough…… then we’ll torture this worthless woman first……”

“Not enough, still not enough……”

The sound of teeth grinding was terrifying, as the black sword tip slowly slid across Yang Liu Shi’s smooth face.

“I want Wei Chang Tian to make a choice……”

“I want to see how he’ll choose……”

“After he chooses me…… then I’ll kill him…… Ha ha ha ha!!”

“Ha ha ha ha!!”


The eerie laughter echoed through the forest, not only frightening Yang Liu Shi, but also the man beside her, who wore an expression of utmost terror.

Neither of them had experienced the night at the Wei Manor, so they didn’t know what Xiao Feng was talking about.


Choose what?

Although they couldn’t fully understand, they could roughly guess something from the words.

It seemed like Xiao Feng was preparing to use Yang Liu Shi as bait to lure Wei Chang Tian into a trap.

“Master, this…”

Da Han hastily wanted to say something, but before he could even get half of his words out, Yang Liu Shi suddenly stretched out her hand and grasped the nearby Xuan Tian Sword, not thinking twice before swiping it across her own neck.


In the blink of an eye, the black long sword stained with blood was swiftly withdrawn.

Yang Liu Shi, seeing that her first attempt had failed, didn’t hesitate at all and immediately raised her hand to strike her chest with a fierce palm.

However, in front of Xiao Feng, whose strength far surpassed hers, even seeking death was a very difficult thing to do.


Her white wrist was suddenly grasped, and Xiao Feng slowly crouched down, a sly smile spreading across his face.

“Don’t hurry, you can’t die yet.”

“If you die, how can I let Wei Chang Tian choose?”


“What do you want to do to the young master?”

Concern turned to chaos, and for the first time, Yang Liu Shi’s face, which had been calm until then, showed a hint of panic.

However, Xiao Feng clearly had no intention of answering her, and with his fingers forming a sword shape, he swiftly pressed them against Yang Liu Shi’s Wind Palace acupoint.

“No, don’t…”

Accompanied by her last struggling cry, Yang Liu Shi slowly collapsed to the ground, already unconscious.

“What do I want to do? Haha haha! You’ll know when the time comes……”

Xiao Feng coldly laughed as he stood up, and it wasn’t until then that the nearby Da Han snapped out of his daze, hurriedly advising:

“Master! This matter still needs to be carefully considered!”

“The Xuan Tian Sect no longer exists, and Wei Chang Tian’s power is growing by the day. We really shouldn’t confront him head-on!”

“Not to mention whether Wei Chang Tian will appear because of this woman……”

“Ren Dage.”

An icy cold voice suddenly cut off his words.

Xiao Feng’s back was facing the man, and it seemed like he was laughing.

“Are you ordering me?”


The man’s tone faltered, and after struggling for a few breaths, he continued with a resolute expression:

“Master, I don’t dare to order you, but everything I’ve said and done is for the master’s sake!”

“Even if Wei Chang Tian appears because of this woman, what’s waiting for us will definitely be a heavenly net!”

“Master, in my opinion, we still can’t be too hasty. Let’s kill this woman first and then slowly look for opportunities……”

“Shut up!”

Another loud shout erupted.

But this time……


The black long sword swung down from the front, and in the man’s shocked and terrified gaze, it swiftly swept across his chest.


“How, how could it be……like this……”


The strong man stumbled and fell to the ground, kicking up a cloud of dust.

The life force inside him was rapidly draining away, and he could no longer support his eyelids.

“Master, Master……”

The scene before his eyes grew increasingly blurry, and the strong man looked at the figure standing before him, who had never turned back, his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down.

He wanted to remind Xiao Feng one last time, but the words got stuck in his throat and couldn’t come out.



The mountain forest finally returned to calm.

Xiao Feng remained in the same standing posture, surrounded by a carpet of corpses.

“You should all die……”



An hour later.

“Your Excellency, except for Miss Liu Shigao, we’ve found all the other brothers’ bodies……”

Zhang San hurried over to Wei Changtian’s motionless body, speaking in a low voice.

“Additionally, we discovered a male corpse that doesn’t belong to us, judging from his attire and weapon, he should be from the Xuantian Sect……”

Xuantian Sect?

Wei Changtian’s eyes widened, and a bolt of lightning flashed through his mind.

Xuantian Sect, so this was all……

He looked up at the people from the Gongzhong Association busy collecting their companions’ bodies, then down at the piece of white silk in his hand.

This white silk was very familiar to Wei Changtian, it was the one cut from Yang Liu Shi’s body, who had already changed into a white dress.

And on this white silk, there was a crooked line of bloodstained characters—

If you want to save her, come alone to the summit of the Smoking Cloud Mountain in ten days, at midnight.

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