I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 170

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 170

【Divine Strike: Special Item (one-time use), deals a fatal attack to the target, 500 points】

【Clear Jade Pendant: Special Item (one-time use), makes the wearer immune to a fatal attack and teleports them to any location within a hundred miles, 500 points】

【Remaining System Points: 530】

From the moment Xiao Feng returned Yang Liu’s poem, Wei Changtian had three options.

One, flee directly.

Just as Qin Zhengqiu had judged, if they fled directly, even with two second-rank opponents, it wasn’t like they had no chance of escaping.

Moreover, they could exchange for a “Clear Jade Pendant”, at least guaranteeing their own survival.

But if they really did flee this time, who knew when they’d be able to find Xiao Feng again?

Two, use “Divine Strike” to kill Xiao Feng and then flee.

This option looked decent.

After all, if they could really kill Xiao Feng with one strike, they would undoubtedly receive a massive amount of system points.

From noble mtl dot come

When the time comes, it wouldn’t be a big deal to use a few more “Divine Strikes” to take out the opponent’s strong players, ensuring his own safety.

But there was a problem—

Even if he used the “Divine Strike”, could he be certain to kill Xiao Feng?

The ancient jade that had saved Xiao Feng’s life last time was probably the “Clear Jade Pendant”. What if Xiao Feng had another one on him?

If Xiao Feng didn’t die, and both sides engaged in battle, wouldn’t he be the one in trouble?

In a situation where he had a choice, Wei Changtian was unwilling to gamble with his life, so he ultimately chose the third option—

Using the “Divine Strike” to take out one of the opponent’s second-tier players, evening out the battle strength of both sides.

This was a conservative yet reliable choice.

As long as both sides were evenly matched, whether they fought or fled, at least he wouldn’t be in danger.

Moreover, if he could directly take out the opponent’s strongest player, his side would have the upper hand, and there would still be a chance to kill Xiao Feng.



The blue sword light carved out a deep trench on the ground, instantly reaching Xiao Feng’s front.

Unexpectedly, the first to react was Qing Xian.

This androgynous demon king was also a swordsman, and without hesitation, they swung their sword and followed the sword light.

However, the opponent’s reaction was not slow either. An old man narrowed his eyes, and with a swift draw, he unleashed a circular arc of destruction, directly blocking the sword light and Qing Xian.


The sound of their internal energies colliding echoed through the Mount Smoke Clouds, and the surrounding soil, along with the weeds, was instantly blown away.

The blue sword light continued uninterrupted, while the black knife light was icy and silent.

The clashing moves, each with a different atmosphere, seemed to have the power to destroy the heavens and the earth.

Almost simultaneously, the others moved as well.

Qin Zhengqiu faced off against Wu Tianqing, who had lost his left hand, while Wei Zhaohai challenged a white-haired Confucian scholar who resembled a teacher.

The old man wielding a staff was left to be handled by the five third-tier players, including Liang Zhen.



“Rustle! Clang clang clang!!”

It was as if a massive wave had swept through Mount Smoke Clouds, or a thousand wild horses had galloped forth.

In the blink of an eye, the dense forest on the mountaintop had lost more than half of its trees, with countless trenches and cracks crisscrossing the ravaged landscape.

Only the positions where Wei Changtian and Xiao Feng stood remained unaffected.

It wasn’t that the others had intentionally avoided them during their battles.

It was just that every attack directed at the two of them had been blocked by their opponents.

The difference in strength between second-tier experts was only a hair’s breadth, and since they had to expend a lot of energy to defend against their opponents’ sneak attacks on their “important personnel”, they naturally couldn’t attack with full force.

As a result, the situation had somehow become balanced.

The group of experts above were exchanging blows merrily, while Wei Changtian and Xiao Feng on the ground were staring at each other calmly.

However, although the two hadn’t moved, they were both rapidly judging the situation in their minds.

Qin Zhengqiu had a significant advantage over Wu Tianqing, while Wei Zhaohai and Qing Xian were basically evenly matched.

The five third-tier players, including Liang Zhen, were at a clear disadvantage, with all their energy focused on blocking the opponent’s relentless attacks heading towards Wei Changtian.

Based on the current situation, the outcome might depend on Qin Zhengqiu and the old man wielding a staff.

If Qin Zhengqiu took out Wu Tianqing first, it would be a win for Wei Changtian’s side.

If the old man took out Liang Zhen and the others first, it would be a win for Xiao Feng’s side.

Or maybe……

In mid-air, Wei Changtian and Xiao Feng’s gazes clashed.

The next second, Long Yin and Xuan Tian Jian burst out of their sheaths, their black and white hair fluttering as the two figures intertwined without hesitation.


Wei Changtian and Xiao Feng’s choices were both correct.

If they waited for the outcome above, the losing side would certainly not survive.

Rather than leaving their fate in someone else’s hands, it was better to take control themselves.

As long as they could kill the other party first, their goal for the night would be achieved, and even if they couldn’t win above, they could still retreat with ease.

Concerning their own lives, the two would not hold back, so they went all out from the start.

And now, it seemed they were not too far apart.


Among the sparks, the long knife and long sword trembled in mid-air, locked in a stalemate for an instant, before bouncing back separately.

Ignoring the numbness in his tiger’s mouth, Wei Changtian immediately charged forward, unleashing another knife strike. Xiao Feng similarly swung his sword, unleashing a fierce sword energy.

“Ding! Clang clang clang!!”

In the blink of an eye, the two had already exchanged seven or eight moves, their movements becoming increasingly fast.

The Return to Dust Knife, which had reached perfection, had finally met its match.

The heavenly-ranked martial skill that could cut into the Locking Immortal Stone three inches deep couldn’t leave a single mark on the Xuan Tian Jian, and instead, the Dragon’s Roar knife blade had already been slightly dented.

Wei Changtian naturally sensed this, his eyebrows furrowing tightly.

Xiao Feng was not doing much better right now.

Although he knew Wei Changtian shouldn’t be able to use that divine technique that killed Chang Shu’an again, he still didn’t have a guarantee of victory.

The Xuan Tian Jian’s sword energy, once unleashed, could even kill enemies of a higher level.

But this time, it hadn’t managed to hurt Wei Changtian in the slightest.

Xiao Feng had to admit that the man opposite him was indeed very strong.

“Boom! Boom boom!!”

One sword shattered the night sky, one knife tore through the long void.

The two continued to exchange blows, still unable to determine a winner.

This was normal, actually.

Wei Changtian and Xiao Feng, one a “system-equipped traverser” and the other a “son of the heavenly way,” had similar golden fingers at this stage.

Dream Path, Capturing Demons, Heavenly Ranked Martial Skills……

The same golden fingers made their combat experience and cultivation almost identical, with the only possible difference being their weapons.

Oh, Xiao Feng had one thing Wei Changtian didn’t.


A sudden, violent roar erupted.

Perhaps feeling he couldn’t drag it out anymore, Xiao Feng suddenly unleashed his “big move,” his internal energy almost condensing into a physical form, exploding in an instant, with countless sword energies wildly rotating around him.

Heavenly Ranked Internal Energy – Dragon Elephant.


Like the Wei family’s “Return to Origin Technique” and the Heavenly Net Sect’s “Heavenly Net Technique,” the Dragon Elephant Technique, as a heavenly-ranked internal energy, naturally had some unique aspects.

The Return to Origin Technique allowed those below the fourth rank to increase their cultivation without any bottlenecks, all flowing smoothly.

The Heavenly Net Technique had internal energy that was fiercely powerful, almost unmatched at the same level.

The Dragon Elephant Technique could exhaust the energy in the elixir field, greatly increasing the cultivator’s level within thirty breaths.


In the midst of the fierce cry, Xiao Feng’s realm instantly skyrocketed from sixth-grade to fifth-grade, a whole major realm upgrade.

As his realm ascended, the sword aura that originally coiled like a black snake also surged violently, growing as thick as an arm in the blink of an eye, completely enveloping the entire Xuanyuan Sword.

The next second, a sword energy several times stronger than before burst out, charging straight at Wei Changtian, who was rapidly retreating.

It’s here!

Facing the black sword energy that seemed capable of cutting through anything, Wei Changtian’s expression turned serious, but he wasn’t particularly panicked.

Xiao Feng’s abilities might be unknown to others, but he was crystal clear about them.

A short-term realm upgrade was indeed impressive, but after thirty breaths, Xiao Feng would exhaust his inner strength and lose power.

By then, he would have won for sure.

With a raised knife, he returned to dust.



The ear-shattering collision sound erupted beside them, as the Dragon’s Cry, worth a hundred thousand silver taels, merely resisted the sword energy for a moment before shattering into countless tiny fragments under the high-frequency tremors.

The knife handle tied with a red rope flew through the air, but Wei Changtian’s movements didn’t falter, and his face showed no signs of pain.

He took advantage of the brief moment when the black sword energy was blocked and leaped high into the air, narrowly dodging the fatal blow before plummeting back down to the ground.


Behind him, the sword energy ripped through an ancient tree and vanished into the night.

Above, the intense battle between the high-ranking experts continued.

But on the ground, everything came to a standstill for a moment.

“Wei Changtian, you’re very strong.”

With his sword raised in one hand, Xiao Feng gazed at Wei Changtian with reddened eyes, letting out a hoarse, ferocious laugh:

“Pity it has to end here.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll give you a swift death, haha!!”


Wei Changtian slowly backed away, watching Xiao Feng, who had already lost his reason, and wished he would speak a bit longer.

The better he could drag out the thirty breaths.

“Xiao Feng, at this point, there’s something I must tell you……”

Following the principle of stalling for as long as possible, Wei Changtian spoke slowly: “Actually, everything you possess now was given to you by me.”


Xiao Feng’s eyebrows furrowed, and he couldn’t help but freeze for a moment.

But Wei Changtian didn’t give him a chance to think, and continued in a low tone:

“I know you don’t believe me, but……”

“These five high-ranking experts were found by the residual soul in the Xuanyuan Sword for you, weren’t they?”

“And the Dream Path, the Demon-Sealing Array, the Spirit-Inspecting Pan…… I’m aware of all your secrets!”

“You know why I’m clear about these, don’t you?”


Upon hearing Wei Changtian’s words, Xiao Feng fell into unprecedented confusion and disarray.

He opened his mouth wide, and subconsciously blurted out:


“I said it’s because all of these were given to you by me!”

Wei Changtian took a step forward, his body unwavering.

He, of course, had no idea how to explain things to Xiao Feng, but at this point, it was all about stalling for time. As long as he kept asking questions and putting Xiao Feng in a bewildered state, that would be enough.

“Xiao Feng, haven’t you ever doubted yourself?”

“You were just an ordinary warrior, so why did you suddenly start getting all sorts of opportunities three years ago?”

“You’re no different from others, so why do all these good things keep falling into your lap?”

From noble mtl dot come

“Why did the Xuantian Sword recognize you as its master? Why have you been able to escape death so many times?”

“Have you never thought about all of this?”

“I… I…”

Facing Wei Changtian’s aggressive questioning, Xiao Feng was stunned, his voice trembling as he replied:

“I… I’ve thought about it, but I just can’t understand…”

Can’t understand? Well, that’s perfect. If you can’t understand, then just think about it some more.

There were only three breaths left.

Wei Changtian was counting down the time in his mind, his expression still stern.

“No problem, I’ll tell you now.”

“It’s actually because you…”


Xiao Feng’s anguished roar suddenly cut off Wei Changtian’s words.

“Shut up! Shut up!! Shut up!!”

His bright red pupils seemed to be bleeding, Xiao Feng’s entire body was shaking with madness, and the Xuantian Sword’s aura was surging again.

From thin threads to thick arms, from thick arms to giant pillars… until a black dragon with its jaws wide open appeared before him.

Snake god, alligator head, eagle claws, deer antlers, fish scales, his entire body was shrouded in a dark mist, as if it were real, yet like an illusion.

The Nine-Step True Dragon emerged, washing away the mundane world.

The Heavenly Stage martial skill, the Great Perfection Boundary – Dragon Emergence.


The bright moon hung high in the sky, and the battle in the air seemed to have stopped.

This sudden appearance of a black dragon was too obvious, impossible to ignore.

Feeling the overwhelming energy emanating from the dragon’s body, Qin Zhengqiu and the others’ faces changed.

Although a sixth-rank warrior like Xiao Feng could unleash such a move was unbelievable, to them, it was just a casual strike that could defeat the black dragon.

But what about Wei Changtian?


Qin Zhengqiu’s figure flashed, and he immediately prepared to rescue someone.

But the next second, Wu Tianqing, covered in blood, blocked his path.

Wu Tianqing’s original strength was already inferior to Qin Zhengqiu’s, and he had lost a hand before the fight, so he had already taken a lot of damage in the previous battle and was on the verge of collapse.

Yet, he still refused to let Qin Zhengqiu pass.

Not for Xiao Feng, but for the deceased Chang Shu’an.

With all his might, he blocked Qin Zhengqiu’s furious strike, spitting out another mouthful of blood.

“Xiao Gongzi! Avenge Chang Dage!”



Wu Tianqing laughed maniacally, while Qin Zhengqiu’s face turned green with rage.

It’s obvious that Wei Changtian cannot use the move that killed Chang Shuanan now.

Moreover, he has lost his sword.

As a second-tier expert, Qin Zhengqiu was well aware that Wei Changtian had no chance of resisting the black dragon, which already had a hint of “momentum” within.

He quickly glanced at the others.

Whether it was Wei Zhao Hai or Qing Xuan, they were all in a similar situation to himself.

To avenge Chang Shuanan, the second-tier experts on the opposite side were going all out, even if it meant getting hurt, to block their way and rescue Wei Changtian.

“Boom boom boom!!”

Another dozen or so palm prints were released, and Wu Tianqing still didn’t dodge, instead crazily spitting blood while withstanding all the attacks.

Qin Zhengqiu numbly continued to swing his palm, feeling a sense of despair as he looked down.

The black dragon had already opened its ferocious eyes, and Wei Changtian……




When the black dragon appeared, a strong sense of mortal danger surged up in Wei Changtian’s heart.

At this moment, he didn’t have time to think about why Xiao Feng didn’t let him finish speaking, nor did he have time to think about why Xiao Feng suddenly used a move that wouldn’t be achieved until the later stages of the novel.

He couldn’t dodge this attack.

“Whoosh whoosh whoosh!!”

A series of long knives emerged from the starry knife sheath, suspended in mid-air, and then hovered above Wei Changtian’s head.

Five, ten, twenty……

The familiar pain sensation echoed in his mind, and his thoughts began to slow down like glue.

Wei Changtian knew his limits, but he also knew he had to break through them.

Twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty-seven…… thirty.

Exactly thirty precision steel knives hovered in the air, their blades reflecting a cold light that illuminated Wei Changtian’s surroundings.

The visual impact of this scene was no less than the black dragon opposite.


It was as if countless needles were piercing his brain, and Wei Changtian gritted his teeth, his clothes already soaked with cold sweat.

Xiao Feng also let out a final, crazed roar at this moment.



The true dragon’s roar echoed through the night sky, as if even the massive Smoky Mountain was trembling at this moment.

The dark dragon moved, shaking the mountains and rivers.

With a fierce killing intent, the black dragon opened its large mouth, bursting forth from Xiao Feng’s body.

At the same time, the thirty knives hovering above Wei Changtian’s head also rose high, transforming into a single, several-zhang-long golden light that slashed towards the dragon’s head.

Returning to Dust, the Great Perfection of the Returning to Dust Knife.

The thirty knives’ Returning to Dust.



It was as if a massive TNT explosive had been detonated, and the shockwave generated by the collision between the black dragon and the golden light directly uprooted hundreds of towering trees, sending them flying into the air.

Shattered tree trunks, dark soil, broken stone branches, and two figures flying backward……

Qin Zhengqiu, Wei Zhao Hai, Wu Tianqing…… including Yang Liu Shi and Li Huai Zhong, who were hiding in the distance.

Everyone’s eyes widened in disbelief at this moment, refusing to accept that this scene was real.

If Wei Changtian’s previous move had revealed an eerie aura, then this time it was a thorough shock.

Two sixth-rank warriors, how could they possibly unleash such power?

Each of their moves…

Sixth-rank couldn’t keep up, fifth-rank couldn’t keep up, fourth-rank… could they keep up?

Or was it beyond the second-rank?


After the rumble, the top of Smoke Cloud Mountain fell silent.

No one spoke, and they even forgot to continue fighting.

Or perhaps it was meaningless to continue fighting.

They had come for the life or death of Xiao Feng and Wei Changtian.

And now, it seemed like there was already a result.

“Clang clang clang!”

Countless broken long knives fell from the sky, and the black dragon had already dispersed into smoke.

Wei Changtian and Xiao Feng lay on either side, their tattered clothes covered in fresh blood.


A faint coughing sound suddenly echoed, but in the silent environment, it was crystal clear.

It was Xiao Feng’s voice.


Qin Zhengqiu and Wei Zhaohe’s faces turned pale, Qing Xuan let out a soft sigh, and Yang Liu Shi closed his eyes in despair.

However, in the next moment, a “ding ding dang” sound suddenly came from the deep pit created by the explosion.

It was four long knives, already broken into two pieces.

These four knives floated out of the pit under everyone’s gaze, slowly rising above Xiao Feng, and then…

Pausing, taking aim, accelerating.


The four broken knives plummeted down, nailing Xiao Feng’s four limbs like four steel nails.


Xiao Feng’s body convulsed, and the blood flowed even more profusely.

On the other side, a figure also struggled to stand up, cursing as they spat out a mouthful of blood.

“Damn it!”

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