I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 22

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 22

Half an hour later, Wei Changtian, with a swollen face, was already sitting in the carriage, accompanied by a big hen tied up with ropes.

“Master, I think Xu Qingwan must be up to no good!”

Wang Er’s voice came from the front: “You’re lucky she took a liking to you, but she’s really ungrateful! In my opinion, it’s better to just take her away by force!”

From noble mtl dot come

“Ha! I knew it!”

Wei Changtian scolded with a bad temper: “Although we’re not decent people, can’t you use your brain when doing things?”

“Ah? I’m sorry, master, please calm down…”

Wang Er felt wronged in his heart, thinking that master had always taught him that as long as he could get someone into bed, it was a good method, no matter what means he used.

Why had he suddenly changed to using his brain?

However, he didn’t dare ask, and after a moment of silence, he suddenly remembered something and tentatively said:

“By the way, master, the Mid-Autumn boat ride has been arranged, but it seems like there are many people trying to join in on the fun.”

“Do we need to give them a heads-up… cough, I mean, do you have any other plans?”


Wei Changtian pondered for a moment before slowly saying: “At that time, have some experts hide around the flower boat, waiting for my command. You don’t need to worry about anything else.”

“And, by the way, go investigate why Xu Qingwan needs so much money.”

“Understood, master.”

Wang Er responded with a single sound and didn’t say anything else, while Wei Changtian turned his gaze to the chicken tied up beside him with a peculiar method.

The rope went through the chicken’s wings, circled its neck, and then formed a knot at its chest…

“Brother chicken, no, sister chicken… I’m sorry to trouble you.”

“Bam! Bam bam bam!”

Just as Wei Changtian was staring at the chicken, on the short mountain beside Houqiu Village, Xiao Feng was punching and kicking a tiger demon’s corpse.

This tiger demon, judging from its physique, had at least thirty years of cultivation and shouldn’t be appearing in this small mountain forest.

But as the saying goes, the protagonist always has experience points.

So it was very clear that it was arranged by the heavens to forcefully give Xiao Feng a boost.


The soil had already been dyed red by the demon’s blood, and with another punch, the already dead tiger demon’s head suddenly burst open, spewing out blood and brain matter, scaring the little girl beside him pale.

Looking at the person still punching, she finally trembled and said: “Xiao, big brother Xiao, it’s already dead…”


The clear sound entered his ears, and Xiao Feng suddenly stopped his actions like he was waking up from a dream.

He stared blankly at the demon corpse in front of him, panting heavily, and it took him ten breaths to recover.

“Ying’er, I…”

He turned his head, wanting to comfort the little girl who was scared.

But the latter’s subconscious retreat made him pause, his face filled with pain.

“Ying’er, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to…”

“Big brother Xiao…”

The little girl calling out to Ying’er had tears in her eyes, and after a struggle, she suddenly summoned up her courage and walked over, trembling as she took out a handkerchief to wipe away the bloodstains on Xiao Feng’s body.

“Big brother Xiao, I’m not afraid…”

It seemed like she was trying to encourage herself, as the little girl kept repeating “I’m not afraid”.

Unfortunately, the fear in her heart couldn’t be covered up by just saying it.

More importantly, she didn’t even know what she was afraid of – the blood and brain matter, or the person in front of her.

So scary.

What had happened to big brother Xiao…

The gentle breeze swept across the mountain ridge, carrying a pungent smell of blood that stung the nostrils.

Xiao Feng lowered his head, gazing at the pale, frightened face of the beauty, and unconsciously clenched his fists.

He also wanted to know what was happening to himself?!

After being struck by Wei Xianzhi’s palm at the Wei Manor, he thought he was a goner, but when he açı opened his eyes again, he found himself in Houqiu Village.

Not only had his injuries mysteriously healed, but his inner strength had also increased, reaching the seventh rank, just one step away from the sixth rank.

This should have been a tremendous blessing, but after that, he always felt something was off.

It was fine during normal times, but whenever he saw blood, he would become extremely violent, and sometimes even lose his mind, like just now…

Xiao Feng had studied it for a long time but still didn’t know what was happening to himself, and eventually, he could only attribute it to the Wei family’s schemes.

But why didn’t the Wei family just kill him directly?

What was the point of going around in circles like this?

He couldn’t understand.

Xiao Feng felt that if he wanted to know the truth, he had to go back to the Wei Manor again.


Thinking of this, he suddenly gently grasped the small hand in front of him and said softly, “Since my injuries have healed, it’s also time for me to leave.”


Ying’er suddenly lifted her head, her fear momentarily forgotten: “Xiao, Big Brother Xiao, are you leaving?”


Xiao Feng nodded, his gaze looking far into the direction of the capital city: “There are some things I need to figure out.”

“Big Brother Xiao…”

Ying’er stared at Xiao Feng, her voice trembling: “Will you come back?”

Xiao Feng smiled slightly: “You don’t abandon me, and I won’t abandon you.”


The sunlight filtering through the tree leaves fell on the girl’s head, and Ying’er’s face immediately flushed, her hands fumbling with her handkerchief as she stuttered, “Then I’ll go home and cook for you, Grandpa just bought pork yesterday…”

“No need, I’m leaving now.”

Xiao Feng released the soft, delicate hand, turned around, and walked to the corpse of the tiger demon, drew his black sword, and extracted a demon core the size of a chicken egg from the demon’s head.

“This can be exchanged for a lot of silver, you take it, and wait for me to come back.”


“Big Brother Xiao, I’ll wait for you!”

The reluctant and yearning calls echoed through the forest, and with a blink, Xiao Feng vanished.

Not long after he left, several spies from the sticky pole arrived at Houqiu Village.

“Villager, have you seen this person?”

At the entrance of Houqiu Village, a large man held up a portrait, which depicted Xiao Feng.

“Isn’t that Xiao Shaoxia?”

The person being questioned looked excited: “Of course, I recognize him!”


The spies exchanged a glance, their faces expressionless: “Then where is he now?”

“He’s living at Old Liu’s house.”

“A few days ago, Xiao Shaoxia was injured for some reason and has been recuperating at Old Liu’s house… Hmm? Who are you people, and why are you asking this?”

The leader of the scouts didn’t answer, but instead smiled and handed over a few copper coins: “Old brother, do you know how to get to the Liu family’s place?”

“Ah! I can tell you’re not bad people, you must be friends with Xiao Shaoxia!”

“Go straight, turn left at the ancient locust tree, and the first house is the one.”

“Thanks, old brother.”

“Thanks for what… Ah! You, you…”


The light flickered, and the speaker suddenly collapsed to the ground, his wide-open eyes filled with disbelief.

If one looked closely, they could see a faint bloodstain on his neck, but strangely, not a single drop of blood had been spilled.

“Fourth, go take care of this person’s corpse.”

The leader of the scouts put away his poison-coated dagger, bent down to pry open the person’s fingers, and retrieved the copper coins.

“Third, quickly go back to the residence and call for someone. Second, you stay here with me.”

After saying that, he gently stroked the eyelids of the person on the ground.

“Old brother, sorry.”

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