I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 165

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 165

What made Xiao Feng so bold?

Wei Changtian had thought about this question many times.

Wei Changtian didn’t think Xiao Feng was foolish enough to believe he would really come alone.

If so, it meant Xiao Feng was very confident about this “grand battle.”

At the very least, he thought he had a certain chance of winning.

So… where did this confidence come from?

The Liu family? Or other forces that had fallen under the “main character’s halo”?

Outside the window, the night had deepened, with only a few nightingales softly calling.

Wei Changtian sat motionless at the desk, recalling the plot of the original novel.

Then, in an instant, a thought flashed through his mind.

Could it be the residual soul hidden in the Xuantian Sword?

According to the original novel, this residual soul was a powerful ancient cultivator who knew numerous mysterious techniques and had even established a secret organization that continued to this day.

This organization’s mysteriousness was comparable to the “True • Freemasonry” of the previous world, and almost no one in the world knew about it, even if someone did know, they would think it was a joke.

After all, an organization with members all above the third-rank realm sounded absurd.

In the early and middle periods of the novel, this residual soul only appeared once, imparting the divine technique “Dream Path” to Xiao Feng.

After that, it didn’t appear for a long time, and Wei Changtian guessed that the author had forgotten about it.

Until the later stages of the novel, Xiao Feng encountered a desperate situation while overthrowing the Da Ning dynasty, and the remnants of his soul reappeared, directly ordering the members of the mysterious organization to help Xiao Feng break through the crisis, and even managed to fool Ning Yongnian with an incredible performance.

So…… was Xiao Feng daring to confront him because of this?

How many masters could that strand of remnant soul summon?

In the novel, it was written that there were three second-rank experts…

What about this time? Were there three again?

Second-rank experts weren’t common, and there were less than ten in the entire Da Ning dynasty who were openly known, and even if you counted those who were hiding their identities, there were only around twenty or thirty.

It should be about the same…… if there were three, he still had the advantage.

Wei Changtian wasn’t too confident about this, and his heart wasn’t fully reassured.

In fact, if he were rational and emotionless, he shouldn’t have taken this risk, and the correct approach would be to avoid battle.

Let Xiao Feng kill Yang Liu Shi, and he would retreat early to avoid Xiao Feng bringing a group of experts to his doorstep.

After all, these experts wouldn’t stay by Xiao Feng’s side forever, and they would likely disperse within a few days, giving him a huge advantage when he counterattacked.

Of course, this approach was stable, but it also had many drawbacks.

Yang Liu Shi would definitely die, and more importantly, he might miss the best opportunity to kill Xiao Feng.

Xiao Feng wasn’t stupid.

If he didn’t succeed this time, he would probably find a place to hide and develop in secret.

By then, it would be difficult for him to find Xiao Feng again.

And if it came to a competition of development speed…… although he had a system, Wei Changtian didn’t think he could necessarily surpass a Heavenly Path’s chosen one.

Should he take a risk and seize the opportunity to completely eliminate the future threat?

Or should he play it safe and deal with it later?

This time, the choice was much more difficult than when he killed Liu Yuan Shan.

When he killed Liu Yuan Shan, Wei Changtian had a plan for all possible situations and knew that even in the worst-case scenario, he probably wouldn’t die.

But this time, there was too much unknown information, which increased the risk exponentially.

The cold night sky, with a half-moon hanging low, and the stars twinkling.

Wei Changtian thought for a long, long time, like a stone statue, unmoving.


A familiar and distant rooster’s crowing sounded, and a red light pierced the sky, as the morning sun’s rays shone through the window and gently fell on his feet.

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The sun rose in the southeast, illuminating all things in the world.

After a stick of incense, a horse carriage drove out of the small mansion’s gate, heading towards the Ten Thousand Great Mountains.



“Ha, Brother Wu, it’s been many years since we last met, how did you end up like this?”

In a small tavern outside Shu State’s prefectural city, two old men sat in a private room, drinking wine.

One of them was Wu Tianqing, wearing tattered clothes, and the other old man had a red, flushed face and wore extremely extravagant and luxurious clothing.

“I was about to ask you the same thing……”

Wu Tianqing held a half-eaten roasted chicken in one hand and a roasted pig’s trotter in the other, mumbling unclearly as he ate:

“What’s with this scholar, Chang Shu’an, who’s dressed like a turtle from a brothel?”


The old man, Chang Shu’an, laughed loudly, not taking offense, and even seemed a bit proud as he took a sip of wine.

“You really hit the nail on the head, although I’m not a turtle, I did open a brothel in Ying State, called Yan Chun, and it’s quite famous.”

“You? Open a brothel?”

Wu Tianqing was so shocked that he even forgot to eat the roasted chicken, his eyes wide open in surprise: “I remember you always saying you wanted to spread the words of the saints to the world. How did you end up doing this?”

“Hey, I was just too young and arrogant back then, thinking I was above the heavens…”

Chang Shuanan waved his hand: “Later, I realized it was all nonsense… anyway, I’m quite happy now.”

“Come, let’s drink!”

Chang Shuanan poured a cup of wine for Wu Tianqing with his right hand, while tucking his sleeves with his left: “Brother Wu, are you still living on that island?”


Wu Tianqing glanced at Chang Shuanan’s elegant gesture, sighed inwardly, and then picked up the wine cup and drained it in one gulp.

“Except for the food being mediocre, life is quite good.”

“Hahaha, didn’t your little sister let you eat fish?”

Chang Shuanan laughed: “Well, this time you can eat more.”

“That’s natural!”

Wu Tianqing threw the chicken bones aside and started eating the roasted pig trotters.

Just then, the door of the private room suddenly creaked open.

“Come in.”

Chang Shuanan responded, thinking it was the waiter bringing food.

However, when he turned to look, his expression froze for a moment.

“Brother Li? Brother Lin? Brother He?”

“Hahaha, Big Brother Chang, it’s been over ten years since we last met. How have you been?”

The three men who walked in had big smiles on their faces, although they were of different heights, weights, and ages, they all had an aura about them.

The five men in the room exchanged warm greetings, the atmosphere reminiscent of an old folks’ activity center.

But then, another person walked in from outside, freezing the joyful scene for a moment.

This person’s appearance was quite strange.

He wore a black robe, with a hood on his head, and a black sword scabbard on his back.

Although he had a young man’s face, his hair was silver-white; although his posture was straight, his eyebrows gave off a sense of gloom.

When this person walked in, the five old men exchanged a glance before someone spoke up:

“Mr. Xiao, now that we’re all here, you can tell us what you want us to do.”

“But you should be clear, our orders are to only help you with one thing.”

“I understand…”

Xiao Feng removed his hood, his voice a bit hoarse.

“In eight days, I’d like to ask the seniors to help me kill someone.”

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