I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 176

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 176

[Detected that the system’s preconditions have been lost]

[Current status allows the use of the system mall]

[System is updating automatically, currently 99.9% complete]


After more than twenty days, the progress had finally reached 99.9% from 0.1%, and it would take less than an hour to complete the update.

As for what the system would become after the update, Wei Changtian had no idea, and he only hoped it would remain the same as before, without those forced tasks that would drive him to death.

But if it really turned out to be like that… then he’d be damned!

Shaking his head, he closed the system interface and, with a flicker of thought, summoned the Xuantian Sword from the Starry Sky Scabbard.

The black longsword hung silently in mid-air, like a black hole, deep and profound.

Wei Changtian had tried to make the Xuantian Sword acknowledge him as its master before, but it had failed, of course.

After all, he wasn’t the son of the Heavenly Dao.

Although he couldn’t make it acknowledge him, he could still use it as an ordinary weapon, and at least the Xuantian Sword’s material was extremely hard.

It was a pity that Wei Changtian had grown accustomed to using a knife, and using a sword felt quite uncomfortable, so this divine weapon had been left to gather dust in the Starry Sky Scabbard.

It was a complete waste of a treasure.

And that strand of residual soul… let it stay in the sword.

With his current power, how could he possibly encounter a situation where he’d need to use his lifespan as a trade?


Wei Changtian suddenly heard the sound of firecrackers from afar.

And with the first explosion, a series of continuous “boom” sounds followed, like a parrot mimicking its master.

It was as if the water had reached its boiling point, and the city of Shu suddenly erupted, with fireworks shooting into the night sky, bursting into a flower-like pattern.

“Wow! Fireworks!”

The door to the main hall was pushed open by Yuan’er, who rushed out, shouting and laughing, followed by Xu Qingwan and the others.

The women stood in the small courtyard, wearing colorful cloaks, gazing up at the flower-like patterns in the night sky.

“Hee! Hee! Hee!”

The flames from the fireworks illuminated their faces, flashing with happy, shallow smiles.



The Xuantian Sword returned to the Starry Sky Scabbard, and Wei Changtian sat at the edge of the table, taking a deep breath.


[System update complete]

[Detected that the host has unused system points: 2530, which will be automatically reserved]

[System mall has been updated! System point acquisition method has been updated!]

[Host can obtain system points by plundering the “Heavenly Dao’s Child” aura in this world!]

[Note 1: The method of plundering aura will be explored by the host, and the system will reward system points based on the proportion of aura plundered after the event]

[Note 2: Killing the “Heavenly Dao’s Child” will grant all of their Heavenly Dao aura and a large reward of system points]

[Note 3:……]

【In this world, there are thirteen “Heavenly Sons”, and some information will be revealed to the host.】

【1: Tiandao Palace, outer disciple, Ye Xuan】

【2: Lingmen Temple, librarian, Lin Fan】

【3: Da Hui Kingdom, commoner, Chu An】

【4: Da Qian Kingdom, demon-slaying officer, Xu Quan】

【5: ……】


Each and every one of these unfamiliar royal families and sects, each and every one of these names that exude a heroic aura.

Wei Changtian never expected the system to be so ruthless, directly throwing out thirteen Heavenly Sons for him to kill.

What’s even more crucial is that these people, or rather these places, he had mostly never heard of, and they weren’t even mentioned in the original story.

Except for the last two people.



In the Far East, Qingzhou City.

Just like Shuzhou City, Qingzhou City was equally bustling at this moment.

Qingzhou was by the sea, and the villages outside the city’s east gate were almost all fishing villages.

This year’s harvest was abundant, and the prices of grain were naturally low, leaving the fishermen with some spare change.

Having spent their lives coming and going in the waves, these people valued peace above all, so this year they decided to splurge a bit, hanging red lanterns on each of their fishing boats.

The fishing boats lined up along the coast, their red lights stretching for miles, casting a dark, crimson glow on the shore.

However, this faint red light couldn’t illuminate the darkness on Fisherman’s Island.

“Wow! Wow! Wow!”

The giant waves crashed against the reefs, and a naked woman sat cross-legged in front of a small wooden hut, her eyes fixed on Qingzhou City.

“Why hasn’t my husband returned……”

“It’s been over a month since he said he’d be back in half a month……”

“My husband has never lied to me except about eating fish……”

“My husband, I’ll let you eat fish from now on, please come back……”

“Please come back……”

The woman didn’t know that her husband had already fallen in the distant Smoking Cloud Mountain, but her muttering was already filled with despair.

The cold sea breeze howled past, causing the dried fish hanging from the eaves to sway.

This was originally Wutian Qing’s “evidence” of secretly eating fish, but now it seemed it would never have the chance to “testify” again.

“My husband, I’ll go find you……”

“You always said that people outside are treacherous, that if I go out, I’ll be discovered as a demon and have my head chopped off to be taken to the Suspended Mirror Court for a reward……”

“But I can’t wait for you anymore……”

“I’ll follow you wherever you go once I find you……”

“Don’t abandon me, okay……”


The woman’s words became increasingly sorrowful, and her crystal-like tears fell down her cheeks, resembling a string of round, luminous pearls.

The moonlight was bright, and the surging waves gradually subsided.

The endless sea surface suddenly cracked open, revealing a massive gap, empty and still, with no water flowing.

It felt as if some god had slashed the sea in two with a single sword.

A moment later, a soft, crimson light suddenly emerged from the seam, fluttering and dancing towards the woman with wide eyes.

The crimson light resembled a fish with wings, its body like a fish and its wings like a bird, its voice like the gentle calls of mandarin ducks.

” Qi, winning fish……”



In the capital city, within the imperial palace.

Jade wine, golden cups, exquisite dishes, and wine flowing like a spring, accompanied by the gentle sound of the guqin and the resonant chime of bells.

Civil and military officials stood in attendance below, while Ning Yongnian held his cup high on the dais.

Although, according to protocol, the emperor would also “seal and rest” for a few days during the New Year, it was customary for the emperor to host a banquet with his officials on this day to celebrate together.

It was similar to the annual company gatherings of the previous life, where the boss would take the opportunity to commend outstanding employees, and employees would take the opportunity to flatter their boss.

Incidentally, they would also summarize the year’s gains and losses, and set goals for the coming year.

This year, the empire had experienced a peaceful and prosperous year, with no strong enemies outside and no turmoil within, and a bountiful harvest, with the only exception being the rivalry between Liu and Wei. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say it was a “prosperous era.”

Whether this prosperous era had much to do with the ruler was hard to say, but in the mouths of these court officials, it had all become Ning Yongnian’s achievements.

One by one, the memorials praising Ning Yongnian’s merits were presented to Li HuaiZhong, who then read them out loud in a clear voice.

The elaborate phrases of praise and admiration, accompanied by the resonant sound of bells and drums, created a solemn and distant atmosphere.

Under this atmosphere, even the two golden dragons carved on the eaves of the great hall seemed to come to life, as if they were about to fly to the heavenly palace to report to the gods about the prosperity of the mortal world.

And to welcome them, the dark night sky even opened a heavenly gate.

The heavenly gate……


Ning Yongnian suddenly stood up, his eyes fixed on the night sky in disbelief, his body trembling uncontrollably.

“What’s wrong, Your Majesty?” the Empress, dressed in phoenix robes, asked, her eyes filled with concern.

“Can’t you see?”

Ning Yongnian pointed to the heavenly gate, which shot out golden light for thousands of feet, momentarily forgetting his imperial dignity.

“What do you want me to see?”


Ning Yongnian’s voice trailed off, and when he looked up again, he was completely stunned.

It was a golden dragon.

A golden dragon, identical to the one carved on the eaves of the great hall and embroidered on the dragon robes, yet it was real, flapping its wings in the sky!

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A true dragon had descended upon the world, unifying all under heaven!

Ning Yongnian stared blankly at the golden dragon as it soared through the night sky, getting closer and closer to him…


“Your Majesty…”

It was unclear how much time had passed when Li HuaiZhong’s voice came from beside him.

“It’s your turn to speak.”


The night wind howled, rustling the dragon robes.

Ning Yongnian turned to face the civil and military officials standing in attendance below, and after a moment of silence, he suddenly took a step forward.

“I will only say one sentence today!”

“I might still be able to sit on the throne for fifty years, and in those fifty years, I will definitely lead the great generals of Da Ning to sweep across the six harmonies and devour the eight wildernesses! All mountains and rivers, inside and out, will bow down to my feet!”


One breath, two breaths, three breaths……

After three breaths, the deafening cheers echoed throughout the imperial palace.

“Long live the Emperor!”

“Long live the Emperor!”

“Long live the Emperor!”



Shu State.

“Bang bang bang~”

“Prince, there are fireworks outside! Aren’t you coming out to take a look?”

Ying’er tapped on the window, her laughter as clear as a bell.

Xu Qingwan, Yang Liushi, and Liang Jin all looked at the wooden window with eager anticipation, waiting for Wei Changtian to come out and share in the joy.

But there was no movement from inside the window for a long time.

“Brother Changtian might be busy……”

Liang Jin comforted herself, while Xu Qingwan and Yang Liushi’s eyes showed concern.

But just at the next moment.

“Here he comes!”

“What’s so good about these lousy fireworks?”

Wei Changtian slowly walked out of the room, a smile on his face, but his hands clenched into fists behind his back.

[12: Da Ning Dynasty, East Sea Fish Demon, Yunlian]

[13: Da Ning Dynasty, Current Emperor, Ning Yongnian]


“Damn it.”

(Volume 2, Complete)

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