I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 180

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 180

Is there such a thing as selfless dedication in this world?

This question might be difficult to discuss clearly.

But at least in this cultivation world where the strong reign supreme, the answer is likely negative.

Wei Changtian didn’t know the price Qin Zhengqiu paid to help him, nor did he know that Qin Zhengqiu didn’t believe his “Dreaming of Immortals” story.

He couldn’t guess Qin Zhengqiu’s true thoughts, but he didn’t need to know either.

Because Wei Changtian had always believed in “payment requires reciprocation.”

If Autumn Cloud treated him with kindness, he would be willing to kill a prime minister for a servant girl.

If Yang Liu paid a lot for him, he would be willing to take risks to rescue someone from the Smoking Cloud Mountain.

If Zhang San was his left and right hand, he would be willing to help him solve his marriage issues…

Now that Qin Zhengqiu had helped him, if the Heavenly Lord Teachings needed something in the future, he would try his best to return the favor.

As for those unrelated to him… the destroyed Ning Qingyu was an example.

Wei Changtian acknowledged he didn’t have the “heroic” awareness to “save the country and its people,” nor did he want to be a hero like Xiao Feng who saved the world.

He could even kill such a hero for his own benefit.

Call it selfish or narrow-minded.

Since he wasn’t the main character to begin with, he might as well do fewer things that main characters would do.

To put it simply in six words—

Mind your own business, live longer.

“Master, there are bandits up ahead chasing a woman.”

The horse carriage was speeding along the road from Jiuding Mountain back to Shu State City, Zhang San’s voice came from the front of the carriage.

“That woman seems to have practiced some martial arts and is currently running towards us.”


Wei Changtian was taken aback, asking, “Is she running fast or is the horse running fast?”

“Get the carriage moving quickly.”

“Alright, let’s take a detour.”


“Save me!”

“Save me!”

A woman in embroidered robes ran straight towards the speeding carriage, with a group of fierce bandits hot on her heels.

As Zhang San said, this woman was a cultivator, but only a novice who had just entered the ninth rank.

This kind of situation was not uncommon, especially in many wealthy families, where it was quite normal.

If the women in these families could cultivate, their families would often help them to reach the ninth rank.

One reason was to strengthen their bodies and prolong their lives, and another was to make it easier for them to marry into a good family in the future.

Of course, there were also those like Liang Qin and Xu Qingwan who had taken this path and become warriors, but they were in the minority.

Most women were content with reaching the ninth rank and didn’t plan to continue on the path of cultivation.

The woman in front of them clearly belonged to this category.

“Save me!!”

“There are bandits chasing me, please save me!”

The carriage was getting closer and closer, and the bandits were also getting closer.

Although the woman was disheveled and unkempt, if you looked closely, you could see that her figure and facial features were exceptional.

“Hehehe, little lady, give up! Who in Shu Province dares to offend the Golden Knife Gate?”

“You, on the carriage, listen! If you dare to save her, I’ll kill you all!”

“Hahaha, get out of the way! Don’t delay our fun!”


The bandits were chasing and shouting wildly, but their footsteps seemed to slow down slightly, as if they were afraid of the carriage.

This was normal, after all. If ordinary people knew that there were bandits ahead, they probably wouldn’t rush forward recklessly.

The woman seemed to understand this, and a glimmer of hope flashed in her eyes. She quickened her pace.

One hundred feet, eighty feet, sixty feet……

The distance between the two parties was getting closer and closer, but the carriage didn’t slow down.

The woman gritted her teeth, using all her strength to run towards the only path to safety, and she could even see the calm expression on the carriage driver’s face.

“Save me!”


The desperate cry for help was cut off.

Because, accompanied by the sound of the horses whinnying, the carriage suddenly turned into a small side road, bypassing the woman and continuing to drive forward without stopping.

“No, don’t!”

“Please, save me!”

The woman’s only hope had slipped away, and she chased after the carriage, her cries filled with despair.

Meanwhile, the bandits behind her stopped for a moment, then burst out laughing.

“I thought they were heroes! Turns out they’re just trash!”

“Get out of the way!”

From noble mtl dot come



The ferocious bandits, the desperate woman.

Amidst the cries of despair and ridicule, the black carriage continued to gallop forward, soon disappearing completely at the end of the dirt road.

The woman gradually stopped in her tracks, no longer chasing after it.

Meanwhile, seven or eight bandits slowly surrounded her.

However, the ferocity on their faces had already vanished, replaced by boundless fear.

“Great, great lord, this……”


The woman didn’t speak, only gazing at the distant dust rising into the air, her eyes slightly narrowed.

“It’s interesting.”

“It seems we need to think of another plan.”


To be honest, the woman’s eyes were very beautiful, but none of the burly men around her dared to lift their heads to look.

They remained silent, frozen in fear, before someone finally mustered the courage to ask:

“Great, great lord, we’ve already cursed him fiercely……”

“I know, this time it’s not your fault.”

The woman shook her head, casually gathering her disheveled hair: “I underestimated him too much.”

The man who had asked the question felt a surge of joy: “Lord, does that mean we can leave now?”

“Of course, but if someone asks about today’s events, do you know how to respond?”

“We do, we do!”

The man hastily replied: “We’ll say we’ve already torn you apart and abandoned your corpse in the wilderness!”

“Ah, yes, that’s the right way to put it, but……”

The woman glanced at the man, smiling lightly: “But you shouldn’t have said it out loud.”

“Ah! Great, great lord, I……”

The burly man’s eyes widened in terror, his plea for mercy only managing to utter a single “I” before being cut off.


There was no sound, only the crimson blood slowly trickling down his neck.

The man remained standing, his face still frozen in terror.

Until a gust of wind blew by.



The others stood frozen, not even daring to breathe, as they gazed at their companion’s corpse.

But the woman was completely unfazed, leaving behind only the instruction “Dispose of the body” before turning to walk away.


Three hours later.

South of Chengdu City, the Xuanjing Bureau.

“Halt! Who goes there?”


The woman, blocked at the gate, was very lively, carrying a small shortsword in her arms, her eyes filled with curiosity.

“I’m here to look for my cousin!”

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