I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 193

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 193

“Su Sheng! It’s really Su Sheng!”

“Ah! I never thought I’d see the true face of the Poetic Saint in my lifetime! I’m willing to die without regrets! I’m willing to die without regrets!!”

“With Su Sheng alone, our Great Ning literary circle can rival the sun!”

“Su Sheng! I’m only sixteen, from a wealthy family, and I’m willing to be your servant!”

“Spare me! You’re not worthy!”

“Su Sheng! I’m still young and willing to be your book boy!”


It’s undeniable that Su Wu’s charm is indeed terrifying.

Since he appeared, the noise on the lake shore has been growing wave after wave, with no intention of stopping.

However, compared to those “private fans” from his previous life who made people tremble with fear, this group of people is relatively “rational” in their idol worship.

Su Wu’s entourage only consisted of two people, but wherever they went, the crowd would make way for them, and no one would rush forward to get close to the idol or ask for an autograph.

Su Wu himself also had an air of elegance, maintaining a gentle smile in the face of the various near-frantic cheers around him, with every gesture exuding a sense of “poetic charm”.

This old man is the real deal.

Wei Chang Tian made this judgment, then shifted his gaze to the young man following Su Wu.

It was Qin Yu, the poet who had written “The Empty Moon Waits for the King” on the flower boat at Yang Liu’s poetry gathering, and was then stunned by Wei Chang Tian’s “Clouds Think of Clothes, Flowers Think of Faces”.

Although Qin Yu was previously a guest at the Liu family, Wei Chang Tian wasn’t sure what his current status was.

Li Huai Zhong didn’t mention anything about Su Wu and Qin Yu in the Liu family’s plot.

So, let’s just wait and see.

If Qin Yu, or even Su Wu, is really here for him, Wei Chang Tian wouldn’t mind killing another “saint”.

After all, Su Wu isn’t a cultivator, so killing him would be easy.

As for his poetry skills…

What’s the use of being able to write poetry?



The small boat carrying half of the Great Ning literary circle’s reputation slowly approached the center of the lake, accompanied by the soft glow of lanterns.

As Su Wu boarded the boat and left the shore, the cheers from the “fans” on the shore gradually died down, replaced by hushed whispers.

“Sister Xu, wasn’t that just Poet Saint? He looks like just an old man, doesn’t he?”

Ignoring the surrounding angry gazes, You Jia pouted, her expression seemingly disappointed.

Xu Qingwen hastily pulled her sleeve, whispering, “Lower your voice, don’t let others hear.”

“But I really think so!”

You Jia tiptoed, gazing afar at the small boat where Wei Changtian was, “Wei Gongzi’s poems are also very good, and he’s even more handsome than Su Wuyun.”

“I think the title of Poet Saint should be given to Wei Gongzi instead!”

“Xu Jie, don’t you think so?”


Upon hearing this, Xu Qingwen’s heart agreed a hundred times, but she couldn’t bring herself to nod along, ultimately only blushing and muttering, “I, I don’t know…”

“Haha, Xu Jie, why do you become a different person when talking about Wei Gongzi?”

“N, no way……”


You Jia laughed more and more happily: “Using the literati’s words, isn’t this called…… uh……”

Seeing You Jia stumble, Xu Qingwen whispered a reminder: “A different person altogether……”


You Jia dragged out a long tone: “That’s it, a different person altogether!”


Being repeatedly teased by You Jia, Xu Qingwen’s head hung lower and lower, her face flushing red.

In this situation, she naturally couldn’t notice You Jia occasionally glancing in another direction.

That was a temporary high platform by the lake, where a blue-clad man seemed to be sitting alone.

The blue-clad man also saw You Jia, but only glanced at her before turning his head away.


This high platform by the lake wasn’t the only one; most were uninvited but didn’t want to miss tonight’s grand occasion.

However, compared to the bustling, brightly lit scenes on other platforms, this one was somewhat different.

Who was sitting on this platform, and what was their relationship with You Jia?

Yang Liu, hiding in the crowd not far away, had several doubts popping up in her mind.

But no matter what, one thing was already clear.

That was, You Jia absolutely had an untold secret.

As for whether this secret was good or bad for Wei Changtian, it was still unclear, but……

The young master had said, many people would die tonight.

And You Jia, a female warrior, had suddenly taken an interest in the poetry gathering at this time.

Adding to that, the mysterious person on the high platform who seemed to know You Jia……

Relying on her sixth sense as a woman, or rather, a fox spirit, Yang Liu felt that You Jia was not benevolent.

Similarly, gazing afar at Wei Changtian on the lake, Yang Liu couldn’t help but anxiously murmur to herself:

“Young Master, don’t get deceived by that fox spirit, okay!”


Yang Liu, You Jia, Xu Qingwen…… these three women who had snuck in without being part of the plan each had their own thoughts, but Wei Changtian had no idea what they were.

Even he hadn’t noticed the three people, his gaze fixed on Su Wo.

From noble mtl dot come

The small, elegant boat slowly drifted into the fleet, finally mooring beside Yan Shu Yuan’s boat.

Yan Shu Yuan wore a white robe, and so did Su Wo.

However, at this moment, Yan Shu Yuan, who had just exuded a refined and elegant aura, suddenly seemed a bit common in comparison.

It wasn’t about their appearance or attire; it was a difference in temperament.

Fortunately, Su Wo didn’t come over to stand next to Wei Chang Tian, or else, in comparison, Wei Chang Tian would probably seem like a country bumpkin.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, one might as well say that Su Wo was a “saint”.

Wei Chang Tian shook his head, sighing inwardly, and was about to shift his gaze away.

But Qin Yu suddenly whispered something in Su Wo’s ear and pointed towards himself.


Confirming the target?

Was this a preparation for revenge?

Wei Chang Tian’s eyebrows furrowed, revealing his petty mind.

But in the next second, he saw Su Wo smile and nod, and then even gave him a distant bow.

This was the first time Su Wo had taken the initiative to greet someone after his appearance.

In an instant, countless gazes converged, seemingly wanting to see who had such great face.

As for Wei Chang Tian himself… After a brief daze, he quickly returned the bow.

Regardless of whether Su Wo’s intentions were genuine or not, he had to maintain his courtesy.

Three seconds later, the two withdrew their hands.

The fairy-like figure in the pavilion had disappeared, replaced by an elderly man in brocade attire standing within.

Everyone fell silent, and even the lakeside was quiet.

“The second day of the old tradition, a poem to dispel worries.”

“Loading wine and poetry, this is where the old man’s story begins.”

As the elderly man slowly recited the prepared poem, this year’s Shu State City Spring Dragon Poetry Meeting finally began.

(ps: This section of the Spring Dragon Poetry Meeting is probably the most complex and difficult to write in the entire book, with complex plots and numerous characters, and will likely take around ten chapters to complete, so the titles will simply be numbered.)

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