I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 181

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 181

Several days later, the Xuanjing Bureau’s Chengdu branch had a new female officer named Yujia.

With her stunning appearance, lively personality, and decent skills, and most importantly, no romantic attachments, this woman was naturally the center of attention in the Suspense Mirror Agency.

It was as if a sheep had entered a pack of wolves, and everyone was eager to get close to her.

In fact, if we set aside her personality, Yu Jia was quite similar to Xu Qingwan.

However, the latter’s relationship with Wei Changtian was well-known to all, and no one dared to “snatch food from a tiger’s mouth.”

But Yu Jia was different, and within just a few days, she attracted a group of admirers.

A crowd of people followed her everywhere, asking about her well-being, which had a negative impact, and almost caused a direct conflict among colleagues.

Chen Bo was quite helpless about this and eventually had to assign Yu Jia and Xu Qingwan to the same task group, which barely managed to calm everyone down.

After all, if Xu Qingwan was unhappy, Wei Changtian would definitely be unhappy as well.

And if Wei Changtian was unhappy, everyone would be in trouble…

Xu Qingwan was aware that Chen Bo was using her to shield Yu Jia from some trouble, but she didn’t mind.

There were only a few female agents in the Suspense Mirror Agency, and it was nice to have someone to talk to.

“Sister Xu, I heard that you and Wei Changtian, the Killer Prince, are in a relationship. Is that true?”

“They also said that you were transferred from the capital to Shu Province for him!”

The horse-drawn carriage was moving along the official road, with the two women sitting inside, preparing to investigate a supernatural case in a village outside the city.

The sound of horse hooves echoed in their ears as Xu Qingwan frankly admitted to Yu Jia’s question:

“That’s right, I came to Shu Province to find him.”


Yu Jia covered her mouth in surprise, her eyes full of curiosity: “Sister Xu, what kind of person is Wei Changtian?”

“I heard some rumors about him, saying he’s…”

Yu Jia didn’t finish her sentence, but her meaning was clear.

“It doesn’t matter what others say about him; I only know he’s good to me.”

Xu Qingwan didn’t mind, just smiled: “That’s enough for me.”

“But… but many people say Wei Changtian is brutal and has killed countless people!”

Yu Jia was taken aback: “Doesn’t that matter?”

“Miss Yu.”

Xu Qingwan looked at Yu Jia with a gentle gaze: “I’ve never thought of him as that kind of person.”

“Even if I take a step back, even if he really is… I’d still be willing.”

“Wow, that’s so great…”

Yu Jia batted her eyelashes, her face showing a hint of admiration, unsure if it was for Wei Changtian or Xu Qingwan, or both.

Xu Qingwan saw her expression and couldn’t help but smile.

“You’ll definitely find a ideal husband in the future, Miss Yu.”

“Hehe, I’ll borrow your good words, Sister Xu!”

Yu Jia leaned in close to Xu Qingwan, her tone slightly coquettish: “Sister Xu, can you tell me more about your story with Wei Changtian?”

“I’m really curious!”


Xu Qingwan was a bit helpless, but her kind heart eventually won out, and she nodded.


In the city of Shu Province, at the foot of Chicken Crown Mountain, by the Thunder Gate.

As Xu Qingwan was happily telling Yu Jia about her “love story” with Wei Changtian, the other main character, Wei Changtian, was riding a tall horse, enjoying the thrill of a big battle.

After more than half a month of planning, Chu Xianping decided to lead the Gongji Association in a surprise attack on the Thunderbolt Gate today, and thereby monopolize the official road tolls from Shuzhou City to Anzhou.

This wasn’t the first time he had done something like this since taking over the Gongji Association.

The Qing Lei Gang, the Youyu Building, the Red Lotus Temple, the Zhenwu Academy… and now the Thunderbolt Gate.

The people of Shuzhou were known for their bravery, and various large and small factions had sprouted up.

The Gongji Association, as a new force, had eliminated five or six small factions in less than three months, making it a rising star in Shuzhou’s underworld.

The key to their success lay not only in having the backing of the Xuanjing Administration but also in having a leader like Chu Xianping.

Take today’s surprise attack on the Thunderbolt Gate, for example.

Chu Xianping didn’t make this decision on a whim; instead, he had carefully considered the strengths and weaknesses of both sides and made the most advantageous choice for the Gongji Association’s development.

Every step he took was on the right path, which was why the Gongji Association could grow so rapidly.

People had their strengths, and Wei Changtian acknowledged that he didn’t have this kind of leadership ability.

He could manipulate one or two small groups, but managing a large “black force” of hundreds or thousands of people was beyond him.

So, after handing over the Gongji Association to Chu Xianping, he only gave out tasks and didn’t bother with other things.

As for why he was interested in “observing” this faction battle today, it was because he was bored at home and had nothing better to do, so he might as well watch a live-action war movie.



“Boom boom boom!!”


“Ding ding dong!!”

“Don’t abandon your sword and flee!!”

Not far away, the Gongji Association’s hundreds of members had already charged into the Thunderbolt Gate, engaging in a fierce battle with the enemy.

Wei Changtian, meanwhile, stood at the back, watching the chaotic scene while chatting with Chu Xianping beside him.

“Brother Chu, it seems the Thunderbolt Gate’s strength isn’t weak.”

“That’s true.”

Chu Xianping nodded: “They have over a hundred high-ranking experts above the seventh level, and their leader, Zhang Biao, has just broken through to the fourth level.”

“Is that so?”

Wei Changtian asked with interest: “So, do we have a guaranteed victory today?”

“We do.”

Chu Xianping explained succinctly: “Zhang Biao took the Thunderbolt Gate’s strongest experts to Anzhou a few days ago and won’t be back for a few more days.”

“Plus, we’re launching a surprise attack, so there’s no reason we can’t win.”

“I see……”

Wei Changtian looked at the situation ahead and turned to ask: “What about when Zhang Biao returns? Won’t he seek revenge on the Gongji Association when he finds out the Thunderbolt Gate has been destroyed? A fourth-level expert is a big problem.”

“Lord Wei.”

Chu Xianping smiled: “Zhang Biao won’t be coming back.”

Won’t be coming back……

Wei Changtian’s eyes widened slightly, understanding that Chu Xianping must have already set a trap.

As for what this trap was… Wei Changtian didn’t need to ask; Chu Xianping would definitely tell him.

But he didn’t ask, only silently admiring in his heart—

Indeed, suffering makes one grow!

Chu Xianping, who was once so kind and upright, had become a ruthless and decisive black boss after the incident with Yin Xiaoyu.

At this rate, the Gongji Association would likely dominate Shuzhou’s underworld soon.

From noble mtl dot come


Then wouldn’t I become the mastermind behind the scenes of this enormous organization?

Sigh… a fantasy version of “The Godfather”?

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