I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 197

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 197

Spring River Flower Moon Night.

For anyone from a country with a brilliant civilization of five thousand years, there are always a few poems that are etched in their bones as memories.

Like “Spring Sleep Not Aware of Dawn”; like “Bedside Bright Moonlight”; like “Plowing the Field Under the Scorching Sun”; like “Red Palm Clears the Waves”.

Or like a poem that has no equal, the “Spring River Flower Moon Night” that surpasses all others.

Facing such a long poem that was difficult to summarize, Wei Changtian unconsciously restrained his earlier impatience, looked up at Shen Ran, looked at Su, and looked at the thousands of literati in the distance, who were stretching their necks to get a better view.

Everyone was staring at him, deadpan.

The eight consecutive poems had stunned everyone’s minds, making even Ning Yongnian stand up on the high platform, his eyes filled with intense shock.

No one knew that behind Wei Changtian stood the wisdom of a civilization that had experienced countless separations and reunions, twists and turns, and ebbs and flows.

Nor did they know what they would hear or see next.

Poetry! Poetry! Poetry!

Let me show you what it means to be a master of poetry!

What is it to be a solitary poem that surpasses all others?

What is it to be the pinnacle of poetry, the peak of the peak?

Taking a step forward, facing the lake with its inverted reflection of the stars, Wei Changtian began to recite loudly.

“The Spring River tide connects the sea, and the moon above the sea is born with the tide!”

“The waves flow for thousands of miles, where is the Spring River without the bright moon?”


It was as if in a dream, yet it was real; as if awake, yet it was a fantasy.

With just two sentences, the lake’s surface suddenly surged with towering waves, giving people a bewildering sense of uncertainty, as if they didn’t know whether they were standing by the lake, the river, or the sea.

Countless golden carp leaped high into the air above the crowd, as if they had truly jumped over the dragon’s gate and transformed into golden dragons.

“No wind, yet waves arise! Thousands of golden carp are competing to jump! And this is just two sentences!”

It didn’t matter if it was Shen Ran, the main character of the night, or Su Wu, who was revered as a saint.

Or perhaps it was Yan Shuyu, Ning Yongnian, Liu Zongliang, and Liang Zhen, who had come with different goals.

Everyone stood there, stunned, their bodies involuntarily shivering with excitement and shock.

“Xu, Xu-jiejie, am I hallucinating?”

Yu Jia trembled as she asked, “Why can two sentences of poetry cause such a huge wave on the lake?”


Xu Qingwan stared blankly at the man standing tall before the giant wave, her mouth agape, but unable to utter another word.

Meanwhile, on the other side, Wei Changtian’s voice continued, each sentence rolling in like thunder from the horizon.

“The river flows gently around the fragrant fields, and the moon shines brightly on the flowers, making them all seem like frost; in the empty sky, snowflakes fall unnoticed, and the white sand on the beach is invisible.”

“The sky and river are one color, without a single speck of dust; the bright moon hangs alone in the sky. Who is the first to see the moon by the river? Who is the first to be illuminated by the river’s moon?”

“Generations come and go, yet the river’s moon remains the same. We don’t know who the river’s moon is waiting for, but we see the Yangtze River sending its waters flowing.”


From the vast to the small, from far to near.

The brushstrokes condensed from the clear and vast universe, gradually focusing on a single, solitary moon, using the bright moon to symbolize the repetition and impermanence, the ordinary and the grand, of life.

From noble mtl dot come

The few dark clouds that had been drifting between the stars had vanished, and the lake gradually returned to calm, transforming from one extreme to another.

The lake’s surface, without a single ripple, reflected the bright moon and stars, the small boats and human shadows, as if it had contained an entire world.

“A white cloud drifts away, and the green maple on the riverbank is overwhelmed with sorrow. Whose is the small boat tonight? Where is the building with the longing moon?”

“Pitifully, the moon lingers on the tower, shining on the mirror stand of the parted lover. The jade door curtain cannot be rolled up, and the clothes are still being aired on the rack.”

“At this moment, we gaze at each other without a sound, wishing to follow the moon’s radiance to illuminate you. The swan geese fly far, their light not reaching, and the fish and dragons swim, forming a literary masterpiece.”


White cloud, small boat.

Longing, moonlit building.

Parted lover, mirror stand.

Gazing, without a sound.

No one knew when, but tears had already welled up in their eyes.

Xu Qingwan thought back to when she sat by the window in her chambers in the capital, gazing at the moon and thinking of Wei Changtian with infatuation.

Yang Liu thought back to when she was trapped in the misty mountains, feeling hopeless, as if she was destined to be separated from Wei Changtian for life.

And then there was Yu Jia.

Her tearful eyes gazed once more at the high platform, looking at the tall, cold, and proud figure, her heart suddenly feeling a strange pang of pain.

She really wanted to rush over, but she never took that step.

Because she knew clearly.

Ning Yongnian’s heart held the nation, the people, grand ambitions, and heroic aspirations… but there was no place for her.

The moon could understand one’s heart, but the king could not.


The poem had finished, telling the story of the spring tide, of longing, of human life.

Turning around, Wei Changtian gazed at Shen Ran, who was also a stranger in a strange land, and softly recited the final eight sentences of the poem, destined to be etched in history, shining alongside the sun and moon for eternity.

These eight lines are dedicated to Shen Ran, as well as to myself.

“Last night, the flowers fell in the quiet pond, pitifully, spring has not returned home.”

“The river flows, spring is about to end, the moon sets, and the riverbank inclines.”

“The slanted moon hides in the sea of mist, and the stone by the river has an endless path.”

“I don’t know how many people have ridden the moon back… the fallen moon is shaken, and the trees along the river are full.”



As the last character fell, the entire Dayue Lake, from east to west, from south to north, every inch of the lake’s surface suddenly rippled simultaneously, and then a vast, dazzling golden light rose in the midst of the massive crashing sound.

At this moment, no one bothered to count how many golden carps had leaped out, because the number had far exceeded their understanding.

Ten thousand? Twenty thousand? Thirty thousand?

Or all of them?

The tens of thousands of golden carps, in a scientifically inexplicable way, proved to the world the unprecedented height reached by this long poem, “Spring River Flower Moon Night”, and even……

“What is this?!”

Among the sudden cries of amazement, everyone saw the golden light reflected by the golden carps slowly gathering in one place, and then forming a gigantic golden gate, dozens of feet wide and long!

As the golden gate appeared, all the golden carps in Dayue Lake, like mad, converged from all directions, forming a golden wave that surged forward, regardless of everything, towards the golden gate!

This is real, fish leaping over the dragon’s gate!

Another strange phenomenon appeared, and it was even more shocking than the “windless waves” earlier.

Six years of dusty clothes, one day of shedding scales in the heavenly pool.

Could it be that today, there would really be a transformation into a dragon?!

Everyone stared at the golden gate, even forgetting to breathe.

Then, at a certain moment……


A shocking dragon’s roar echoed, followed by a golden shadow that drove the clouds and mist.

With the support of countless companions, a golden carp, its scales shattered and blood-stained, actually leaped over the golden gate, soaring all the way to the middle of the clouds, transforming into a golden dragon that was as real as it could be!

This golden dragon hovered in the night sky, roaring and shaking its body several times, before suddenly diving towards Wei Changtian, who was equally stunned.

Damn, is this revenge?!

This golden dragon fish has no sense of morality!

As the massive dragon head charged towards him, Wei Changtian cursed loudly in his heart, already quickly summoning the system interface to prepare to buy a “Clear Jade Amulet” to save his life.

However, it turned out he was overthinking.

The golden dragon swooped down, brushing past his body, and then soared back up to the clouds, flipping and twirling before disappearing into the sky.

In the blink of an eye, everything returned to calm.

The golden gate had dissipated, and the golden carps that failed to transform into dragons had all returned to the lake bottom.

It was as if nothing had happened at all.

But this was definitely not an illusion……

Looking down at the golden scale in his hand, Wei Changtian searched for it in the system and found a match.

【True Dragon’s Scale (Special Prop), increases the user’s level by one, with no limitations, 5000 points】

Wei Changtian: “……”


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