I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 184

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 184

As the sun sets in the west, it brings a warm, gentle glow to the world.

In the small front courtyard, Yuàn and Lǐ Sùyuè are chatting and laughing as they sit under the old locust tree, embroidering clothes for a child.

Judging from the fabric’s design, it’s meant for a young child to wear.

Although it’s still six or seven months until Lǐ Sùyuè gives birth, preparing clothes this early might be a bit premature, but it also reveals her beautiful expectations for the future.

Half a year ago, she was still a widow with a mute son, relying on doing laundry and other odd jobs to make a living, despite her late husband leaving behind a house and some wealth.

At that time, Lǐ Sùyuè never thought she and her son could live such a fulfilling life.

With no worries about food or clothing, and a reliable man by her side.

She glances at the little boy sitting at the gate, gazing out at the alley, her gentle eyes filled with happiness.

Lǐ Sùyuè is just an ordinary woman.

She doesn’t have Xú Qīngwǎn’s grand ambitions to make a fortune, nor does she have Yáng Liú’s desire to experience the world’s joys and sorrows, nor Liáng Jìn’s noble spirit of “practicing martial arts for those who haven’t practiced before”, nor does she have Níng Yùkē’s deep-seated hatred for her family.

She doesn’t even have Lù Jìngyu’s petty temper, getting angry when her man visits brothels.

She’s truly a typical woman in a feudal society.

Whether this personality is good or bad is another matter, but it makes Lǐ Sùyuè’s threshold for “happiness” very low.

And her current life has already far exceeded this threshold.

She’s truly very satisfied.


A gentle breeze blew by, carrying the faint sound of footsteps.

The little boy sitting at the door suddenly got up and ran into the alley, and when he reappeared, he was already riding on Zhang San’s shoulders, holding a sugar figurine shaped like a treasured sword.

“I’m back.”

Li Su Yue put down the embroidery in her hand, smiled, and went to greet him: “Why did you buy sugar figurines for Rang Er again? He’ll spoil his teeth if he eats too much.”

“I will, I’ll buy fewer from now on.”

Zhang San rubbed the back of his head, looking a bit silly, and his eyes involuntarily drifted to Li Su Yue’s abdomen.


Li Su Yue noticed his gaze and couldn’t help but sigh: “We’ll have to wait another month or two to see.”

“I’m not in a hurry…”

“You can’t hurry it anyway.”

“I’m not…”

Zhang San nodded repeatedly, as if the person standing in front of him was not his wife, but some kind of dignitary.

Li Su Yue was already used to this, and although she didn’t say anything, she was happy in her heart.

“Okay, put Rang Er down, and you go take a rest.”

“Master left at noon and hasn’t returned yet, so dinner might be late again…”

“Did Master ask you to go out and do something tomorrow? If not, you can come with me to the fabric shop, and I’ll buy some fabric to make a few more clothes for you… The weather in Shu State is not as cold as in the capital, but it’s still damp, and you need to wear more clothes…”


The gentle, murmuring conversation was nothing out of the ordinary, but it was a warmth that Zhang San, who had spent his entire life on the run, had never experienced before.

He continued to respond with “yes, yes, yes,” and in his heart, he had already made up his mind to treat the mother and son in front of him well for the rest of his life.

The sunset on the horizon merged with the gentle atmosphere, and the wooden window facing the small courtyard also quietly closed at this moment.


In the dark, damp underground secret room, even the wall fire seemed unable to dispel the chill.

Looking at the dispirited man in front of him, Wei Chang Tian wondered if he had done the right thing.

He had ultimately fulfilled Wang Qian’s last wish, bringing him to see his wife and child for the last time.

But this result…

“Commander Wang, you’ve seen it for yourself – they’re indeed living very well.”

“It’s about time you guessed why I want to kill you.”

“I’ll release your acupoints now, and I hope you won’t struggle.”


After speaking, Wei Chang Tian wasn’t afraid of Wang Qian making a desperate last-ditch effort, and he reached out to release all of his acupoints.

The blood flow was restored, and his limbs regained sensation.

However, Wang Qian still maintained his previous posture, and it wasn’t until half a moment later that he slowly lifted his head.

“Thank you, young master…”

Wei Chang Tian was taken aback, then shook his head.

“I don’t deserve this thanks.”


Wang Qian’s lips curled up, revealing a complex, bitter smile.

It was as if he had resigned himself to his fate, yet was also relieved.

“Young master, allowing me to see them one last time is already more than I could ask for.”

“No need to explain further, I understand what to do and won’t sully your hands.”

“Only before this…”

The large hand, covered in scars and wounds, trembled as it reached into his chest, as if searching for something.

Wei Changtian’s pupils constricted, and in the blink of an eye, his right hand had already grasped the hilt of the knife.

Then, in the next instant, he saw Wang Qian carefully taking out two small objects from his chest, as if they were precious treasures.

A beautifully crafted hairpin and a small silver lock.

From noble mtl dot come

“These hairpin and silver lock were bought by me in Pei State three years ago when I was escorting goods.”

“I originally intended to give them to Su Yue and Ran Er, but on the way back, I encountered the Thunderbolt Gate…”

“I’ve kept these two objects on me for three years, thinking that one day when I’m alive and back down the mountain, I must personally…”

“Never mind…”

Wang Qian gently placed the hairpin and silver lock on the table, then stood up and deeply bowed to Wei Changtian.

“Sir, if possible, please hand these two objects to them, mother and son.”

“If not…just throw them away…”


Wei Changtian didn’t respond, only calmly gazing at Wang Qian.

The latter took a deep breath, then raised his hand and slapped his chest with all his might.


Half an hour later.

“Master, have you eaten?”

Standing at the open door, Li Su Yue looked at Wei Changtian, who had “just” returned, and asked softly.

“I have.”

Wei Changtian smiled and nodded, hesitating for a moment before suddenly calling out to Li Su Yue, who was about to leave.

“Wait, I have two things for you.”

“I saw them while handling business this afternoon and bought them on a whim.”

“Zhang San is a wooden person and doesn’t know how to buy jewelry for you and your mother, so I’ll just consider it a gift from him.”


After finishing his words, he casually placed the hairpin and silver lock on the table.

Wei Changtian walked into the bedroom without looking back, leaving Li Su Yue stunned in place.

She knew Wei Changtian wasn’t giving her a chance to refuse, but how could she bear to accept?

But if she didn’t accept, would the master get angry?

Her heart was tangled, and she walked to the table, gently picking up the hairpin and silver lock.


This hairpin…is exactly the style I like the most.

What a coincidence.


North of the city, on the official road.

The last rays of sunlight had almost disappeared, casting a long shadow of the horse and the man.

The horse was a deep red color, with a white patch on its forehead, clearly a fine breed from Luozhou, worth at least several dozen silver coins.

But what was strange was that, despite having such a good horse, the man beside it wasn’t riding, only leading it slowly along the official road, each step as if carrying a weight of a thousand pounds.

However, he never stopped.

He never looked back.

Wang Gan’s final slap to himself ultimately saved his life.

As the sun set, it brought warmth to the mortal world, a sense of late afternoon tranquility.

As the sun set, it told of the countless loves, hatreds, and grudges in the mortal world.

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