I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 18

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 18

“Master, Xu Qingwan may have some skills, but she’s not enough to guide you in martial arts.”

On the speeding horse carriage, Wang Er looked gloomy, “Besides, the price you offered her was too high. If it’s like that… I think I can teach her too.”


Wei Changtian glanced at Wang Er’s robust physique and thought about how he guided his movements…

“Go wherever you please, stay wherever you like!”

Wang Er felt a bit hurt upon hearing this, but soon remembered something, “Oh, Master, I’ve got the results of the investigation on Yang Liu Shi.”

Wei Changtian nodded, “Oh, tell me about it.”


Wang Er lowered his voice and whispered, “Yang Liu Shi is from Qingzhou Prefecture, and her family was quite wealthy. However, they all died in a great fire, leaving only her alive.”

“After that, she came to the capital to seek refuge with a distant relative, and because of her stunning beauty, this relative wanted to marry her off to the Minister of Revenue, Zhang, to secure an official position for their son.”

“But Yang Liu Shi refused to comply, so that family, in a fit of rage, sold her to the Fengqi Pavilion.”

“Who would have thought that after entering the brothel, she changed completely, becoming as comfortable as a fish in water? Last year, she even won first place in the Flower Ranking Competition.”


Wei Changtian’s expression remained calm, but his heart was like a bright mirror.

What Qingzhou Prefecture person, what family dying in a great fire? It was all fake!

This Yang Liu Shi wasn’t even human!

She was a demon!

A fox demon!

From the Western Mountains, she came to the capital to find an opportunity to rescue someone from the Xuanjing Bureau’s prison, not a person, but a demon.

And this wasn’t even the most critical part.

The most outrageous thing was that she used illusions to deceive her clients every time!

The clients thought they had a good time, but in reality, they were just indulging in fantasies.

Wasn’t this blatant consumer fraud?

It was too infuriating; he had to give her a lesson!

Raising an eyebrow, Wei Changtian asked, “When does Yang Liu Shi receive clients? Is it still the same rule?”


Wang Er replied truthfully, “Yang Liu Shi still receives clients on the 1st, 15th, and 28th of every month. The clients must be officials of the third rank or above.”

“However, during the upcoming Mid-Autumn Lantern Festival, she will also take a boat ride at night and spread rumors that it’s a chance to break the rules. Many literati are waiting for that day.”


Wei Changtian nodded, commanding, “Arrange it, I want to ride Yang Liu’s flower boat on Mid-Autumn Day, cough, with the flowers.”

“Okay, Young Master.”

Wang Er bowed his head to take the order, secretly complaining in his heart.

Although the Young Master had become more gentle lately and hadn’t gone out to kill anyone in a while…

But this old lecher still hadn’t changed a bit!


“Woof woof woof!”

“Cluck cluck cluck!”

As the sun had just set in the west, Wei Changtian returned to the Wei Manor and saw a big dog chasing an old hen in the courtyard. The two animals were running wildly from east to west, from south to north, creating a lively “chicken flying, dog jumping” scene.

“Where did the chicken come from?”

Wei Changtian walked to the eaves of the house, looking helpless, and asked Qiuyun, “Did Miss Cai bring it again?”


Qiuyun rubbed his forehead, “Miss said our courtyard was too dull, so this would liven things up…”


After a moment of silence, Wei Changtian gritted his teeth and asked again, “Where is she?”

“She’s in the house learning to write with the madam.”

“Cai Ling? Learning to write?”

Wei Changtian was taken aback, then headed towards the house, but turned back after a few steps and rushed towards the big hen.

“Cluck cluck cluck!”



“Perfect, we’ll have chicken for dinner tonight.”


The study was filled with the fragrance of sandalwood.

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At a small, specially made wooden desk, Wei Cai Ling was holding a tiny brush, writing fiercely, with ink splattering everywhere, exuding a wild and carefree artistic spirit.

Lu Jingyao stood beside her, although her clothes were covered in ink stains, but she wasn’t complaining, and even had a rare smile on her face.

This was the first time Wei Changtian had seen her smile.

To be honest, saying her smile was as beautiful as a flower wasn’t an exaggeration.

“Big brother, big brother, you’re back!”

Upon hearing the commotion at the door, Wei Cai Ling, still unaware that her beloved chicken had been killed, immediately jumped out from behind the small desk and rushed towards Wei Changtian.

“Don’t move!”

Wei Changtian hastily grabbed the two small black paws that were attacking him, “helping” Wei Cai Ling wipe her hands clean with her own clothes.

“Big brother, look at my writing!”

Wei Cai Ling, unaware that she had been rejected again, pulled Wei Changtian’s hand to the small wooden desk, proudly holding up her masterpiece.

It was a scribbled mess with a few characters written on it.

“Dad, mom, big brother, sister, big dog……”


Wei Changtian was taken aback, somewhat regretting having killed the big hen just now.

Actually, Wei Cai Ling had been quite pitiful before too.

Although the previous master also doted on this younger sister, their main occupation was still visiting brothels, so in the vast Wei Manor, except for a few little maids, there was no one to play with her.

No wonder this little girl particularly liked raising animals and could quickly get along with Lu Jingyao……

Wei Changtian fell silent, thinking about whether to send someone to buy another chicken when Yuer suddenly stuck her head in from outside the door.

“Master, Autumn Cloud Sister asked me to ask, how do we eat that big hen?”

Wei Changtian: “……”

Wei Qiaoling: “……Big cluck cluck……Wow!!”


Half a stick of incense later, Wei Qiaoling wiped away her tears and ran to see the stewed chicken.

Then it was time for the daily medicine application.

Wei Changtian lay on the bed with his upper body exposed, while Lu Jingyao sat beside him, carefully applying the ointment.

Compared to Autumn Cloud, who occasionally did some rough work, her hands were a bit softer, and her movements were very gentle.

The faint sound of breathing echoed in the room, and the two remained silent throughout the process.

It wasn’t until they finished that Wei Changtian discovered Lu Jingyao seemed to have something to say but was hesitant.

As he put on his clothes, he asked, “What’s wrong?”

Lu Jingyao hesitated: “Do you want to learn to write?”


Wei Changtian was taken aback, suddenly remembering the poem he had written for Lu Jingyao.

Had he been despised?

However, after thinking about it, he realized he indeed needed to improve his calligraphy skills, so he nodded generously: “Okay, in the future, if I have time, I’ll learn from you for an hour every day.”

“Do you want to learn now?”

Lu Jingyao looked down at her shoes, whispering, “There’s still some time before dinner.”


Wei Changtian asked, “Shall we go to the study?”

“Uh……the study has been messed up by Qiaoling.”

Lu Jingyao murmured, “We can go to my room too……”

Wei Changtian: “?”

I now have sufficient reason to suspect that your motives are not pure!

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