I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 168

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 168

At the beginning of the Zi hour, on the mountaintop of Smoke Cloud Mountain.

Xiao Feng stood upright in an open area, his white hair blown by the mountain wind, his clothes fluttering in the wind.

Yang Liu was leaning against a huge stone, paralyzed and unable to move, but her eyes were already open, filled with anxiety and tension.

She vaguely knew what Xiao Feng was planning to do.

“You don’t need to look at me like that.”

Xiao Feng raised his head to gaze at the night sky, calmly saying, “I just want to know how he’ll choose.”

“You should know Lu Jingyao, right?”

“He used Jingyao as bait to lure me into the Wei Manor, then forced me to choose between myself and Jingyao.”

“I chose myself back then.”


Xiao Feng let out a deep sigh, his entangled emotions swirling together like the fluttering of his clothes in the wind and the blurred shadows on the ground.

“After that… I’ve always looked down on myself, but I’ve never regretted it or thought I did anything wrong.”

“But it’s strange that I still have a lingering sense of unease in my heart, something I… can’t get past.”

“That’s why I want to know how he’ll choose.”

He repeated the sentence, then turned his gaze back to Yang Liu Shi, whose eyes seemed complex.

“To get this answer, I sacrificed sixty years of my life. Even if I kill him tonight, I won’t have much time left to live anyway.”

“But this answer is really important to me…”

“I’m sorry for using you.”

“If he didn’t kill Jingyao back then, then no matter how he chooses tonight, I won’t kill you either.”

“If you want to take revenge on me in the future, I’ll be ready anytime.”

“If I die… then it doesn’t matter.”

The wind blew through the ancient trees, and the moon was hidden behind the sparse stars, casting a cold chill over the land.

Xiao Feng didn’t speak again, his gaze fixed on the only path leading up the mountain, as still as a stone statue.

He didn’t tell Yang Liu Shi about the deep-seated grudge between himself and the Wei family, nor did he mention Wei Changtian’s despicable behavior of “going back on his word” back then.

All of that was meaningless.

Whether it was the time the Wei family forced him to marry or the time at the foot of Fish Belly Mountain during the Double Ninth Festival… losing was losing.

But this time, he had to win.

This determination was unprecedentedly strong, though perhaps even Xiao Feng himself hadn’t noticed… his reason for wanting to kill Wei Changtian had already changed from the beginning.

Or perhaps it was no longer as pure as it was initially.

The crescent moon rose higher, and the mountain wind grew stronger.

Yang Liu Shi, sitting paralyzed beside him, was also filled with complex emotions.

She could see Xiao Feng’s confidence and grew increasingly worried about Wei Changtian’s safety.

This courtesan, who had been viewed as a goddess by countless men, silently prayed that Wei Changtian wouldn’t come, but she also knew that Wei Changtian’s character wouldn’t let him miss this opportunity to kill Xiao Feng.

Then… how would he choose?

From noble mtl dot come

Although she was trying to avoid thinking about it, Yang Liu Shi couldn’t help but wonder.

From the bottom of her heart, she naturally hoped that Wei Changtian would live and she would die.

And she felt that Wei Changtian would definitely choose that way.


This contradictory psychology was unavoidable, and Yang Liu Shi didn’t know what kind of emotions she would feel if she really heard Wei Changtian’s answer.

The sound of her heartbeat was rapid and clear, mixed with the wind, but then became indistinct.

Suddenly, a figure appeared on the mountain path in the distance.

He walked slowly, his footsteps seemingly heavy, the moonlight casting a sharp outline, cold and unyielding.

Yang Liu Shi felt a sudden sense of unfamiliarity towards Wei Changtian at this moment.

Before she could think clearly about the source of this feeling, she saw Wei Changtian stop a few feet away from Xiao Feng, then lightly brush off the weeds stuck to his sleeve from climbing.

“Xiao Feng, we meet again.”



Following the conventional formula of martial arts novels, a duel between masters must take place in a location with significant memorial value or breathtaking scenery.

For instance, the duel between Xi Men Xue and Ye Gu Cheng at the west gate of the Forbidden City.

Or the duel between Guo Jing and Yang Kang at the Smoke and Rain Tower in Jiaxing.

Or the duel between Hong Qi Gong and Ouyang Feng at the peak of Mount Hua.

In comparison, the setting of the Wuyun Mountain seems a bit inferior, and it might be more suitable to change it to the “Tongtian Peak” of the Ten Thousand Great Mountains or the Nine Peaks of the Heavenly Net Sect.

Of course, this is from the perspective of the onlookers.

As for Wei Changtian and Xiao Feng, the two main characters of this duel… as long as they can kill each other, they wouldn’t mind doing it even in a toilet.


The cold wind still blew, rustling the hems of their clothes.

It had been half a year since Xiao Feng last saw Wei Changtian, but he didn’t have much of a reaction, as he had already seen this man countless times in his “Dream Path”.

Although the two had never clashed before, the Dream Path couldn’t simulate battles.

But this didn’t stop Xiao Feng from reminding himself every night in his “dream” not to forget Wei Changtian’s appearance.

On the other hand, Wei Changtian’s current mood was somewhat different.

After all, Xiao Feng’s white hair was too striking.

Had he really made a deal with the residual soul in the Xuantian Sword?

He glanced at the black long sword on Xiao Feng’s back, taking a slow, deep breath.

“Xiao Feng, ten days ago you killed my subordinate and left a blood letter.”

“Now that I’ve come as promised, you should also release the person.”


From earlier to now, Wei Changtian had never looked at Yang Liu Shi, who was not far away, even though she had been staring at him.

This wasn’t because he wanted to show off a cold and ruthless attitude, but mainly because he was afraid that if he shifted his gaze, Xiao Feng would take advantage of it to launch a sneak attack.

But as it turned out, the real “main character” wouldn’t have such a twisted mindset like him.

Xiao Feng looked deeply at Wei Changtian, responding calmly, “Wei Changtian, I never said I would release the person if you came.”

“If you really want to rescue her, you need to answer me one more question.”

“One that you once asked me before…”


Before the words were even out, the black long sword with a fierce killing intent was drawn.

Wei Changtian’s face changed, and he instinctively prepared to draw his sword.

But when he saw the direction the Xuantian Sword was pointing, he slowly sheathed his half-drawn Dragon’s Roar.

“Wei Changtian, today you can choose who lives and who dies.”

Holding the sword with one hand, the sword tip was only a few inches away from Yang Liu Shi.

Xiao Feng struggled to control his emotions, but his voice still sounded a bit hoarse.

“Who lives and who dies, you choose.”


It was unclear whether Xiao Feng did it intentionally or not, but his words were identical to what Wei Changtian had said that day.

The same question.

But Wei Changtian’s answer was vastly different.

It was as if he was playing a child’s game, thinking for only a brief moment before giving an answer in the disbelieving gaze of Xiao Feng and Yang Liu Shi.

“I choose to let her live.”

I choose, let her live……

Let her live……

These few words were like a heavy hammer, brutally smashing into Xiao Feng’s chest.

“No, impossible……”

He stumbled backward, his sword, Xuan Tian, also weakening and falling.

Xiao Feng wasn’t unaware of this answer; he just didn’t understand why Wei Changtian hadn’t even hesitated.

Was it really his own mistake……


A unprecedented moment of self-doubt flooded his mind, and the suppressed fury in his heart began to stir again.

But just then, a fleeting thought suddenly made Xiao Feng understand everything.

“Wei Changtian……”

His body gradually stopped shaking, and Xuan Tian was raised once more.

However, this time, the sword tip was pointing straight forward.

Xiao Feng slowly lifted his head, speaking slowly and coldly:

“You think I can’t kill you, so you made this choice, right?”


Wei Changtian cursed silently, but his face remained expressionless.

“You’re overthinking it; just let the person go, and I’ll stand here, ready for you to kill me.”


“Hahahahaha! Hahahahahaha!!”

As if he had heard the most ridiculous joke, Xiao Feng suddenly burst into laughter, startling countless birds in the forest.

“Hahahahahaha! Wei Changtian! Then I’ll let you see! Can I really kill you or not!”

The mad, maniacal laughter abruptly stopped, and Xiao Feng’s eyes, red with fury, locked onto Wei Changtian, his voice hoarse:

“Seniors! Come out!”



Like a gentle breeze, the leaves behind Xiao Feng rustled, and five people emerged from the forest.

However, their expressions were not relaxed.

Because, almost simultaneously, eight figures flashed behind Wei Changtian, and eight people appeared.

Five on one side, eight on the other.

The two groups stopped behind Xiao Feng and Wei Changtian, silently observing each other.

The entire mountaintop of Yunque Mountain fell into a deathly silence.


Although they had a rough idea of each other’s preparations, Wei Changtian and Xiao Feng, at the center of the storm, were both inwardly anxious.

Wei Changtian hadn’t expected that remnant soul to directly bring five experts to Xiao Feng’s aid.

Xiao Feng was the same.

However, the two quickly suppressed their inner unease and apprehension, because they both knew—

There was no turning back now.

One breath, two breaths, three breaths……

Time was slowly passing, and the short three breaths seemed to have lasted for three hours.

In fact, if you just looked at this scene, it would seem quite similar to two gang leaders facing off with their underlings.

But if you were really in this situation, you probably wouldn’t think that.

Leaving aside Yang Liu’s poem, there were a total of fifteen people on both sides.

But these fifteen people somehow created a strong sense of pressure, like when two armies were facing off.

Dark clouds pressed down on the city, as if they wanted to destroy it.

But this time, the dark clouds were pressing down not on the city, but on this small Smoking Cloud Mountain.

The sound of horses neighing, drums beating, and bows stretching, which had lasted throughout the night, stopped.



There were nine levels of cultivation.

The seventh, eighth, and ninth levels were lower, the fourth, fifth, and sixth levels were middle, and the first, second, and third levels were upper.

This division had its own reasoning.

The lower levels cultivated “strength”, which couldn’t be seen or touched, and could only be circulated within the cultivator’s body. To ordinary people, it seemed like they just had more physical strength.

The middle levels cultivated “qi”, which could be seen and touched, and could produce various wonders.

And the upper levels cultivated “momentum”.

Whether it was the “momentum as a blade” of the third level or the “momentum pressing down on mountains and rivers” of the second level, you could tell from the names that they were related to “qi” and “momentum”.

Before crossing over, Wei Changtian thought that momentum was similar to temperament, a kind of comprehensive sensory impression that belonged to humans.

But in reality, this invisible and intangible thing truly existed, and could even achieve “momentum pressing down on mountains and rivers” in this world.

Just like this moment, Smoking Cloud Mountain seemed to be covered by a huge transparent dome.

There was no wind, no sound, the grass was flat on the ground, and all the beasts were hiding in their nests.

Maybe in the entire Smoking Cloud Mountain, apart from the fifteen people present, the only one who could still move was Li HuaiZhong.

“Wei ZhaoHai, Qin ZhengQiu, Liang Zhen……”

Not far away, an old eunuch’s turbid pupils almost shrunk to the size of beans on an old tree.

He had imagined many scenarios on the way here.

But even the most exaggerated expectations didn’t match half of what he was seeing now.

Familiar names flashed through his mind, but that was secondary……

What really shocked Li HuaiZhong was the people on Xiao Feng’s side.

Wu TianQing, Chang ShuAn, Li MingChun……

Was it really them?

How was this possible?

If he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, Li HuaiZhong would never believe that these hidden masters scattered across the land would appear here at the same time, and actually be led by a white-haired young man he had never seen before.

Who was this person?!

From noble mtl dot come

Li HuaiZhong stared fixedly at Xiao Feng, his heart guessing what kind of enmity Wei Changtian had with this person.

And just then, someone moved.



The sound of footsteps came from both sides, very light.

“Changtian, five second-level cultivators.”

“Xiao Gongzi, three second-rank, five third-rank.”


The two sentences respectively entered the ears of Wei Changtian and Xiao Feng, and the reactions of the two were naturally different.

The gap between second-rank and third-rank, although not “heaven and earth apart,” was still not small.

After all, crossing ranks in battle could only be a privilege of the “main character,” and ordinary people had no chance of doing so.

So, Liang Zhen and the other five third-rank could only hold off one second-rank at most.

Then, there was one more……

“Grandmaster, can you handle two?”

Wei Changtian suddenly asked Qin Zhengqiu in a low voice.

As the current highest warlord of the entire Great Ming, Wei Changtian could only place his hopes on him.


“Two second-rank are no match for me, but I’m afraid I won’t have the leisure to take care of more…… Changtian, let’s go.”

Qin Zhengqiu’s eyes narrowed, his expression extremely serious.

Wei Changtian let out a light sigh, understanding why Qin Zhengqiu would say so.

In the end, there was no life-or-death grudge between these second-rank and third-rank masters; their only goal was to kill themselves and Xiao Feng.

And for those at the sixth rank, they were basically no different from ordinary people in the eyes of those above the third rank, basically just a matter of a casual strike.

In this situation, even if Qin Zhengqiu could handle two second-rank, as long as the opponent found an opportunity to strike, he would likely fall on the spot.

So, the current situation was already extremely unfavorable.

Even if they escaped, it was uncertain whether they could escape successfully.


Wei Changtian fell into a long silence, and Xiao Feng naturally already knew of his overwhelming advantage.

However, he didn’t show any signs of gloating, only taking a slight step forward and lightly pointing at Yang Liu Shi.

“Wei Changtian, you still have a choice.”

“You and her, who lives and who dies.”


The same question, but with completely different circumstances.

However, Wei Changtian still answered without hesitation.

“You’re still going on, I’ve already said it, let her live!”

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