I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 192

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 192

Wei Changtian, Liu Zongliang, Ning Yongnian…… Tonight, the three main characters of this grand play, each with their own distinct goals, are filled with confidence in the face of the impending events, and are determined to be the last one standing.

It’s too early to jump to conclusions, as nothing has happened yet.

But one thing is certain: this “Shuzhou Uprising” marks the beginning of a massive change that will sweep the nation, and its outcome will not be pleasant.

This is the essence of power struggles.

Mutual exploitation, utilizing each other’s weaknesses, ultimately leading to the sacrifice of one party or mutual destruction.

As for all those involved, treated as pawns or not even worthy of being pawns…… they will be the victims of this brutal struggle.

The rivers and mountains of Ze Country are drawn into the battle map, and the people’s livelihoods are affected.

Don’t talk about the honor of being a noble, for one’s achievement is built upon the bones of countless others.

It sounds sorrowful, but this is not a particularly heroic thing.

From ancient times to the present, in every industry, success is always accompanied by sacrifice.

No one is willing to be a stepping stone for others, so one must take a resolute step forward……

And then trample all opponents underfoot.



At the end of the evening, after dinner, Wei Changtian and Liang Zhen left Fu Lu Alley in the same carriage, accompanied only by a few guards.

“Sister Xu, do you want to go to the poetry gathering and see the excitement?”

As they watched the black carriage depart, You Jia asked Xu Qingwan with a smile: “I heard that the Poet Saint will also be attending!”

“Ah? This……”

Xu Qingwan hesitated.

She wasn’t interested in poetry gatherings, which were full of literary people; if it were a martial arts competition, she might be more curious.

Moreover, Wei Changtian never intended to bring her along.

“But Changtian didn’t……”

“Oh dear! Let’s not bother Wei Gongzi and just go ourselves!”

You Jia pulled Xu Qingwan’s hand, persuading her with a smile: “We’ll just take a peek from afar, and if it’s not interesting, we’ll come back.”

“Sister Xu, please come with me!”

“Okay…… fine.”

Xu Qingwan thought for a moment, then nodded reluctantly.

Fifteen minutes later.

The two women had also departed in a carriage, while Yang Liu, who heard the sound of the wheels, called out to the servant girl, Yun’er.

“Yun’er, who just left again?”

“It was Miss Xu and Miss You.”

Yun’er replied with a smile: “The two ladies said they wanted to go to the poetry gathering to see the excitement, and they just left.”

From noble mtl dot come


Yang Liu suddenly stood up: “They’re also going to the poetry gathering?”


Yun’er looked puzzled: “Yang Liu sister, what’s wrong?”


Yang Liu Shi was in a hurry and didn’t bother to explain to Yuan Er, simply urging her to “Help me prepare the carriage, I’ll go call them back!”

“Ah? Is…?”

Yuan Er looked puzzled, unsure of the specifics, but didn’t ask further, responding with a nod before turning to rush out of the room.

However, Yang Liu Shi suddenly called out to her again.

“Wait a minute!”

“Yuan Er, they went to the poetry gathering on their own… do you know who suggested it?”


Yuan Er thought for a moment before responding in a low voice, “I think it was Miss You who wanted to go…”

“I know.”

Yang Liu Shi’s lips curled up in thought, and after a moment, she instructed, “Yuan Er, don’t tell anyone what I asked you earlier, especially don’t let Miss You find out, okay?”

“Okay, I understand…”

Yuan Er blinked and nodded lightly.

Compared to the “newcomer” You Jia, she still trusted Yang Liu Shi more.

“Sister Yang Liu, what’s going on with Miss You?”

“Nothing, I must have misunderstood her.”

Yang Liu Shi smiled and shook her head, “It’s fine, don’t think too much about it, I’m fine here.”

“Oh… do we still need to prepare the carriage?”

“No need, you go attend to your business.”


Seeing Yang Liu Shi wasn’t going to say more, Yuan Er could only respond and exit the room.

Although she left with many questions, she soon put the matter aside after chatting with Li Su Yue.

As for Yang Liu Shi…

The embroidered room with the red curtains was still lit by candlelight, but the room was already empty.


At the beginning of the tenth hour, outside the city of Shu, at the Day and Moon Lake.

Although it was already night, the entire Day and Moon Lake was aglow with lanterns, with thousands of flower lanterns floating on the lake’s surface, along with the mirrored reflections in the water, creating a dreamlike, ethereal atmosphere.

Not to mention the woman dancing in the pavilion in the middle of the lake.

Her long hair was tied with a white silk ribbon, and her powder-blue dress fluttered in the moonlight, with a hint of worry between her brows, yet not quite worry, like a mysterious and pure fairy dancing among the stars.

Ling Bo’s fairy-like figure, with her lotus shoes on the water’s surface, was a sight to behold…

This was truly a stunning display.

Sitting cross-legged on a small boat, Wei Chang Tian gazed at the woman, then at Liang Zhen, who was sitting on a nearby boat, his eyes fixed on the scene, thinking that this lavish setup was indeed beautiful, but also extremely dangerous.

The Day and Moon Lake wasn’t too large, but it was comparable to ten or so football fields.

This meant that within such a large area, apart from the invited guests, there was no place for anyone else to hide.

Unless they hid in the water.

But hiding underwater in the dead of winter… it was manageable for a short time, but if it exceeded an hour, even a mid-tier warrior might not be able to withstand it.

This meant that most of the assassins arranged by the Yang family could only blend in with the crowd on the shore.

However, these people weren’t important.


Wei Chang Tian glanced at the white-robed man sitting on the other side of the pavilion, his eyes narrowing slightly.

Wang Xiu, the leader of the Moon-worshipping Sect, Yan Shu Yuan.

Wang Yue, just from this poetic name, it’s not hard to see the difference between Wang Yue Sect and those ordinary ones like “Thunderbolt Gate” or “Golden Knife Sect”.

One word – refined!

They don’t engage in much killing and fighting, and the entire sect loves to write articles and compose poetry. The disciples inside the sect don’t compete in martial arts, but instead, in poetry and lyrics… It’s indeed a rare find among the countless sects in the world.

As the leader of such a sect, Yan Shu Yuan naturally takes “refinement” to an extreme.

After breaking through the second rank, he stopped cultivating and spent his days traveling, writing poetry, and enjoying himself. When he’s in the mood, he’d even leave a romantic tale with a local beauty.

Eat, drink, and be merry.

Someone once said that this is exactly what Wei Chang Tian is pursuing.

But if Li Huai Zhong isn’t lying to himself, then this second-rank expert who shares the same values as him would be the biggest reliance of the Liu family tonight.

“What a pity.”

Wei Chang Tian shook his head, shifted his gaze, and prepared to appreciate the dance performance in the pavilion again.

However, at this moment, the crowd on the shore suddenly erupted into a fervent cheer.

Listening to the voices boiling in the night sky, Wei Chang Tian didn’t turn his head, but simply knew – based on the videos he’d seen online of fans welcoming idols – that Su Wu had arrived.

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