I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 188

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 188

Facing the “savior’s” small request, Wei Longtian naturally couldn’t refuse.

Especially since the other party was a beautiful young woman.

In the following days, Yu Jia indeed moved in with Xu Qingwan at the Wei residence, where she spent her time recovering, playing mahjong with Yang Liu Shi and Liang Jin, and quickly became acquainted with everyone.

As for the Wang Family Village incident, Chen Bo had already investigated and gathered some information. Wei Longtian even personally visited the “scene” but gained very little insight.

Based on the existing clues, the situation that night was basically as previously suspected.

Xu Qingwan and You Jia were ordered to investigate the demonic infestation, but unexpectedly, the snake demon’s power far surpassed their imagination. After the two were defeated and fell unconscious, they were rescued by a mysterious expert who also happened to kill the snake demon.

This process sounds reasonable, but upon closer inspection, it’s hard not to notice the many illogical aspects.

For instance, why didn’t anyone in the Wang family village survive?

Why did the mysterious expert happen to appear at the right time, only intervening after the two girls had fainted?

According to Xu Qingwan’s account, there were still many surviving villagers when she lost consciousness, yet the expert had already appeared to rescue the two girls. Why did all the villagers end up dead?

Things are definitely not as simple as they seem, but Wei Changtian couldn’t come up with a more reasonable explanation. He just had a vague feeling that someone was trying to cover something up.

The only two witnesses, Xu Qingwan and You Jia, were both unconscious at the time.

Could it be that You Jia had a problem?

After all, she had only been at the Suspended Mirror Agency for less than a month and had already encountered such an incident, which seemed too coincidental.

Wei Changtian had indeed suspected this, but…


“Sir, it’s basically like this. Miss You’s background should be clean.”

In the study, Zhang San, who had just returned from Anzhou, reported the results of his investigation over the past few days.

He found You Jia’s address in Anzhou based on the information she had inadvertently revealed and even showed her portrait to the neighbors for identification.

The fact proved that You Jia was telling the truth.

From noble mtl dot come

She grew up in Anzhou, began her apprenticeship at a young age, and her master had passed away this year. She didn’t want to stay at home, so she came to Shuzhou to find her cousin who worked at the Suspended Mirror Agency.

Wei Changtian had also discreetly asked her cousin about it, and everything seemed normal.

So… was he just overthinking things?

Shaking his head, he walked out of the study and ran into You Jia, who was guiding Ah Chun in his cultivation in the courtyard.

“Lord Wei.”

When she saw Wei Changtian, she hurried over, looking a bit embarrassed.

“I was idle, so I helped Ah Chun adjust his qi…”

“No need to trouble yourself, Miss You.”

Wei Changtian shook his head and casually asked, “Are you getting used to living here?”

“I’m getting used to it. The food is good, and I sleep well.”

You Jia smiled: “At least it’s better than my cousin’s place.”

When she first came to Shuzhou, she hadn’t found a suitable place to stay, so she had been borrowing a room from her cousin.

Now that she was injured, her cousin wasn’t convenient to take care of her, so she had thickened her skin to ask to stay with Wei Changtian for a while.

This was You Jia’s previous “request to stay” reason, which was barely plausible.

“That’s good.”

Wei Changtian smiled and thought for a moment before saying, “The Suspended Mirror Agency’s accommodation for ordinary officials is indeed a bit shabby… Miss You, why don’t I simply buy a house for you in the city?”

“Then, whether you want to live alone or with your cousin, it’ll be more spacious.”

“What do you think?”

Wei Changtian’s idea was simple.

A house might not be cheap, but for him, it was just a small expense. It would also be a way to return a favor to You Jia.

However, when she heard him say this, she suddenly lowered her head.

“Lord Wei, I understand what you mean… You can rest assured that I’ll move out tomorrow and won’t trouble you…”

“Uh… Miss You, you misunderstood.”

Wei Changtian hurriedly explained: “I didn’t mean to drive you away. You’re welcome to stay as long as you like, as long as you don’t嫌弃 (mind) it.”

Yu Jia blinked: “Then I’ll be bothering you for a few more days, Young Master.”

“As for buying a house… you don’t need to spend too much, I think I won’t need it.”

Don’t need it?

Wei Changtian was taken aback, assuming Yu Jia meant she already had her older cousin’s place to stay and didn’t think further.

“Okay, Miss Yu can decide for herself.”

He nodded, about to say something else, but the figure suddenly appearing at the gate caught his attention.

Li Huai Zhong?

How did he get here?

“Miss Yu, I have some matters to attend to, excuse me.”

He glanced at Li Huai Zhong, gestured to the doorman to let him in, and turned to walk into the main hall.

The old eunuch behind him smiled and walked into the small courtyard, quickly passing by Yu Jia’s side.

The two exchanged a fleeting glance, their expressions perfectly in line with their respective personalities.

One was calm and serene, the other slightly curious.

However, in the instant they passed each other, they each sent a thread of condensed internal energy into the other’s ear.

“Lord Li.”

“Dragon and Sparrow.”



In the main hall, Wei Changtian and Li Huai Zhong sat facing each other.

It had been three months since they last met, but Wei Changtian no longer felt the sense of walking on thin ice as he had before.

After all, he still had over 2,000 system points in hand, and a second-rank official no longer posed any threat to him.

“Lord Li, you’re making such a grand entrance, it seems the Emperor has sent you to Shu State on business again?”

“Yes, all of Prince Su’s co-conspirators have been executed, except for Shao Ying’an, who is still at large. The Emperor has asked me to investigate.”

Li Huai Zhong took a sip of tea, looking up: “Do you have any leads, Young Master Wei?”

“I’m flattered, but I don’t have any leads.”

Wei Changtian didn’t bother beating around the bush, directly stating: “Lord Li, you’re not here for Shao Ying’an, but for your own reasons, aren’t you?”


Li Huai Zhong’s eyes narrowed, remaining silent for a while before asking in a low voice: “Young Master Wei, do you truly know the method to make up for the Yin-Yang Cultivation’s deficiency?”

“I already said so last time.”

Wei Changtian shrugged: “If you don’t believe me, there’s nothing I can do.”


Facing such a nonchalant attitude, Li Huai Zhong didn’t get angry, but instead took a deep breath.

“I believe you.”


Wei Changtian narrowed his eyes, smiling: “So, Lord Li, you’re willing to make that trade with me?”

“Yes, I can tell you about the Liu family’s plans……”

Li Huai Zhong’s voice was laced with a hint of threat: “But I hope you’ll keep your promise.”

“Of course.”

Wei Changtian also used internal energy to transmit his voice: “As long as you don’t deceive me, I’ll immediately reveal the method to make up for the Yin-Yang Cultivation’s deficiency.”


The cold voice paused for a moment.

“That young master should listen carefully……”

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