I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 163

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 163

Come alone to the summit of the Smoking Cloud Mountain……

Not killing him immediately, but using this as bait to force him to reveal himself……

This behavior was just like the villain’s move in a movie, but it also proved——

This person was probably Xiao Feng.

After all, the only ones with such deep hatred towards himself were the Liu family and Xiao Feng.

And the Liu family would definitely resort to assassination, they wouldn’t use such a “self-destructive” tactic.

If it was Xiao Feng……then how did he know Yang Liu Shi would appear here, and thus kidnapped her?

Wei Changtian couldn’t think of a reasonable explanation, no matter how hard he tried.

From noble mtl dot come


He let out a soft sigh, folding the bloodstained white silk and putting it away in his sleeve.

Zhang San spoke in a low voice beside him:

“Your Excellency, I’ll send people to search for the culprit’s trail right away, but our manpower is still too limited.”

“Should we inform Lord Chen and General Liang, and have the Suspended Mirror Agency and the Green Robe Army dispatch some people……”

“No need, we won’t find them.”

Wei Changtian shook his head, not holding much expectation for finding Xiao Feng.

After fighting with the Heaven’s Chosen Son for so long, he had already come to a realization about this matter.

Moreover, if they made too much noise, Yang Liu Shi might be in danger.

“Bury the dead brothers, and for the next ten days, everything will proceed as usual. As for the rest, I have my own plans.”


Zhang San didn’t question Wei Changtian’s decision, only asking softly, “Young Master, what about us now…”


Wei Changtian pondered for a moment, then looked up at the huge sun hanging high above.

“Let’s go to the Tian Luo Temple.”


One incense stick later.

A black horse-drawn carriage sped away from the foot of the Smoky Cloud Mountain, while at the same time, in a cave on the mountain, Xiao Feng was leaning against the stone wall, panting heavily.


He punched the wall behind him, and the stone fragments flew everywhere, creating another large pit on the wall, with cracks spreading out like a spider’s web.

What’s wrong with me? What was I thinking back then…

Why did I kill Ren Da Ge…

Xiao Feng grasped his hair in agony, his mouth open as if screaming silently.

Although he had lost control occasionally in the past, he had always maintained a thread of clarity in his mind.

Even when he really couldn’t suppress the violence in his heart and wanted to kill, he had never laid a hand on those around him.

But why this time…

Looking at Yang Liu Shi, who was lying unconscious in the corner, Xiao Feng’s eyes changed, filled with complex emotions.

Although he was in a state of madness at the time, perhaps that was why he knew his true thoughts…

The “choice question” Wei Changtian had given at the Wei Manor that night had become his heart demon. If he didn’t get rid of it, he might never be able to surpass this “heart barrier” and enter the “Top Three” realm.

Opportunities like this were rare…

Perhaps he would be killed by Wei Changtian, or perhaps Wei Changtian didn’t care about Yang Liu Shi’s life or death… but similarly, the one who laughed last might also be himself.

Ren Da Ge was right.

Wei Changtian was now at the peak of his power, while the Xuan Tian Hui was already in a precarious situation.

Although he shouldn’t have started a direct confrontation at this time, if he dragged it out, would the opportunities become even greater?

Moreover, he wasn’t without support.

Since that was the case… then let’s settle it once and for all.

Suddenly, a resolute expression appeared on Xiao Feng’s face, one that had never been seen before.

He slowly got up and walked to Yang Liu Shi’s side, taking out two bottles of medicine from his pocket and pouring out one pellet from each onto his palm.

One was a healing pill, and the other was a Qi-releasing pill.

He fed the medicine and sealed the acupoints.

Within ten days, Yang Liu Shi wouldn’t die, but he also wouldn’t be able to mobilize any internal energy.

After doing all this, Xiao Feng carefully picked up the Xuan Tian Sword, pure internal energy flowing from the hilt to the blade.

Ordinary swords could only attach internal energy to the surface, while divine weapons could carry internal energy throughout.

And the Xuan Tian Sword, which Xiao Feng had used from the beginning to the end, had already surpassed the “divine weapon” level, belonging to the same rank as the Starry Night Scabbard, a treasure of similar value.

It could be said that phrases like “cutting through copper and iron, slashing gold and jade, and snapping a hair” were all understatements when used to describe the Xuan Tian Sword.

As for the precious “Dragon’s Roar” sword worth thousands of gold, which Wei Changtian was using now, it was like a younger brother compared to the Xuan Tian Sword.

As for why the Xuántiān Sword was so powerful.

Its other functions were secondary, the main reason being that it, like the ring that hid the spirit of Medicine Old Man, also hid the remnants of an ancient cultivator’s soul…


A sword’s cry echoed through the cave, and Xiǎo Fēng’s face turned pale in an instant, with a few strands of white hair appearing at his temples.

He struggled to steady himself, carefully holding the Xuántiān Sword in front of him, before suddenly biting his tongue.


The pure blood stuck to the black sword like mist, and Xiǎo Fēng wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, then heard an eerie, ancient laugh.

“Heh heh heh heh!”

“You’re willing to pay the price of thirty years of your life to awaken me, it seems you’re in big trouble!”

“Jī Qián…”

Xiǎo Fēng forced a bitter smile, shaking his head, and briefly explained the situation.

However, the mysterious voice not only didn’t offer to help, but instead mocked him mercilessly: “You can’t even handle such a small matter, you’re truly useless.”

“I don’t know why the Xuántiān Sword recognized you as its master in the first place.”

“In my opinion, you’re not even worthy of keeping your life and the Xuántiān Sword, it would be better to hand them over to that Wèi Cháng Tiān, and I’d estimate I could recover my soul sooner.”


Xiǎo Fēng didn’t get angry or argue back, but instead sincerely bowed to the Xuántiān Sword.

“I beg of you, Qián, to help me this one time.”


This time, the remnants of the soul didn’t respond immediately.

After a moment of silence, the cave echoed with a voice once more.

“Alright, if you’re really going to die, who knows how many years it’ll take for someone to discover my existence again.”

“However, I’ve never made a loss in a deal.”

“Saving your life, eliminating your great enemy, and breaking your heart demon, such a good deal, how many years of your life should you pay…?”

“You’re currently at the sixth level, and can live up to a hundred years at most…”

“You’ve already used up thirty years…”

“Heh heh heh heh!”

“You’re willing to pay another thirty years, can you agree to that?!”

Another thirty years of his life.

As the remnants of the soul said, a sixth-level warrior’s lifespan could reach up to a hundred years, but this was the most ideal situation, and usually, living into one’s eighties or nineties was considered good.

Xiǎo Fēng was over twenty, and had already paid thirty years of his life to awaken the remnants of the soul. If he paid another thirty years…

This meant he would basically have less than ten years left to live.

Although increasing his cultivation level would add to his lifespan, the increase was actually minimal.

Moreover, with his lifespan dwindling, where would he find the time to cultivate?

Such a price, anyone else in his shoes might choose to give up.

Kill Yáng Liú Shī, then disappear from the world, and no longer think about revenge.

But Xiǎo Fēng’s character had already determined that he wouldn’t choose that.

“I agree.”

The answer echoed through the cave, without even a hint of hesitation.


The remnants of the soul paused for a moment.

“I underestimated you…”

“Perhaps the Heavenly Sword recognizes its master in you, and it’s not necessarily wrong.”

The change in Xiao Feng’s attitude did not evoke any emotional fluctuations.

He simply asked calmly:

“Senior Ji, forgive me for my impoliteness, but how do you plan to help me, considering you’re just a remnant soul?”

“Hahaha, I indeed can’t help you, but I can make others help you!”


Xiao Feng furrowed his brow: “Senior, I just said that the Wei Changtian faction is quite powerful, and might even mobilize second-rank experts…”


The remnant soul’s tone was disdainful, with a hint of pride and arrogance.

“I promised to help you, and I’ll definitely make it happen!”

“Not just second-rank?”

“I’ll give you five! Is that enough?”

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