I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 178

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 178

Forget or Avenge?

Ning Yukuo’s answer was something Wei Changtian could guess, but he still asked again.

Because this matter had already taken on a different meaning for him.

Helping Ning Yukuo avenge himself purely out of self-interest was not something Wei Changtian had planned.

However, now…

If Ning Yukuo could really cause some trouble for Ning Yongnian, wouldn’t that earn him some system points?

Of course, doing so would somewhat go against his own “code of conduct,” but laying the groundwork early wouldn’t be a mistake.

Although there was no evidence, Wei Changtian had a hunch that Ning Yongnian was plotting against him.

If things escalated into an all-out confrontation, Ning Yukuo might become a valuable pawn.


“Master Wei…”

Ning Yukuo’s voice trembled, but was filled with determination, as he clutched his hands tightly in his sleeves.

“I want to avenge myself, no matter the cost; I have no regrets!”

Just as expected, the anticipated answer.

“Very well, I might be able to help you.”

Wei Changtian didn’t hesitate, gazing at Ning Yukuo as he spoke slowly: “We’ll discuss the details when the time is right.”

“I don’t expect you to repay me, but there’s one thing you must remember clearly…”

“From today on, everything you do has nothing to do with me.”

“Remember, not a single thing is related to me; do you understand?”


Disassociating themselves, using himself as a pawn to take the fall… Ning Yukuo wasn’t foolish and naturally understood Wei Changtian’s intentions.

But to avenge himself, he had no choice.

Moreover, the promise “I’ll do anything for Master Wei” wasn’t a lie.

Ning Yukuo genuinely wanted to be Wei Changtian’s pawn.

“Master Wei, I understand.”

Looking at Wei Changtian, Ning Yukuo’s eyes didn’t flinch.

He replied almost word for word: “Even if I die, I won’t cause Master Wei any trouble.”


Wei Changtian nodded, his finger flicking subtly, and the puppet pill he had hidden in his palm was suddenly retrieved back into his sleeve.

He had originally planned to give Ning Yukuo the puppet pill.

Such an important role, once betrayed, would have severe consequences, and taking the pill would eliminate any worries about that.

But when Wei Changtian saw Ning Yukuo’s gaze, he felt like it wasn’t necessary.


Was it really necessary to be so frugal with a mere 20-point puppet pill?

Wei Changtian was actually very clear about his true thoughts.

People like Zhang San, Yang Liu Shi, and Chu Xianping also knew some of his secrets, but Wei Changtian had never thought of giving them the puppet pill.

It wasn’t that he wasn’t afraid of them betraying him, but rather that he didn’t want them to become his obedient “tools.”

So, when did Ning Yukuo start to have this kind of status in his heart?


It was already noon when I left Ning Yuke’s place.

I took a bus home, which happened to coincide with lunchtime, and I took a nap in the afternoon. Later, I played cards with Yuer and Yangliu Shi at home.

Around dusk, Bai Tian followed Liang Zhen to visit some relatives and brought back two letters.

To be precise, it was one letter and a package.

These two items were sent through the Qingbao Army’s channel, indicating that they didn’t involve any confidential information.

Wei Changtian first opened the letter, and upon seeing the handwriting, he knew it was from Lu Jingyao.

The letter mentioned some ordinary family matters, such as Wei Qiaoling beating up the teacher, and the good business at Chunshen Bookstore, with a tone that was hesitant to express intimate feelings.

After quickly finishing the letter, Wei Changtian carelessly tossed it onto a pile of similar envelopes, and then opened the small, exquisitely crafted wooden box in the package.

This time, his eyes lit up.


Great! Li Yang had finally managed to produce it!

The size, color, and pattern were identical to those from his previous life, made of ivory, and even came with three small dice.

After studying the complete set of mahjong for a while, Wei Changtian continued to look through the box.

Hmm? What’s this……

With a “whoosh” sound, he unfolded a large sheet of paper, and for the first time, Wei Changtian felt like he was back in his previous life.

The front page, Jianghu Gazette, Business Gazette, Poetry Gazette……

Various sections were neatly arranged on the rectangular paper, each with dense, small print.

Front page: Stay informed about the world without leaving your doorstep, grasp the newspaper and observe the changing winds; the “Jingbao” is launched today……

Jianghu Gazette: The great hero Kang Taixin recently died a tragic death at home, and according to insiders, his wife had an affair with the assassin Cui Shenggui……

Business Gazette: With the year-end approaching, grain prices have dropped in all states, and salt, iron, and other commodities have also fallen in price by nearly 20%……

Poetry Gazette:……

Wei Changtian couldn’t help but admire Li Yang’s leadership abilities after carefully reading the entire newspaper from start to finish.

Initially, he had only briefly mentioned the newspaper’s situation and then didn’t bother with it anymore.

Who would have thought that in just over a month, Li Yang had actually managed to produce it?!

Although it was limited by the papermaking and printing levels, the “Jingbao” in his hand was still a single-sided print.

But even so, it was impressive enough!

After carefully folding the newspaper, Wei Changtian took out the last letter in the box.

“Dear Brother Wei, I have tried to produce mahjong and newspapers, and I am sending them to you for your approval……”

The thousand-word letter left Wei Changtian dizzy and dazzled.

Li Yang detailed his operational plans for the newspaper and mahjong in the letter, and actively sought Wei Changtian’s opinions.

For example, how often the newspaper should be published, whether it could cooperate with organizations like the Tianji Pavilion to publish the newspaper, and whether a “civilian edition” of mahjong made of wooden blocks should be released……

Wei Changtian couldn’t help but admire Li Yang’s business acumen while quickly drafting a response to answer these questions as thoroughly as possible.

After sealing the envelope, he called Liang Zhen into the room and asked her to take the reply to the Qingbao Army tomorrow.

Liang Zhen took the letter, then looked at the mahjong on the table and asked curiously:

“What is this, Brother Changtian?”

“Haha, go call Yuer and Yangliu Shi! I’ll teach you a fun game!”


Liang Zhen’s face suddenly turned bright red, like a big apple: “Brother Changtian, is this…is this necessary? I…I…”

“What are you thinking?”

Wei Changtian rolled his eyes: “Hurry up! I guarantee you’ll be hooked later!”


Liang Jin lowered his head, muttering: “I… I don’t believe it…”

An hour later.

It was already mealtime, but only Li Su Yue and Zhang San were sitting at the dinner table, staring at each other in confusion.

They looked puzzled, gazing at the brightly lit room across the courtyard, where Liang Jin’s excited shouts could be heard from time to time.

“Wow! Chicken!”

“Brother Changtian, I want to eat your chicken!”

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