I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 186

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 186


Looking at the man who refused to let go even in the face of death, Xu Qingwan’s face turned cold, but in her heart, she could understand his behavior.

She had seen too many scenes of people begging for their lives during demon attacks, and naturally, she had seen all sorts of desperate attempts to survive.

To live, it was indeed impossible to blame him for anything.

But, she couldn’t just sacrifice someone else’s life to save her own.

Xu Qingwan wouldn’t really kill the man, but breaking free from an ordinary person’s grasp wasn’t difficult.

She gathered her inner strength, preparing to push off with her legs.

But just then…

“Be careful!!”

Yu Jia’s terrified voice exploded in her ear, and Xu Qingwan suddenly raised her head, facing the pair of bright red, ferocious snake eyes right in front of her.

Originally, the snake demon took advantage of the moment when she was entangled by the man to suddenly launch a surprise attack, directly charging towards her with its head!

Without time to think, Xu Qingwan instinctively prepared to execute the “Fuyao Step” to dodge the attack.

However, at this critical moment of life and death, she forgot one thing.

“Ah! I don’t want to die!!”

The man’s ear-piercing scream filled the air as his body, which was supposed to leap into the air, was pulled back down to the ground, while the snake demon’s head drew closer and closer.

It wasn’t until then that Xu Qingwan realized she still had a burden tied to her leg, but it was already too late.

At this distance, she was unable to break free from the man’s grasp and dodge again, and all she could do was raise her small fist to confront the snake demon’s full-force collision head-on.

Of course, she definitely wouldn’t be able to block it.

As for whether she would die…

Xu Qingwan wasn’t sure, but at that moment, she recalled a scene from her past.

A cunning and deep-hearted ape demon, a resolute and determined figure.

But today, Wei Changtian was impossible to suddenly appear and save her…



As if struck by a heavy hammer, Xu Qingwan was sent flying into the air, her eyes filled with shock and astonishment.

She looked at You Jia, who was also sent flying into the air, wondering why the latter had rushed over to share the impact with her.

They had only known each other for a few days…

Xu Qingwan couldn’t understand, and she didn’t have the chance to think about it anymore.

Although the snake demon’s attack was weakened by You Jia, it wasn’t enough to take her life directly.

However, the impact was still unavoidable, and she was bound to be injured.

“I just hope You Jie doesn’t get hurt…”

The last thought flashed through her mind, and Xu Qingwan fell to the ground with a “thud”, already unconscious.

On the other side, You Jia, who fell to the ground shortly after, didn’t look much better either.

“Xu, Xu Jiejie, are you okay?!”

She didn’t even bother to glance at the snake demon behind her and immediately crawled to Xu Qingwan’s side, her voice trembling as she cried:

“Don’t scare me!”

“Wake up, wake up…”


You Jia’s small face, covered in dust and blood, still had an air of innocence about it, giving off a perfect “girl-next-door” vibe.

So even though she was crying now, she still looked lovable and endearing.

But the snake demon wouldn’t care whether it was eating a little loli or a big, burly man.


After being bothered by these two insignificant insects, the snake demon’s hissing indicated it was already fed up.

The enormous snake head, which would likely scare anyone to death with just a glance, was now bearing down on You Jia’s back with unprecedented ferocity.

The village, like a purgatory, the massive, ferocious red snake, and the two heavily injured women…

This scene was unbearable for anyone to watch.

Because the outcome was already obvious.

And in the next moment, You Jia’s sobbing suddenly stopped.


“It seems she’s fainted.”

The voice was still the same, the tone was still the same, but the feeling was already completely different.

The whirlwind swirling behind her hinted that the snake demon’s attack was imminent.

Yu Jia didn’t dodge, not even turning her head, and simply stretched out a small hand behind her.



A deafening explosion erupted, sending countless rocks flying.

The ground around Yu Jia’s seated position, within a radius of several meters, suddenly sank down with a loud rumble, as if pressed down by an invisible force.

As for the snake demon……

Its already narrow, vertical pupils had shrunk into a fine line, its red-scaled snake body wildly thrashing about, shedding scale armor that could block the Returning Dust Knife, which fell to the ground with a clattering sound, leaving almost none intact.

But no matter how it struggled, the massive snake head remained still.

“It’s too noisy.”

Yu Jia placed a hand on the snake head’s most forward bulge, slowly standing up from the ground.

“You should calm down too, we still have people to eat later.”

After speaking, her pale hand pressed downward……


The earth shook violently, and the disproportionately large snake head crashed down, completely burying itself in the soil.


A quarter of an hour later.

“Master, everyone’s here.”

A man dressed as a farmer stood beside Yu Jia, bowing his head, with nearly a hundred unconscious villagers behind him.

And judging by his appearance, he was the same person who had previously hugged Xu Qingwan’s leg.

“Yes, handle it quickly.”

Yu Jia nodded, ignoring the man who was using his demonic powers to “fabricate the scene”, and walked to Xu Qingwan’s side.

“The injuries aren’t severe, just right.”

“In that case, I’ve saved your life.”

“But what about what happened after you fainted?”

“I’ll think about it……”


Yu Jia thought for half an hour, until the man’s voice sounded again in her ear.

“Master, it’s done.”

“Is that so……”

She turned to look around, seeing various corpses scattered about, but it wasn’t hard to tell that they had died from the “snake demon’s mouth”.

“Good, well done.”

“Thank you, Master, for your praise.”

The man bowed his head: “Does Master have any further instructions?”


Yu Jia thought for a moment: “First, take the Demon Spirit Pill, then go change your clothes, cover your face, and send us two back to Shu State City.”

“Yes, just abandon us near the city gate, and then you can go.”


The man hesitated: “Master, do you mean…… return to the Capital?”

You Jia narrowed her eyes: “What if not?”

“I was ordered to assist the lord in Shu State until the task is complete…”

“You’ve already revealed your identity, and it’s useless now.”

You Jia shook her head: “When I return to report, help me convey a message to the emperor.”

“Please speak, lord.”

“After this matter is settled, I hope he can keep his promise… to marry me as agreed.”


The man suddenly broke out in a cold sweat, almost losing his balance: “L-lord, this, this……”

“What’s wrong? Didn’t you hear clearly?”

You Jia smiled sweetly, leaning in a bit closer.

“Then I’ll say it again…”

From noble mtl dot come

“Tell Ning Yongnian that after this matter is settled, if he still doesn’t marry me, I’ll be very angry.”

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