I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 17

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 17

His feet moved in a zigzag pattern, his left palm feigned a swing, his right palm changed to a slash, his five fingers exerted force, and fiercely grabbed towards Wei Changtian’s shoulder.

In normal circumstances, facing such a move, retreating and dodging would be the best choice.

However, Wei Changtian seemed to be distracted, and after a moment of hesitation, he was caught by Song Linming’s shoulder grab.

The latter suddenly burst into joy, his right hand exerting force while his foot took another step forward, and his left arm simultaneously swung an elbow towards Wei Changtian’s chest.


The dull sound echoed between the two, although the elbow’s force wasn’t great, it hit with remarkable solidity.

Song Minglin’s mouth curled up slightly, but his smile froze in an instant.

The expected scene of Wei Changtian falling to the ground in pain didn’t appear; instead, his own right hand was suddenly grasped tightly, unable to move.


Looking at Wei Changtian’s pale face, Song Minglin felt a sense of foreboding, instinctively wanting to create distance.

But at this moment, his left elbow, which hadn’t been withdrawn, was also grasped by Wei Changtian, making it impossible to struggle free.

The two were now tied together like an invisible rope, but Wei Changtian was enduring unbearable pain to lure his opponent into a trap.

Grandma! It’s all or nothing now!

Closing his eyes, Wei Changtian poured all! his remaining inner strength into a desperate headbutt towards Song Minglin.


Song Minglin had never seen such a fighting style, but he wasn’t one to back down, knowing that he couldn’t dodge at this moment, and instead bit his teeth and retaliated with a headbutt of his own.


The two foreheads crashed into each other, and the people below watched in awe, as if even their heartbeats had stopped for a moment.

Although this battle wasn’t particularly brilliant or of high quality, it was brutal enough.

Looking at the figure covered in bloodstains, with wounds all over his body, many people felt a genuine sense of respect towards Wei Changtian for the first time.

It had nothing to do with Wei Xianzhi or the Wei family.

It was just because of this courage to keep fighting to win, even after losing 58 consecutive matches…

On the stage.

The two figures stumbled apart, surrounded by splattered blood.

Wei Changtian tightly clutched his right shoulder, his body trembling, and large beads of cold sweat dripped down his pale face.

From noble mtl dot come

As for Song Minglin…



“Did Wei, Young Master Wei win?”

Someone asked, but no one replied.

Everyone stared with wide eyes, and the entire martial arts hall fell silent.


Wei Changtian coughed up blood, then dragged his heavy footsteps to the “scoreboard,” using his inner strength to slowly carve a horizontal stroke after the “win” character, mixed with someone else’s blood.

He turned back to look at the audience, and only then did the crowd snap out of their trance, erupting into a deafening cheer that resonated throughout the entire Mirror Court.


“Young Master, you haven’t injured your tendons, but the blood stasis is a bit severe.”

In a corner of the stage, Wang Er had already examined Wei Changtian’s injuries, his expression somewhat worried: “I think you should stop at this last match.”

“It’s fine, it’s just a fight.”

Wei Changtian was extremely pleased at this moment, although his body ached all over, his tone was very relaxed.

He had fought over 50 matches and finally won one!

Although it was a seventh-grade victory over an eighth-grade opponent, and he had suffered heavy losses… but a win was a win.

More importantly, this meant that his training method was indeed effective, and he would only win more in the future!

As he thought of this, he suddenly felt energized and casually tossed a handful of pills into his mouth, closing his eyes to adjust his state.

On the other side, Wei Changtian was actively preparing for battle, but his last opponent was now extremely anxious.

This person was a good friend of Song Minglin, and he was clearly aware that he was weaker than Song Minglin.

Now that Song Minglin had lost, wouldn’t he…?

Not necessarily, since Wei Changtian already looked like he couldn’t fight anymore…if he hadn’t taken those pills.

The more this person thought, the more conflicted he became, wanting to try but afraid of not only not making money but also getting injured.

Just then, a clear and cold voice suddenly came from the side.

“Twenty taels, I’ll buy the red token from you.”


The man turned his head, his face suddenly filled with a smile: “Director Xu, you…?”

“Sell or not?”

“Uh…Director Xu, someone was willing to pay fifty taels for this token earlier, and I didn’t sell…”

“Oh, then forget it.”

“…Sell! I’ll sell it!”

A quarter of an hour later.

Wei Changtian looked up and down at the person in front of him, his expression somewhat surprised.

He wasn’t surprised that the person had changed, but simply curious about how the Suspense Mirror Agency could have such a beautiful woman working for them.

This face, this waist, these legs…wait a minute!

Her hair was tied with a red ribbon, her eyes shone like stars, and her thin lips were like willow leaves…

A name suddenly jumped out in his mind.

Wei Changtian was taken aback, then tentatively asked, “Xu Qingwan?”

The woman’s expression didn’t change, and she replied calmly, “Does the young master know my name?”

“…I’ve heard of it.”

Wei Changtian forced a smile, but his heart was actually suddenly stirred up.

Xu Qingwan!

The female lead in the novel who could fight the best!!

Unlike Lu Jingyao, Xu Qingwan appeared in the middle of the story, getting to know Xiao Feng through a case, and then, due to a series of coincidences, becoming disillusioned with the Suspense Mirror Agency and following Xiao Feng instead!

However, her ending was more tragic than Lu Jingyao’s, ultimately dying under…uh, Wei Xianzhi’s palm.

From the timeline, Xu Qingwan still had a long way to go before meeting Xiao Feng for the first time.

He hadn’t thought that far ahead, but since the person had delivered herself to his doorstep, he definitely had to take advantage of the situation again!

After making up his mind, Wei Changtian didn’t hurry to fight and instead decided to exchange feelings first.

However, before he could speak, Xu Qingwan opened her mouth instead.

“Thank you, Young Master Wei, for letting me win three hundred taels of silver.”


Wei Changtian didn’t expect this, and after glancing at the pitiful person on the stage who was about to cry, he couldn’t help but laugh and say, “No need to thank me…Miss Xu, did you come up here just to say this?”

Xu Qingwan shook her head: “No, I wanted to tell you that, in your current state, you’re not suitable to fight another round.”


What did this mean?

Could it be that this woman had already been attracted to him? Was she afraid that he would get injured, so she came up to let him off easy?

Wei Changtian was overjoyed upon hearing this and hastily confirmed, “So, Miss Xu isn’t planning to spar with me?”


Xu Qingwan nodded, but her hand stretched forward, “However, I want the 50 taels of silver, and I don’t want that merit badge either. Let’s exchange it for 50 taels of silver, making it a total of 100 taels.”


Wei Changtian’s eyes widened in shock, and it took him a while to ask, “Miss Xu, do you really need money that badly?”


Xu Qingwan didn’t hide her intentions, looking straight at Wei Changtian, “So, I must have this money. If you insist on fighting, that’s fine too. Don’t blame me for not warning you beforehand.”

“Cough, let’s talk about fighting later.”

Wei Changtian suddenly had an idea and smiled as he looked back.

“Miss Xu, if you need money that badly… I have a good opportunity here.”

“It’s easy to earn a lot, why not consider it?”

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