I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 175

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 175

“Master, what are you smiling about?”

Half an hour later, Yuan’er had just hung up the wide outer robe and turned around to see Wei Changtian sitting at the table, grinning foolishly.

“What good thing did you encounter that made you laugh all the way back?”

“A good thing?”

Wei Changtian’s smile grew even wider: “It’s indeed a good thing… Yuan’er, give me a kiss.”


Ying’er’s small face froze, and she slowly walked to Wei Changtian’s side, asking in a low voice, “Lord, where do you want me to kiss?”


Wei Changtian pointed to his left cheek.


Although Ying’er was shy, she listened obediently and bent down to lightly kiss him.

Feeling the fleeting warmth on his cheek, Wei Changtian clicked his tongue and shook his head in admiration, saying:

“Tsk, tsk, tsk, not that kind of taste.”

“Ah? Do I have a taste in my mouth?” Ying’er immediately covered her mouth.

“I didn’t say you have a taste in your mouth…”

Wei Changtian waved his hand and laughed, saying, “Ying’er, the one standing outside the door earlier was Xu Qingwan.”

“Xu Qing… Ah! It’s Miss Xu! I wondered why she looked so familiar!”

Ying’er’s big eyes suddenly narrowed into crescent shapes, and she teased with a smile, “So, Lord, you were looking for Miss Xu earlier!”

“Hehe, it seems our little house will be bustling with activity soon!”


Wei Changtian knew Ying’er was referring to Yang Liu and Liang Qin.

They say three women are a drama, and these three wouldn’t be acting out some “harem drama.”

But what about Lu Jingyao if she comes again in the future…

What would she count as then?


Shaking his head, Wei Changtian turned around and walked towards the bedroom.

Meanwhile, in the Wei residence in the capital, Lu Jingyao, who was also preparing for bed, suddenly covered her mouth and let out a sneeze.


“Madam, what’s wrong?” Autumn Cloud hurriedly asked, “Did you catch a cold?”


Lu Jingyao sniffled and undid her hair bun, then bent down to enter the curtains.

Autumn Cloud didn’t think much of it and went to blow out the candle on the table before preparing to leave the room.

However, Lu Jingyao suddenly poked her head out from behind the curtains, her face filled with excitement.

“Autumn Cloud, people say that sneezing suddenly is a sign that someone is thinking of you… do you think it was Lord thinking of me just now!”


Autumn Cloud turned back to look at Lu Jingyao, who had let her hair down, and couldn’t help but laugh, saying, “Madam, you believe in such things?”

“If it’s true, then wouldn’t Lord be sneezing all day if you thought of him every day?”

“I don’t care!”

Lu Jingyao’s excitement wasn’t dampened by Autumn Cloud’s words, or maybe she just didn’t hear what Autumn Cloud said.

“Autumn Cloud, help me prepare the ink, I want to write a letter to Lord!”

“Ah? Madam, it’s already late at night, can’t it wait till tomorrow?”

“No, you don’t understand, if I write the letter now, I can send it to Lord earlier!”


Autumn Cloud wanted to say, “Madam, you’ve written so many letters, but Lord has only replied to one,” but she finally held back and silently went to prepare the writing materials.

Lu Jingyao couldn’t wait and quickly put on a small jacket, got out of bed, and sat down at the table, thinking about what to write in the letter.

And on the other side……


Another loud sneeze shook the heavens.

Yinger asked worriedly, “Young Master, are you catching a cold? Should we add another quilt to your bed tonight?”

“No need.”

Wei Changtian shook his head, thinking to himself that as a sixth-rank warrior, he couldn’t possibly get a minor illness like a cold.

Damn it……

“I’m sure someone is cursing me!”



After Xiao Feng’s death, Wei Changtian’s life on the surface didn’t change much, but in reality, it had undergone significant changes.

Ever since he crossed over, Xiao Feng’s existence had been like the Sword of Damocles, hanging precariously over his head, making him uneasy and restless all the time.

Now that Xiao Feng was buried on Mount Yunwu, Wei Changtian, without a “rival,” suddenly felt lost and uncertain.

Because he didn’t know what to do next.

Should he focus on cultivation, striving to reach the unparalleled realm of a first-rank warrior?

Or should he eliminate evil and bring happiness to the people, making the world a better place?

Or perhaps he should use his knowledge from his past life to establish a more civilized society?

Wei Changtian wasn’t interested in any of these options.

He’d rather just drift along, doing nothing.

Living a life of luxury, traveling, and having fun with his wife and kids, until he became a mere speck of dust a hundred years later, leaving behind a few hundred poems and some influential “inventions” like mahjong and poker.

A few thousand years later, when schoolchildren would recite his “original” poems, like “Spring Sleep,” he would be remembered for eternity……

With this mindset, Wei Changtian spent the most carefree period of his life since crossing over.

Every day, he would use the excuse of “joint cultivation” to take Xu Qingwan on a food tour around Shu State, exercising his body with Yang Liu every other day, and killing a defenseless demon on Mount Yunwu every three days……

As the days went by, his cultivation grew, and his emotions warmed up.

It seemed that to match this harmony, other things didn’t go awry either.

From noble mtl dot come

The imperial court seemed to have genuinely believed that the female corpse was indeed Ning Yuke, and Li Huaizhong quietly left Shu State.

The Shared Prosperity Association, under Chu Xianping’s leadership, continued to flourish, with the number of members in the Shu State branch exceeding five hundred.

And the same boat association grew from the initial five members to over thirty, with the first batch of “25th-ranked officials” ready to take office as registered officials of the Great Ming dynasty in a year.

If there was anything that required Wei Changtian’s attention……it would probably be fulfilling his promise to Qingxian to release the demons in the Demon Prison.

However, this matter wasn’t urgent, as there were still four or five months left before the deadline.

So, Wei Changtian continued to enjoy his idyllic life, and time quickly passed until the year-end.

This year, the weather was favorable everywhere in the Great Ming dynasty, and Shu State was no exception.

A bumper harvest meant a lively year.

On New Year’s Eve, the entire Shu State was decorated with unprecedented grandeur, with even the withered trees wrapped in colorful silk and adorned with green silk leaves. Every household hung large red lanterns, reflecting a vibrant red glow.

The east wind blew gently, scattering flowers everywhere, and the stars twinkled like rain. The fragrance of incense wafted through the streets, and the jade ladle shone brightly, as if the fish and dragons were dancing in the night.

Although Xin Qiji’s poem was written for the Lantern Festival, it was equally fitting for today.

And since the entire Shu State was already in this festive atmosphere, the Wei residence naturally had to surpass it.

A group of people happily finished their New Year’s Eve dinner, then gathered around the stove, dividing into several tables to play poker.

The room was filled with beautiful women, with only Wei Changtian and Zhang San being the two men present.

This “yin-yang imbalance” scene was quite extraordinary, giving off a heavenly atmosphere. If an ordinary man were in Wei Changtian’s shoes, he wouldn’t want to leave for even a moment.

However, after playing cards for a while, Wei Changtian returned to his bedroom alone.

It wasn’t because he suddenly developed a sentimental illness, feeling emotional and melancholic, and was preparing to indulge in sorrow on this New Year’s Eve.

But it was because the system, which had been updated for over twenty days, finally showed some signs of life.

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