I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 2

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 2

One hour later.

In the spacious bedroom with a reception hall, the decorations were extremely luxurious, with several exotic animal specimens hanging on the walls, showcasing the owner’s eccentric tastes.

Wei Changtian sat at the octagonal table, gazing at a white tiger’s head with its mouth open wide, shaking his head.

Good guy, his hobbies were quite diverse.

After transmigrating, he didn’t merge with the original host’s memories, and many things still relied on the content of the memory book to recall.

But the key was… who would care about the villain’s daily life?!

The author didn’t even describe the villain’s daily life!

Sigh, forget it.

It’s not a big deal; just pretend to have amnesia when encountering problems in the future.

After all, the original host was already crazy and moody.

Occasionally forgetting his parents’ names was normal…

Sighing, Wei Changtian once again began to think about how to deal with the upcoming wedding.

The withdrawal from the marriage had ultimately failed, and Xiao Feng would definitely come to snatch the bride.

You can’t be soft and stand firm.

The most thorough solution right now was to directly eliminate him.

After all, according to the novel’s timeline, it was still the early stages, and Xiao Feng’s powers hadn’t fully developed yet, making him only a seventh-rank warrior.

Although his rank was the same as Wei Changtian’s, it was common knowledge that killing an enemy of a higher rank was as easy as eating and drinking for the novel’s protagonist; even ten of himself might not be a match in a real fight.

So, he needed a powerful expert to help.

And it had to be an extremely powerful expert, one who could ignore all unexpected events due to the difference in strength.

You should know that the Child of Fate is extremely hard to kill, and Wei Changtian didn’t want to leave any hidden dangers for himself like those stupid villains.

Let’s get to it!

After all, I have the power at home!

After making up his mind, Wei Changtian immediately turned his gaze to the person standing at the door, um… the lackey.

It’s not that he had a bad memory, but the person’s name had never appeared in the book.

Every time the author described Wei Changtian’s servants, they would only use a few words like “lackey” or “evil slave”.

“Uh… what’s your name?”

Wei Changtian asked with a hint of embarrassment, and the burly man instantly turned around, his face filled with an obsequious smile that didn’t match his physique.

“Return to Young Master, I’m called Wang Er.”

Well, it’s no wonder that a villain’s servant would only be worthy of such a name.

“Do you know where my parents are right now? I need to go find them to discuss something.”

Without getting too caught up in the name issue, Wei Changtian casually asked again.

“Old Master and Madam should be having tea at the Garden Lake right now.”

Wang Er replied, his eyes filled with some surprise.

Young Master is acting strange today.

If it were in the past, he would have used the phrase “I want to see them!” in a cold tone.

Could it be that he had encountered something good?

These thoughts he only dared to think in his heart, and of course, he didn’t dare ask out loud.

On the other side, Wei Changtian nodded and got up to head outside.

“Lead the way.”

“Oh, and take down those tiger and snake heads hanging on the wall.”

“Okay, Young Master.”

Wang Er responded, his eyes flicking around before asking in a low voice, “Are you preparing to hang those few human heads?”


Upon hearing this, Wei Changtian stumbled and almost fell to the ground.

Human heads???

Is the previous master that twisted?

This wasn’t even written in the novel!

No wonder Lu Jingyao refused to marry him, this is unbearable!

Forcing himself to calm down, he gritted his teeth and said, “We’re not hanging anything!”

“And also, get rid of those human heads, I… I don’t like playing with them anymore.”

“I understand, Young Master.”

Wang Er accepted this quickly.

Aside from women and killing, the Young Master’s other hobbies all had a three-minute attention span, so it was reasonable that he suddenly didn’t like playing with dead human heads.


The two walked along the stone path inside the mansion, passing by pavilions, towers, and flowing water, which surprisingly had a touch of elegance.

Many places were covered with red cloth and tied with red strings, clearly preparing for the wedding ceremony the next day.

Wei Changtian walked while looking around, trying to remember the layout of the mansion.

However, he soon gave up completely.

Because, damn it, the mansion was just too big!

It’s been almost an hour, and we still haven’t arrived. This is ridiculous!

He recalled a joke from Guo Degang’s crosstalk in his previous life: “Yu Qian’s family is so big that you need to drive to the bathroom.”

He actually felt a sense of resonance with a joke for the first time.

“Master, we’re here.”

Just as Wei Changtian was worried that he might get lost in his own home one day, the guide, Wang Er, suddenly stopped in his tracks and slightly stepped aside.

“Your lord and lady are right ahead.”


Wei Changtian looked forward and saw a middle-aged couple, dressed in luxurious attire, sitting in a small pavilion by the lake, surrounded by five or six maidservants.

To be honest, the beauty of these maidservants was comparable to that of many female celebrities in his previous life.

From noble mtl dot come

“Wait for me here.”

After giving instructions, Wei Changtian took a step forward.

However, he quickly turned back.

Wang Er hurriedly approached him, looking puzzled: “Master, what’s wrong?”

Wei Changtian coughed dryly, trying to hide his embarrassment: “Cough, it’s nothing major. I just wanted to ask… what are my parents’ names again?”

Wang Er: “……”

Like all arrogant villains.

Wei Changtian must have a powerful family as his backing, with parents who dote on him and can fulfill all his unreasonable demands.

In reality, that was indeed the case.

The Wei family was one of the three most prominent families in the Great Ning Kingdom, aside from the imperial family.

His father, Wei Xianzhi, was the commander of the “Xuanjing Bureau,” controlling the largest official intelligence agency in the kingdom.

His mother, Qin Caijin, was a saint of the “Tian Luo Sect,” but people usually called her the Demoness.

Both of them were at the peak of the third rank, and had been listed as top-notch experts in the jianghu blacklist for a long time.

Moreover, aside from them, there was a powerful but reclusive grandfather who was a skilled fighter.

Most importantly, Wei Changtian was the sole legitimate son, with only a younger sister and no brothers, completely eliminating the possibility of the Wei family’s “rebirth and re-cultivation.”

With such an impressive family background, who else could be a villain?


After calming down his slightly tense emotions, Wei Changtian walked along the stone bridge to the lake pavilion, where there were several golden carp swimming in the water.

Wei Xianzhi and Qin Caijin had already seen him, and both of them were beaming with joy, although it was unclear why they were so happy.

“Changtian, come sit down and try some of mother’s ‘Breeze and Snow’ tea, a gift from Ning Yongnian!”

Qin Caijin was wearing a large red brocade dress, with her hair styled in a cloud-like fashion and adorned with golden pins, exuding an air of elegance.

As for the Ning Yongnian she mentioned, he was the current emperor.

Directly addressing the emperor by his name, this was indeed unprecedented audacity.

“Thank you, Mother.”

Although he didn’t have any maternal feelings towards this beautiful woman yet, Wei Changtian still politely replied out of habit.

These three words, however, made Qin Caijin extremely happy.

When had her son ever said “thank you” to her before?

A joyful expression appeared on her face, but she pretended to scold him, saying: “What’s the point of saying ‘thank you’ among family members?”

“I think it’s not bad to say it occasionally.”

Wei Xianzhi took over the conversation, patting Wei Changtian’s shoulder heavily: “You handled the Lu family’s matter well today. You understand that you don’t always need to use a knife; sometimes, you can use your influence!”

“Killing someone is just a matter of a nod, and I, along with your mother, are very pleased that you finally understand the principle of eliminating threats from the root.”


No, old man, did you misunderstand something?

I didn’t think about eliminating threats at all; I just didn’t want to get married!

Wei Changtian was speechless for a moment, but before he could say anything, Qin Caizhen chimed in: “However, when you do need to kill, remember to cut off the roots.”

Wei Xianzhi deeply agreed: “Yes, if you need to kill, make sure to eliminate the source.”

Qin Caizhen nodded in agreement: “Yes, even if you mistakenly kill a thousand, don’t leave any hidden dangers.”

Wei Xianzhi sighed: “Rather I betray others…”

Qin Caizhen smiled slightly, completing the “admonition” phrase with her husband: “Than others betray me.”

Wei Changtian: “……”

Huh? Are you two performing a comedy routine?

A special forces leader and a sorceress.

With this kind of educational philosophy, it’s no wonder the previous master was a ruthless killer!

It’s lucky I crossed over; otherwise, who knows how many people he would’ve harmed?

Wei Changtian suddenly felt a surge of righteousness in his heart, and Wei Xianzhi finally noticed his son’s unease. After exchanging a glance with his wife, he asked:

“Changtian, did you come to find us for something?”

“Oh, yeah… there’s something…”

Wei Changtian swallowed hard: “I want to kill someone.”

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