I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 21

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 21

The second round of the martial arts competition ended with eight losses and two wins.

From noble mtl dot come

When Wei Changtian finished his ten matches for the day, Li Yang was nowhere to be seen.

“Li Gongzi said he couldn’t bear to watch your miserable state, so he went home to annul the marriage,” Wang Er reported truthfully.

Annul the marriage?

Wei Changtian rubbed the bruises on his body, feeling puzzled and unsure about the relationship between the two.

However, he didn’t bother to think too much about it, and after taking a silver note from Wang Er’s hand, he waved his hand: “Forget about him, go wait for me by the carriage.”

“Master, shouldn’t I follow you instead?”

Wang Er’s face showed concern: “What if Xu Qingwan wants to harm you…”

“I’ve got it under control.”

Wei Changtian interrupted: “You might as well use this opportunity to buy a chicken.”

Wang Er thought he misheard: “Buy… a chicken?”

Wei Changtian nodded and repeated: “Yes, a big hen.”


Wang Er fell silent for a moment, then stuttered out a question: “Uh, Master, may I ask something?”

“Is the chicken you mentioned a real chicken?”

Inside a secluded “martial room” in the Suspended Mirror Agency.

Since most people working at the Suspended Mirror Agency were martial artists, they usually had a need for training and practicing martial arts. Therefore, such “facilities” were not uncommon.

Today was Wei Changtian’s first expensive “private lesson”.

“Miss Xu, this is the agreed-upon fifty taels.”

Wei Changtian smiled as he handed the silver note to Xu Qingwan, who didn’t show any politeness, carefully checking the amount before putting it away in her chest.

“Master Wei, shall we begin now?”

“Not yet.”

Wei Changtian shook his head, asking with interest: “Miss Xu, may I ask you a question first?”

Xu Qingwan calmly countered: “Are you asking why I let you win yesterday?”

Wei Changtian nodded: “Why?”

“Because I’ve been observing you for the past few days, and although you’ve been losing, you’ve made significant progress every day.”

Xu Qingwan answered truthfully: “Plus, two of your opponents yesterday were quite weak, so I thought you should be able to win at least one match.”

It turned out to be the case, and Xu Qingwan’s observation and analysis skills were indeed impressive.

Wei Changtian thought for a moment, then asked again: “What if I didn’t win yesterday? Wouldn’t your thirty taels be wasted?”

“If you didn’t win, then you didn’t win. Since it’s a bet, of course, you have to accept the outcome.”

Xu Qingwan took out a red ribbon from her hair and put it in her mouth, using both hands to tie up her long hair into a bun.

“Master Wei, do you have any more questions?”

“One more.”

Wei Changtian looked at Xu Qingwan’s lips and smiled: “You don’t seem to be afraid of me?”

“Why should I be afraid?”

Xu Qingwan tied the red ribbon to her bun, revealing her white neck: “You can’t beat me.”

Wei Changtian laughed: “But my father is the commander of the Suspended Mirror Agency.”

“I know, so what?”

“You’re not afraid… never mind, let’s just forget I asked.”

Wei Changtian shook his head, suddenly feeling that teasing Xu Qingwan was pointless: “Let’s begin, what do I need to do now?”

“Attack me with all your might.”

Xu Qingwan took a step closer, but didn’t assume any stance: “I need to understand your weaknesses to find a way to make up for them.”


Wei Changtian nodded, taking a deep breath: “Can I use any method I want?”



Before Xu Qingwan could finish speaking, Wei Changtian had already made his move, directly targeting her upper body.

To be more accurate, he was aiming straight for her chest.

He didn’t care about any martial code or not; since she had allowed him to let loose, he would definitely go all out to win.

However, it was unfortunate that this rascal move didn’t work on Xu Qingwan.

It wasn’t that she didn’t have a chest, but because she had long been prepared for this.

She slightly sidestepped to dodge the sneak attack, simultaneously hooking her foot forward to kick, surprisingly targeting Wei Changtian’s lower body.

Damn it!

This woman didn’t follow any martial code at all!

Wei Changtian instantly broke out in a cold sweat, hastily retreating to dodge.

But the next second, he despairingly realized… it was too late.

Oh no!

As he watched the kick that could make him infertile approaching, he felt immense regret in his heart.

If only he had let Wang Er follow him!

What kind of chicken was this?! His own chicken was about to be gone!

And he didn’t know if there was any remedy in the system… hmm?

The expected pain didn’t arrive, and apart from feeling a bit chilly, there seemed to be no abnormalities.

It turned out that the kick had finally stopped at the last moment.

What a relief…

Breathing a sigh of relief, Wei Changtian was about to speak when he looked up to find a small fist already inches from his face.

Wei Changtian: “……”

Could he stop it this time?


After half a stick of incense, Wei Changtian finally sat down on the ground, panting heavily.

He was completely defenseless.

Xu Qingwan was undoubtedly the strongest opponent he had encountered so far.

If she hadn’t intentionally held back, he estimated he wouldn’t have lasted more than three moves.

To know that after these few days of “dream path” training, Wei Changtian’s current fighting skills, although still losing more than winning, could at least exchange more than ten moves with his opponents.

But when it came to Xu Qingwan, he could clearly feel that she was on a different level, as if she wasn’t from the same realm as others.

Indeed, she was the strongest female lead in the novel, and although her cultivation level wasn’t high, her mastery of combat skills was truly “refined to perfection”.

“Better than I imagined.”

Looking down at Wei Changtian, Xu Qingwan calmly analyzed: “You have enough ferocity, enough ruthlessness, and enough shamelessness, which are your advantages.”

Why didn’t it sound like advantages at all…

Wei Changtian wanted to speak but hesitated, while Xu Qingwan didn’t care about him, continuing to speak: “However, you’ve clearly never learned any techniques, and your moves are more like those of a street thug, not refined at all.”

“You might be fine against average opponents, but if you encounter an expert, you’ll definitely suffer a big loss.”

“Then, according to you, should I start learning techniques now?”

Wei Changtian crawled up from the ground, humbly seeking guidance: “What should I start with? Fist techniques? Footwork? Weapons?”

“Naturally, it’s footwork,” Xu Qingwan replied honestly.

“What’s the martial art…?”

Wei Changtian slightly furrowed his brow.

The Wei family had various top-notch techniques, and martial arts were definitely not lacking.

But just now, after Xu Qingwan mentioned it, he suddenly remembered something.

It seemed that Xu Qingwan herself was proficient in a top-tier martial art, which should be called something like “Fu Yao Step”.

“Cough, Miss Xu…”

Thinking of this, he immediately had an idea: “Did you learn a family-transmitted martial art?”


Xu Qingwan’s eyes flashed with a hint of surprise: “How did you know? Did you investigate me?”

Wei Changtian was very calm: “Since you’re teaching me martial arts, I’d definitely investigate, otherwise, what if you’re a spy sent by my enemy?”

“That’s true.”

Xu Qingwan nodded: “But the martial art of my Xu family is probably something you can’t learn.”

“Why? Is it only for women?”

“No, it’s not that.”

Xu Qingwan glanced at Wei Changtian: “It’s just that our ancestors had a rule, the Fu Yao Step is never to be taught outside the family.”

“Unless an outsider marries into the Xu family as a daughter-in-law or takes a Xu family woman as a wife.”


Wei Changtian wanted to say, “Why not, I’ll just marry you then?” but considering Xu Qingwan’s combat power, he still kept his mouth shut.

However, at this moment, Xu Qingwan suddenly asked: “Do you really want to learn?”


Wei Changtian’s heart was thrilled, and he hastily nodded: “Of course!”

“Since that’s the case, I can make an exception and teach you.”

Xu Qingwan paused for a moment, her face rarely showing a hint of blush: “However…”

“It’ll cost you money.”


What kind of nonsense is this?

You can teach for money?

Isn’t that against the ancestral rule?

Wei Changtian thought he had misheard and instinctively asked: “How much money do you want?”

Xu Qingwan stretched out her hand: “Two hundred… no, three hundred silver coins!”

Would Xu Qingwan really betray her ancestors’ rule for three hundred silver coins?

Is she that obsessed with money?

“Miss Xu…”

Wei Changtian suddenly had a bold idea and carefully probed: “If I want you to listen to me, how much money would be suitable?”

Xu Qingwan: “???”


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