I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 166

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 166

Five days later.

With only three days left until the “Great Battle”, Wei Changtian finally returned from the Ten Thousand Great Mountains.

Qing Xuan finally agreed to help him this one time, but the price was to release all the hundred-year-old demons from the Demon Prison.

The Demon Prison, the only legal demon-breeding facility in the entire Danning, held nearly a thousand demons.

Although most were small demons less than a hundred years old, there were around a dozen demons equivalent to the human fourth rank.

Such a mass demon escape event would have unpredictable consequences.

But Wei Changtian had no choice.

He had negotiated, repeatedly emphasizing that he was doing this to save Yang Liu Shi, and managed to reduce the price from “releasing all demons” to “releasing all hundred-year-old demons”.

However, Qing Xuan refused to budge further.

At this price, trading for a second-rate Demon King’s intervention, this deal is hard to say whether Wei Changtian has profited or lost.

It can only be said—

If he can kill Xiao Feng, then it’s a bloody good deal.

If he can’t kill Xiao Feng but manages to keep himself alive, then that’s still okay.

If he dies himself……then there’s no question of profit or loss.

Thinking about it……it seems like this deal is quite worth it!



Preparations are still underway.

Wei Changtian doesn’t know what’s going on with Xiao Feng’s side, but he’s done all he can on his end.

The Heavenly Net Sect is settled, Qing Xian is settled, and Zhang San has already delivered the letter to Wei Xianzhi’s hands.

Of course, whether Wei Zhao Hai will come or not is still unknown, but Wei Changtian understands that this is beyond his control.

Apart from these, there’s only one more person left to deal with, Liang Zhen.

At the hour of Xu, at the General’s Manor.

“Changtian, why didn’t you tell me about this earlier?!”

Inside the study, Liang Zhen’s mouth was agape after listening to Wei Changtian’s vivid and lively tale of “encountering a fairy in a dream and competing for fate.”

This story, after being polished by Wei Changtian, had become even more rigorous and realistic, almost making Liang Zhen believe it himself.

“Alas, Uncle Liang, I didn’t think things would unfold so suddenly.”

Sighing, Wei Changtian’s face turned solemn: “I originally wanted to wait until I understood Xiao Feng’s movements before making a plan, but I didn’t expect him to strike first.”


Liang Zhen calmed down and thought for a moment, analyzing the situation seriously: “Since Xiao Feng is using Liu Shi’s daughter as bait to lure you into a decisive battle, he must think he has a guaranteed win.”

“Changtian, in my opinion, it would be better for you to avoid his attacks for now and plan for the long term.”

“Uncle Liang’s words make sense, and I’ve thought about it too.”

Wei Changtian paused, his expression suddenly turning stern: “But the competition for fate between us two has the gods watching, and I should have the awareness to sacrifice myself for the greater good!”

“If I retreat this time, I’ll probably keep retreating in the future!”

“When heroes meet, the brave will win; Uncle Liang, I’m willing to take a gamble!”


Although this bold declaration lacked logic, it still stirred Liang Zhen’s blood.

In war, the most important thing is to not lose morale; if the momentum is lost, the battle will be lost.

As a military general, Liang Zhen believed in this principle, so he didn’t try to persuade Wei Changtian anymore. Instead, he slapped the table and stood up, making a heroic declaration.

“Changtian, since you’ve made up your mind, I’ll support you with all my might!”

“Tonight, I’ll gather troops from the Qing Bao Army and ambush them around Mount Yunyan. When the time comes, no matter what schemes Xiao Feng has, I don’t believe he can escape from our encirclement!”

Good guy, directly surrounding the enemy with troops is a great plan.

Seeing Liang Zhen had misunderstood, Xiao Feng hurriedly explained: “Uncle Liang, I didn’t come to borrow troops.”

“Once the Qing Bao Army moves, Xiao Feng will definitely detect the commotion. You know how cunning and treacherous he is, and he’ll definitely not keep his promise of ten days and flee.”

“This could lead to endless troubles in the future!”

“……You’re right, Uncle Liang.”

Liang Zhen nodded: “In that case, I’ll accompany you and hide first. When I see Xiao Feng, I’ll take action and help my nephew kill that villain!”


The plan is set, but aren’t you underestimating Xiao Feng a bit too much?

“Cough, Uncle Liang, I indeed have the same plan.”

Wei Changtian cleared his throat and explained, “However, to ensure absolute safety, I’ve also invited a few experts to join us at the time.”

“There are experts?”

Liang Zhenshen thought for a moment: “Yes, it’s better this way. Although we might not need them, having them is still better than not.”

“Are these people reliable? What about their cultivation?”

“Uh, they’re definitely reliable, as for their cultivation…”

Wei Changtian hesitated, feeling a bit embarrassed.

Liang Zhenshen thought that the people Wei Changtian had invited were not that impressive, and he couldn’t help but laugh: “Haha, don’t worry, nephew, I have a few four-star generals, and we can bring them along!”

“Uncle Liang, that’s enough…”

Although it was hard to say, Wei Changtian still told the truth: “Two second-class, four third-class, should be enough.”

“Yes, two second-class…”

Liang Zhenshen’s eyes widened in shock.

“What?! Four third-class, two second-class?!”

“Yes, ah, no…”

Wei Changtian corrected himself in a soft voice: “Counting Uncle Liang, that would be five third-class, and possibly one more second-class expert.”


“Uncle Liang, what’s wrong?”

“Changtian, you go out first, I need some quiet time…”



After bidding farewell to the slightly introverted Liang Zhenshen, Wei Changtian walked out of the study room and saw Liang Xin sitting under a big tree, waiting for him.

“Brother Changtian!”

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Accompanied by a call, Liang Xin immediately ran over: “What did you tell Father? I thought I heard him shout just now?”

Wei Changtian shook his head: “Nothing, you must have misheard.”


Liang Xin didn’t take it to heart, walking alongside Wei Changtian as they headed out, and asked again: “Brother Changtian, when is Yang Liu Shi coming back from Anzhou?”

Yang Liu Shi had gone to Anzhou to visit relatives, which was an excuse Wei Changtian had made up earlier.

“Probably in three or four days…”

Wei Changtian’s expression remained unchanged, looking up at the moon: “What’s up?”

“Three or four days… that’s just in time!”

Liang Xin’s face lit up with excitement: “Five days later is the Lantern Festival, and the city will release lanterns!”

“Brother Changtian, can you and Yang Liu Shi accompany me to release lanterns? Please?”

Lanterns referred to Kongming lanterns in this world.

Although life should have a sense of ritual, Wei Changtian had never been fond of participating in such festivities in his past life or this one.

What’s the point of so many festivals, besides a few that gave you a break?

This year’s Qixi lovers might be holding hands with someone else next year, and this year’s Mid-Autumn reunions might be separated by life and death next year……

So, what’s the difference between celebrating or not?

“Brother Changtian…”

On the other side, seeing that Wei Changtian didn’t respond for a long time, Liang Xin thought he hadn’t heard and asked again.

“Come on, say it, is it good or not?”


Wei Changtian withdrew his gaze, smiling and nodding.

“Good, five days later, the three of us will go to release lanterns together.”

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