I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 191

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 191

February 2nd, Dragon Raises Its Head.

In a clearing in the Smoke Cloud Mountain, a rolling white mist churned, with a four-legged tiger demon lying dead on its side, while Wei Changtian sat cross-legged in the mist, breathing steadily.

The surging true energy of the heavens and earth circulated within his body, transformed into pure internal energy by an invisible force as it flowed through the Gushing Spring acupoint, and then poured into his elixir field.

As the accumulated internal energy grew, the area of his elixir field also expanded, finally reaching a certain limit at a certain moment.

However, this limit didn’t stop the expansion of his elixir field.

It was like blowing the last bit of air into an already full balloon, and the surging elixir field only paused for a moment before suddenly bursting open with a loud “boom”!

The clouds and sky were sent flying, and the waves were sent crashing, with the internal energy waves rolling out in all directions like a sea.

In an instant, the internal energy surged into the 64 meridians in Wei Changtian’s body.

Although the empty elixir field was now calm and clear, its area had increased by nearly 30% compared to before.

Fifth rank!

He made it!

Wei Changtian suddenly opened his eyes, feeling that his vision was extremely clear, and he could even see the individual strands of Yang Liu’s hair being blown by the wind, as well as the two small protrusions on her chest……

From noble mtl dot come

Cough, he was still wearing thin clothes in the cold winter.

He shook his head, slowly stood up, looked around, and felt the changes brought about by the fifth rank.

His eyesight had indeed improved, and his hearing was more sensitive.

However, he felt a bit…underwhelmed.

Oh well, breaking through to the fifth rank hadn’t taken much effort anyway.

It didn’t even deserve to be called “breaking through”.

The Wei family’s Heavenly Stage inner cultivation method, “Returning to the Origin”, had the greatest function of having no bottlenecks in promoting to lower ranks, making it smooth sailing.

This also meant that breaking through to the fourth rank would be just as easy.

Hmm……based on the speed of absorbing a demon’s cultivation in three days, it would take at most half a year.

After standing still for a while, he took a step forward to Yang Liu Shi’s side.

“Your Highness, you took longer than usual this time.”

Yang Liu Shi plucked the seeds stuck to Wei Chang Tian’s clothes and said softly, “The white mist you absorbed must have been quite a lot too.”

Wei Chang Tian nodded, responding nonchalantly, “Yeah, I broke through to the fifth rank.”

“Wow, really?”

Yang Liu Shi was taken aback, then burst into a happy smile. “Congratulations, Your Highness!”

“Alright, let’s head back.”

Wei Chang Tian didn’t show any excitement, shaking his head as he began to walk down the mountain trail.

Yang Liu Shi followed closely behind, looking puzzled, and then suddenly heard a sentence.

“Wear thicker clothes from now on.”

“Huh? Ah?”


In the horse-drawn carriage racing back to the city.

Yang Liu Shi had already listened and put on a small cloak, now gazing at Wei Chang Tian with an expectant face.

“Your Highness, can I accompany you to the poetry gathering tonight?”

Every year, on the second day of the second lunar month, the Dragon’s Head Raising Festival, all major cities in Da Ning would hold a “Spring Dragon Poetry Gathering” to pay respects to the dragon and pray for rain, ensuring a bountiful harvest.

And this year, it was said that the Spring Dragon Poetry Gathering in Shu Zhou would be particularly lively.

Because the Poet Saint, Su Wu, would be attending.

In this era, the influence of a renowned writer was immense, probably surpassing even the top idols of previous generations.

As soon as the news of Su Wu’s attendance at the Shu Zhou Spring Dragon Poetry Gathering spread, countless writers and scholars from all over the country flocked to attend, just to catch a glimpse of this great poet of Da Ning.

However, most of these people could only observe from afar as fans, and if they wanted to participate in the poetry gathering, they needed to receive an invitation from the “host” Hai Tang Poetry Society.

Wei Chang Tian was one of the invited guests and was also preparing to attend.

But he wasn’t going to admire Su Wu or recite poetry to show off.

Rather, it was……


Without hesitation, Wei Chang Tian shook his head, looking at Yang Liu Shi’s disappointed face, and said solemnly, “Tonight’s gathering will be very dangerous.”


Yang Liu Shi was startled. “It’s just a poetry gathering, where’s the danger in that?”

“You don’t need to know that.”

Wei Chang Tian didn’t elaborate on the Liu family’s schemes, sighing lightly, “But I estimate many people will die.”


Yang Liu Shi’s eyes widened instantly, her first reaction not being to ask questions, but to grab Wei Chang Tian’s sleeve, urging him anxiously, “Then, Your Highness, you shouldn’t go either!”

“I have to……”

Wei Chang Tian gazed out the carriage window at the sky, which was already tinged with a hint of sunset, a faint smile on his lips.

“Otherwise, this play wouldn’t be able to begin.”


Shu Zhou City, Li Manor.

The Li family was in the jewelry business, with a large scale of operations, having opened over a dozen silver shops and treasure pavilions in Shu Zhou City alone.

And the reason they could occupy a place in this highly profitable industry was mainly due to the support of the Liu family.

“Leader Yan…”

In the secret chamber, Liu Zongliang knelt down with a thud in front of a refined and elegant man, his face filled with sorrow and indignation: “Please, Leader, help me and help the Liu family avenge this deep-seated hatred!”

“There’s no need for that, Young Master Liu.”

The man’s words said “no need,” but he didn’t make a single move, his calm and composed expression seemingly tinged with arrogance.

“I’ve promised to do this, and I will see it through.”

“However, as I said before, I’ll only take care of that villain alone. The rest is up to you, Young Master Liu, to handle.”

“This is natural, this is natural.”

Liu Zongliang repeatedly nodded, his heart overflowing with joy.

This time, the Liu family had made thorough preparations, vowing to take down Wei Changtian in one fell swoop.

Over a hundred middle-rank martial artists, plus three third-rank and one second-rank.

Although this was far from the Liu family’s full strength, it was basically the limit if they wanted to avoid drawing attention.

Moreover, it was a sneak attack, an assassination.

Unless… no! There wouldn’t be any unexpected events!

Liu Zongliang took a deep breath, forcing himself to suppress the excitement and anger within.

All preparations were for tonight!

Wei Changtian must die!


Chengnan, Lixun Pavilion.

Although it was called a “pavilion,” this was actually a high-end inn, usually catering to those who came to Shu State for sightseeing or business.

However, Lixun Pavilion had been different over the past few days.

“Old Li…”

Standing by the window, Ning Yongnian, dressed in a green robe, gazed down at the bustling city of Shu State, asking casually:

“Do you think Wei Changtian will go tonight?”

“Your Majesty, I dare not say for certain, but judging by his character…”

Li HuaiZhong bowed his head and whispered: “I think he will go.”


Ning Yongnian paused, then asked again: “Do you think he or the Liu family will win?”

“The Liu family might not be a match for him.”

This time, Li HuaiZhong didn’t hesitate: “If the Liu family hasn’t exposed themselves, it’s hard to say who will win or lose.”

“But now that Wei Changtian knows about the Liu family’s plans, he must have made sufficient preparations. In this situation, the Liu family might not even be able to retreat with their lives intact.”


“Old Li, you seem to be afraid of this person…”

Turning to look at Li HuaiZhong, who was silent with his head bowed, Ning Yongnian smiled lightly:

“But it’s also true, after all, he once killed Chang Shu’an with a single move.”

“It’s just… I think he might not survive tonight.”


Upon hearing this, Li HuaiZhong suddenly looked up, his eyes filled with shock.

Might not survive tonight…

It was clear that the Liu family alone couldn’t kill Wei Changtian.

And so, this reveals one thing—

The man standing before me, with a carefree and gentle demeanor, who traveled thousands of miles from the capital to Shuzhou…… is not just a spectator.

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