I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 199

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 199

A scholar is useless.

This sarcastic remark was drowned out by the loud cheers in the pavilion and wasn’t heard by many people.

On one side were the ecstatic crowd, and on the other was the cold “hero”.

This scene had a hint of irony, but Wei Changtian didn’t have the mood to dwell on it.

Because the sudden appearance of the imperial guard had undoubtedly added several variables to tonight’s main event.


The sound of breaking water suddenly echoed, and the big man who had jumped into the lake to search for Shen Ran returned empty-handed, drenched from head to toe, and leapt into the pavilion.

“Lord Wei!”

The big man in plain clothes had an angry face, and upon seeing the pensive Wei Changtian, he immediately loudly questioned, “Why did you stop me?!”

“That villain humiliated our great Ning scholar, how could you let him leave safely?! You must give an explanation…”

“Did he succeed?”

Wei Changtian’s expression remained unchanged, calmly interrupting, “You said he humiliated our great Ning, let me ask you… did he succeed?”


The big man was suddenly speechless, his mouth agape for a long time.

Wei Changtian glanced at him, continuing in a calm tone, “Also, the imperial guard has only been under the jurisdiction of the Forbidden Army for a few months, and you’ve already shown such loyalty to your new master?”

“W-what imperial guard? I don’t understand what you’re saying, Lord!”

The big man’s body trembled, his eyes darting around.

This guy’s mental quality is not good.

Wei Changtian looked at the high platform again, seemingly not intending to speak further.

But just as everyone thought the matter would pass, a golden light suddenly appeared in the pavilion, shooting straight at the big man’s chest without warning!


The big man didn’t expect Wei Changtian to suddenly attack, but he reacted quickly, dodging out of the pavilion while raising his knife to block the attack, barely parrying the strike.


“What do you want to do?”

The big man’s body flew backward, his face filled with shock, but his heart was slightly relieved.

The two brief exchanges showed that Wei Changtian couldn’t handle him, at least he wouldn’t have to worry about his life.



The faint sound of air being torn apart was right next to him, and before he knew it, a tiny golden light had already reached his neck!



The golden light didn’t stop despite the desperate cry, and the next second, it appeared behind the big man’s head, splashing out a flower of blood.


The dark golden dagger flipped in mid-air, transforming into a stream of light that returned to Wei Changtian’s hand.

The man whose head was separated from his body let out a loud thud as he fell into the lake, quickly dyeing the water red.

“This is the settlement I gave you.”

With the long sword back in its sheath and the dagger hidden in his sleeve, Wei Changtian’s cold gaze fell on the high platform once again.

The crowd on the shore, who had been excited just a moment ago, was now silenced, their thunderous cheers abruptly cut off.


Why did Wei Changtian kill that man?

Was it because he was really a spy for the Da Li?

But he had just used his own strength to defeat Shen Ran, saving the dignity of the Da Ning Wen Dao!

“Good job! Well done!”

Suddenly, someone shouted, “That Shen Ran may have been sinister, but his actions were not deserving of death!”

“If we really killed him, it would only make our Da Ning literati seem narrow-minded!”

“Lord Wei did nothing wrong!”


“Right! That’s exactly it!”

After a moment of stunned silence, the crowd began to echo in agreement.

“In my opinion, that man was probably the sinister one, trying to frame our Da Ning reputation!”

“Exactly! As a vassal state’s junior, our Da Ning literati shouldn’t even bother with him!”

“Lord Wei killing that man may seem impulsive, but it was indeed a just and righteous act!”

“Tonight, we really owe it to Lord Wei!”


It was hard to say whether the people shouting “Shen Ran shouldn’t have died” were the same ones who had been screaming “Kill him” earlier.

Anyway, Wei Changtian was indeed stunned by this “surrealistic” magic show.


Can I write good poetry, so everything I do is right?

The phrase “you’re awesome, so you’re right” has really been taken to heart by you people.

One last glance at the motionless high platform, Wei Changtian withdrew his gaze, too lazy to care about these scholars who were desperately trying to justify his actions. He was rapidly thinking about what to do next in his mind.

Shen Ran’s appearance was an unexpected twist, and since he had already escaped, his matter could be temporarily set aside.

As for that imperial guard…it was still unclear whether he was following orders and why he wanted to kill Shen Ran. It was hard to say who was sitting on that high platform.

Wei Changtian didn’t quite believe that Ning Yongnian would appear here.

So…Li HuaiZhong?

It was possible, but it didn’t matter anymore.

Right now, the most crucial thing was the Liu family.

Glancing at Yan Shuyuan, who was still sitting in a daze on the small boat, seemingly still savoring the beauty of the spring river and moonlit night, Wei Changtian felt a bit speechless in his heart.

“Big brother, aren’t you supposed to kill me tonight?

Make your move!

Could it be that one poem, ‘Spring River Flower Moon Night’, has made you surrender? Have you changed your mind?

Then what about all the preparations I made earlier? Were they all for nothing?

Or should I… take the initiative?

But it’s not possible, what if Li Huizhong is deceiving me?

Wei Changtian was momentarily torn, his heart racing with the thought of Yan Shuyu making a move, so he could finally eliminate the hidden danger of the Liu family.

Meanwhile, Liu Zongliang, hiding on the shore, was even more anxious.


Liu Zongliang had been hiding among the crowd on the shore from the beginning, so he naturally witnessed the entire process of the poetry gathering.

Wei Changtian composed nine masterpieces, and the final one, ‘Spring River Flower Moon Night’, even triggered a miraculous phenomenon, summoning a true dragon.

This scene, unmatched in its grandeur, made Liu Zongliang almost spit out blood, and his determination to kill Wei Changtian grew even stronger.

But the Liu family’s greatest reliance, Yan Shuyu, remained motionless.

Liu Zongliang knew that Yan Shuyu liked poetry, literature, and painting, so he was extremely anxious at this moment.

Could it be that this one poem made Yan Shuyu unwilling to make a move?!

But opportunities are hard to come by!

With so many experts gathered, it’s impossible to wait for another chance like this in Shu State.

So if he let Wei Changtian go today, who knows when the next opportunity would arise?

No way!

Regardless of whether Yan Shuyu was willing or not, Liu Zongliang had to force him to take action!

With a resolute heart, Liu Zongliang took a step forward, his feet stomping on the lake surface as he rushed towards Yan Shuyu’s small boat.

“Lord Yan!!”

“Don’t forget our agreement! Quickly take action and kill Wei Changtian!!”

From noble mtl dot come

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