I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 20

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 20

Lu Jingyao didn’t sleep all night, while Wei Changtian was full of energy.

Before sleep, they had a fierce physical battle; after sleep, a fierce mental battle.

Despite this, he woke up feeling refreshed, with a clear mind, which could only be attributed to the “Dream Path” being truly amazing.

At breakfast, Lu Jingyao was absent, and according to Yuer, she was “not feeling well and had no appetite.” As for the real reason, only the gods knew.

Wei Changtian slurped down the nourishing soup that Qiuyun had specially instructed the chef to prepare, wiping his mouth as he prepared to head to the Xuanjing Bureau for another round of torture.

Just then, the Wei Manor’s door servant suddenly rushed over to report that a Young Master Li had arrived.

“Young Master Li?”

Wei Changtian was taken aback, asking, “Which Young Master Li?”

The servant looked surprised: “It’s Young Master Liyang from the Li Manor.”

“Oh… let him in.”

Wei Changtian nodded, already remembering who Liyang was.

Every villain would have some lackeys following them.

Their main purpose was to highlight the villain’s arrogance, making it easier for the protagonist to strike back.

The previous master had many such lackeys, but in the book, only Liyang had a name.

His father, Li Kan, was the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Justice, equivalent to the second-in-command of the highest court in the previous life, an official position that was neither high nor low, depending on who you compared it to.

Basking in the glory of his family, Li Yang also held a half-official position at the Da Li Temple, but like Wei Chang Tian, he was a idle official who did nothing but eat and loaf around. On a daily basis, he only did two things.

One: Visit brothels.

Two: Visit brothels with Wei Chang Tian.

In simple terms, he was a useless second-generation official.

The only good thing about him was his unwavering loyalty to Wei Chang Tian, and in the novel, he even took the initiative to find trouble with Xiao Feng.

As for the ending… of course, it was a tragic fall.

“Brother Wei! I haven’t seen you in days, how come you’re in such high spirits?”

“Ah, ever since our last big commotion at the Exploration Pavilion, my dad grounded me, and I just managed to get out today.”

“I heard you’ve already married Lu Jing Yao? I was still locked up at home back then, and I came especially today to congratulate you!”

“I know you’re not short on silver, so I stole a list of female officials who will be arrested by the Education Bureau from my dad’s place!”

“There are many untouched beauties on this list; we can study it carefully and definitely get the top pick…”

The man with a somewhat lewd face was speaking excitedly, waving the paper in his hand with a “whooshing” sound.

Wei Chang Tian, on the other hand, was getting increasingly annoyed.

Who would have thought that Li Yang was a chatterbox, babbling nonstop from the moment they met?

And what kind of heavenly operation was it to give a list of “misses” as a wedding gift?

After waiting for half a day without Li Yang shutting up, he finally couldn’t take it anymore and coughed to interrupt: “Cough, Brother Li, I’ve taken the list.”

“However, I need to go to the Xuan Jing Bureau now…”

“I’ll go with you!”

Li Yang eagerly said: “It’s perfect; I have some business to discuss with Brother Wei on the way!”

Wei Chang Tian: “Okay…”

The carriage was quickly prepared, with Wang Er acting as the coachman, and Wei Chang Tian and Li Yang sat facing each other inside.

After the carriage had been running for a while, Wei Chang Tian asked reluctantly: “Brother Li, what’s the business?”

“Oh, it’s like this!”

Li Yang leaned in, lowering his voice: “Yesterday, when I went to get the list of female officials, I happened to see a lawsuit at my dad’s place, accusing Brother Wei of murder, robbery, and other seven or eight crimes.”


Wei Chang Tian was initially tense upon hearing this, but quickly relaxed.

Things were different now; with his current identity, he wasn’t afraid of being accused?

“Brother Wei, this time it’s probably not the same!”

Li Yang seemed to have noticed his nonchalance and spoke with some urgency: “Usually, such things would have been suppressed by the government, but this time it was handed over to the Da Li Temple, and it’s likely to be a formal trial with three courts.”

“Is that so?”

Wei Chang Tian was taken aback, and after a moment of contemplation, he asked: “Who do you think is targeting me, Brother Li?”

“It must be the Liu family!”

Li Yang slapped his thigh in anger, speaking with conviction: “Last time, Brother Wei humiliated Liu Zong Liang so badly; this turtle’s son must be seeking revenge!”

“This time, it’s definitely the Liu family seeking revenge!”

Liu Zong Liang…

Although the name was unfamiliar, Wei Chang Tian knew a thing or two about the Liu family’s situation.

Among the three major families in Da Ning – Liu, Wei, and Xu – each family had a popular saying in the folk.

If you want to invite the God of Wealth into your home, first ask the Xu family for permission.

Don’t fear ghosts or gods, only fear the Wei family’s sword under their souls.

If you want to turn a sparrow into a swan, you’d better use willow catkins to make cotton.

The rumors in the streets, though exaggerated, basically reflected the situation of the three families.

One had money, one had power, and one had authority.

In terms of comprehensive strength, the Liu family, which held the reins of power, was undoubtedly the strongest. The family head was the current prime minister, and his power was so great that he could be considered the one beneath the emperor.

However, the Liu family had always been at odds with the Wei family, and with the previous head’s unpredictable temperament… Wei Changtian had already roughly guessed the sequence of events.

It was likely that the previous head had unknowingly offended a young member of the Liu family, Liu Zongliang, and the Liu family wanted revenge, so they instructed some people to accuse him from behind.

Anyway, the previous head’s mistakes were numerous, and it was easy to find two or three that would be enough to sentence him to “immediate execution.”

Of course, execution was definitely not possible, but it was enough to infuriate the Wei family.

Thinking of this, Wei Changtian’s expression finally turned serious.

“Brother Li, thank you for telling me about this.”

“What are you talking about, Brother Wei?”

Li Yanghao said with a smile: “Your affairs are my affairs, and I won’t stand idly by!”

“I’ll go to my father tonight, and if it’s necessary to have a tripartite meeting, the Ministry of Justice will definitely support the Wei family!”

“There’s no hurry for this matter.”

Wei Changtian shook his head, thinking for a while before speaking: “I’ve been thinking of visiting your respected father recently.”

“See my father?”

Li Yang was taken aback: “You can just tell me directly, what’s the need to see my father?”

Wei Changtian smiled: “A few words can’t explain it clearly, so let’s talk about it together when the time comes.”


Li Yang nodded: “Then I’ll talk to my father and come back to inform you of the time, Brother Wei.”

“Alright, thank you.”

Wei Changtian patted Li Yang’s shoulder, and the carriage also slowed down at this time.

Looking at the signboard with the “Xuanjing Bureau” written in dragon and phoenix dance style, Li Yang suddenly remembered to ask: “By the way, Brother Wei, are you here to see Wei Da?”


“Then what are you doing here? Are you being forced by your family to come and offer your services?”


Wei Changtian didn’t explain, sighed, and jumped out of the carriage, heading towards the martial arts hall.

Li Yang followed behind, scratching his head in confusion, wondering why these people dared to beat up Brother Wei. Didn’t they want to live?

Why was Brother Wei allowing them to beat him up? It didn’t feel right…

Now that he thought about it, Brother Wei’s reaction on the carriage earlier seemed unusual too…

Could it be that…

This was a married man???

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