I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 169

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 169

“Let her live!”

Upon hearing this sentence again, Xiao Feng’s gaze suddenly lost focus for a moment.

But Yang Liu Shi didn’t show much emotional response, her eyes filled with more pain and struggle.

The question that had once made her extremely conflicted finally had an answer.

However, she couldn’t do anything, and even Xiao Feng and Wei Changtian were the same.

The ones who could truly decide their fate were ultimately the thirteen top experts with the power to establish their own sects.

The heavy footsteps broke the silence of the night, and the thirteen people simultaneously took a step forward, shielding Xiao Feng and Wei Changtian behind them.

A grand battle destined to be recorded in the history of Great Ming was about to unfold.

“How did it come to this……”

In the end, Xiao Feng seemed to have finally accepted Wei Changtian’s choice.

He lowered his head, and the others couldn’t see his expression, but they could hear the voice filled with resentment and trembling.

“I’ve paid so much, and in the end, it’s turned out like this…”


“Heh, it’s truly ridiculous…”

It’s hard to say whether Xiao Feng’s “ridiculous” is directed at himself or Wei Changtian. He took a few rapid, rough breaths before continuing.

“Wei Changtian, even if it means paying with your life, you still want to win against me, don’t you…”

“As you wish, you’ve won again this time…”

“I’ve only just realized why Yao’er would…”


A sudden, unanticipated shout cut him off, and Wei Changtian’s icy voice interrupted:

“Don’t say those useless things! Let the person go first!”


Xiao Feng’s body trembled violently, and he actually didn’t say another word, silently walking step by step towards Yang Liu Shi, who was covered in tears.

At this moment, he had two choices.

Let the person go or kill them.

The blood-red eyes lacked clarity, and the devil in his heart had already crawled out half of its body.

Xiao Feng knew he was about to lose control and become that unfamiliar person.

But in the last moment before he lost control, he still bit down hard on his teeth, relying on his remaining rationality to grab Yang Liu Shi and fling her out with force.


The white dress stained with blood flew through the air, with life on one side and death on the other.


In Xiao Feng’s painful roar, Wei Changtian stretched out his hand to catch the flying figure, finally letting out a sigh of relief.

He glanced at the figure in the distance, who was still shouting and trembling like a beast, and for the first time, shifted his gaze to Yang Liu Shi in his arms.

“It’s okay.”

Three words that caused Yang Liu Shi, who was already on the verge of collapse, to instantly break down.

Under the enormous emotional fluctuation that had never been seen before, she incredibly managed to open her mouth slightly, using all her strength to squeeze out two almost inaudible words.

“Gong, gongzi…”


Wei Changtian didn’t respond, nor did he help Yang Liu Shi relax.

He simply handed her over to Liang Zhen, then turned back.

“Liang uncle, please take care of her later when we fight.”


Liang Zhen received the person, unsure of what to say for a moment.

At this time, Wei Changtian also heard Qin Zhengqiu’s urgent voice in his ear.

“Changtian! Now that we’ve rescued the person, why not escape?!”

This sentence, transmitted through the sound wave, was only audible to Wei Changtian.

Qin Zhengqiu’s choice was correct.

If they turned around and ran now, they might not have a 100% chance of escape, but at least they’d have a certain opportunity.

But if they really clashed with the opponent head-on… others might not say it, but Wei Changtian would definitely sacrifice his life here.

“Changtian! Don’t hesitate! It’s too late if you wait any longer!”

Taking advantage of the gap before Xiao Feng gave the attack order, Qin Zhengqiu hurriedly continued to persuade him: “I know you want to kill Xiao Feng, but it’s impossible this time! Leave the green hills behind…”


Wei Changtian suddenly took a step forward, standing shoulder to shoulder with Qin Zhengqiu, and asked a baffling question.

“Among the five people opposite us, who has the strongest abilities?”


Qin Zhengqiu was taken aback, and the others instantly focused their gazes on him.

Because Wei Changtian’s words weren’t conveyed through internal energy transmission, but rather spoken out loud.

Although the voice wasn’t loud, it was impossible to escape the ears of these top-three-grade experts.

“Changtian, you!”

Qin Zhengqiu didn’t know what Wei Changtian was trying to do, but it had already come to this…

He hesitated for a moment before pointing to the lavishly dressed Chang Shu’an opposite them.

“This person has probably reached the late stage of the second grade.”

“Is that so…”

Wei Changtian nodded, and then calmly asked his second question.

“Grandpa, if I were to kill this person, could you guys handle the remaining four?”


For a moment, everyone thought they had misheard.

“Chang, Changtian, what did you say?”

“Grandpa, I said…”

Wei Changtian turned his head, smiling at Qin Zhengqiu.

“If I were to kill the person you just pointed out, could you guys stop the remaining four and give me an opportunity to take down Xiao Feng?”


The same words were spoken for the second time, even more detailed.

It wasn’t until this moment that everyone realized it wasn’t their ears that had a problem, but rather Wei Changtian’s brain.

A person at the late stage of the second grade, on the same level as Qin Zhengqiu.

If there were only Chang Shu’an opposite them tonight, maybe it could still be done.

But could they really ignore the existence of the other four second-grade experts?

“Hahaha! You’re quite interesting, kid!”

A burst of laughter suddenly erupted, and Chang Shu’an didn’t get angry, instead laughing at Wei Changtian like he was watching an ant.

However, Wei Changtian didn’t care, only looking at Qin Zhengqiu, who was staring at him in shock, and asked again.

“Grandpa, can you?”


Qin Zhengqiu swallowed his saliva, unsure of how to respond.

If they could really reduce the opposing side by one person, they naturally could do it.

But how could Wei Changtian possibly kill Chang Shu’an?!

After a moment of contemplation, Qin Zhengqiu had already made up his mind, planning to find an opportunity to forcefully drag Wei Changtian away and escape.

However, when he turned to see Wei Changtian’s calm and unruffled gaze, he suddenly didn’t know what to think, and inexplicably nodded.


From noble mtl dot come


Wei Changtian withdrew his gaze, looking at Chang Shu’an once more.

He was like a junior asking for blessings from his elder, bowing his head slightly towards Chang Shu’an, before taking a step forward and calmly saying:

“Senior, I’ve offended you.”

“Hahaha, that’s great!”

Chang Shu’an’s smile grew even thicker: “Then let me see how you’ll kill me.”

“Uh-huh, senior will see it.”

Wei Changtian said this without a hint of hesitation, and immediately swung out a palm under everyone’s gaze.

This swing was quite like swatting a fly on a summer day, lacking both strength and speed, filled with an air of nonchalance.

However, a white palm wind did slowly emerge, heading straight for Chang Shu’an.

This palm wind, visible to the naked eye, started off slow, only gradually gaining speed after flying a few meters.

Witnessing this scene, Qin Zhengqiu and the others’ faces turned slightly red, while the five people opposite snickered and shook their heads.

They had originally thought Wei Changtian would make some earth-shattering move, although they didn’t believe he could really kill Chang Shu’an, but they were still somewhat on guard in their hearts.

In the end, it was just this…

“Hmph, enough!”

As the target of this palm wind, Chang Shu’an was undoubtedly the most unhappy one at this moment.

When faced with an ant’s provocation, an elephant could simply laugh it off like a joke.

But if this ant really dared to bite, it wouldn’t be a joke, but an insult.


Chang Shu’an’s smile disappeared, his left hand hidden behind his back, his right hand pushing out a palm.

A golden palm print instantly tore through the air, almost colliding with the white palm wind in the blink of an eye.


Qin Zhengqiu was already dodging to block in front of Wei Changtian at the same moment Chang Shu’an made his move, preparing to take this hit from the second-grade expert.

The others didn’t idle either, immediately getting ready to strike at any time.

Chang Shu’an’s move was the signal for an all-out war.

However, the golden palm print didn’t land on Wei Changtian’s body.

It wasn’t blocked by Qin Zhengqiu, but… was completely nullified by the white palm wind.

Not blocked, not suppressed, not destroyed.

It was thoroughly erased into nothingness, as if it had never appeared at all.


A second-grade expert isn’t a fool, and Chang Shu’an immediately sensed this strange scene.

He didn’t dare to let his guard down, and quickly flipped his hands, sending out over a dozen palms in a row.

Over a dozen golden palm prints almost formed a line, and the mountaintop seemed to suddenly rise with a blazing sun.

However, this dazzling light didn’t last for too long.

In an instant, the golden light dispersed, leaving only the white palm wind still heading straight for Chang Shu’an.


At this moment, Chang Shu’an finally felt a sense of crisis.

Confronting the palm wind now close at hand, he subconsciously sidestepped back a few steps, trying to dodge.

But the palm wind was like it had eyes, and it actually followed him, continuing to charge at him, even speeding up slightly.

“Not good! Quickly lend a hand to Big Brother Chang!!”

Wu Tianqing, with his tattered clothes, was the first to react, shouting after which he flashed to follow the white palm wind, his left hand tightly clenched into a fist, with red inner energy surging out from between his fingers, like flames wrapping around his entire fist.

Inferno Fist, a heavenly-tier martial technique.


With a swift and fierce punch, the wind palms hurtled towards the rapidly moving target.

The expected earth-shattering collision didn’t occur, and Wu Tianqing even thought he had missed.

But he clearly saw that he had hit it……

Wu Tianqing was puzzled, and at that moment, an elderly man beside him, who was also chasing the wind palms, suddenly stopped in his tracks, trembling as he gazed at Wu Tianqing’s left hand.

“Wu, Brother Wu, your… your hand…”

“My hand?”

Wu Tianqing looked down in confusion, then froze in an instant.

His wrist was empty, the broken end as smooth as a mirror.

His entire left hand was gone.

“This… how is this possible…”

Wu Tianqing seemed unable to accept this fact, holding up his left arm and muttering to himself, then suddenly looked up with extreme terror.

He gazed at Chang Shu’an, who was dodging the white wind palms in mid-air, and only then did he truly realize……

That the young man with only six spiritual roots wasn’t joking……

【Godstrike: Special Prop (one-time use), deals a fatal attack to the target, 500 points】


“Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!”

Chang Shu’an’s figure had already become almost invisible.

At this moment, it had been less than five breaths since Wei Changtian unleashed the wind palms.

Five breaths ago, no one thought Wei Changtian could kill Chang Shu’an.

Five breaths later, no one thought Chang Shu’an could still be alive…… even though he wasn’t dead yet.

A high-level expert’s attack was only a momentary affair.

In these five breaths, Wu Tianqing and the others had tried every possible method to block the white wind palms, but to no avail.

In fact, this should be the perfect opportunity for Wei Changtian to take advantage of the chaos, but considering Chang Shu’an was still alive, Qin Zhengqiu and the others didn’t dare to act rashly, only keeping a close eye on Chang Shu’an in case he unleashed a “catastrophic wave”.

Although they were currently safe, every person’s eyes revealed a hint of fear.

Because they didn’t know what this wind palm was.

If Wei Changtian had just used a move that Chang Shu’an couldn’t counter, they would be shocked, but not terrified.

After all, “can’t counter” implies “can counter”.

However, this wind palm belonged to the realm of the “invincible”.

As long as it targeted you, you were doomed to die.

This kind of move was unheard of, unseen, and unthinkable.

As they watched Chang Shu’an flail about in the night sky like a headless fly, everyone’s mind involuntarily thought of a question—

What if it were me? What would I do?


Subconsciously, they shifted their gaze to the only person who might know the answer, Wei Changtian, and everyone’s eyes became exceptionally complex.

Perhaps only Qin Zhengqiu was slightly better.

After all, he had seen Wei Changtian’s “majestic displays” many times and heard the story of “encountering an immortal in a dream”, so his acceptance ability was naturally stronger.

Although “a six-spirit-rooted person killing a two-spirit-rooted person” was even more unbelievable than “completing the Heavenly Path”, if the one doing it was a “prospective immortal”…… it seemed to become somewhat understandable.


After a brief hesitation, Qin Zhengqiu still couldn’t resist asking the question in his heart.

However, just as he opened his mouth, Wei Changtian’s telepathic message simultaneously floated into his ear.

“Grandfather, as soon as that person dies, everyone will immediately take action and kill Xiao Feng!”


Qin Zhengqiu was stunned for a moment, but instead of speaking, he swallowed his words back down.



Wei Changtian didn’t say another word, his eyes fixed on Xiao Feng, who was standing still, his hand gently pressing down on the hilt of the Long Yin sword.

At the same time, Chang Shu’an, who had escaped for seven or eight breaths, was finally caught up by the palm wind.


He dodged to the side, his arms crossing.

Although his last-minute dodge saved him from being hit in the chest, the white mist still swept past his left shoulder.

Something fell straight down from the night sky, his entire left arm.

Chang Shu’an didn’t even have time to glance at it, turning to flee again.


When he turned back this time, the palm wind was already pressed against his chest.


He had escaped for so long, and in the end, it was only at the moment of his death that Chang Shu’an felt a sense of release.

He thought of the sword-wielding talent who had once vowed to spread the words of the saints across the land, and of the famous Yan Chun Lou in Yingzhou.

Slowly closing his eyes, a sense of emptiness suddenly appeared in his chest, followed by endless darkness…

On the 6th day of the 12th month of the 15th year of Tianji, sword-wielding talent Chang Shu’an died at the top of the Smoke Cloud Mountain.


The corpse with a large hole in its chest fell heavily to the ground, the milky white palm wind having long since disappeared.

Although Wei Changtian had instructed them to take action and kill Xiao Feng as soon as Chang Shu’an died, at this moment, everyone still couldn’t help but pause for an instant.

The result they witnessed with their own eyes was forever more shocking than what they had anticipated in their hearts.

Each person stared at Chang Shu’an’s corpse, unable to utter a word, except for Li Huai zhong, who was hiding in the woods, trembling uncontrollably.

“Sixth-rank killing second-rank……”

“This, this is impossible……”

“Insane, insane……”


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