I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 24

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 24

After a stick of incense had burned, Wei Changtian and Guo Ying walked out of the prison cell, one after the other.

The matter was roughly understood, but it seemed like it wasn’t understood at all.

Guo Ying opened his mouth to ask, “Young Master, do you still want to interrogate that Liu Yingying?”

“Wait a moment, I need to think about something.”

Leaning against the cold, blue stone wall, Wei Changtian furrowed his brows, reviewing the novel’s plot in his mind to sort out the whole incident.

Seven days ago, Xiao Feng had passed by Houqiu Village and picked up a demon pig, which was consistent with the novel’s storyline.

But the subsequent development didn’t feel right.

According to the novel, Xiao Feng should have heard the news about his marriage to Lu Jingyao from the officer handling the demon pig case, and then rushed to the Wei Manor to stop the wedding.

But there was no scene where an old man with white hair sent a jade plaque!

He had just read this part before crossing over, and it was impossible for him to remember it wrong.

And then there was that little girl named Liu Yingying, who didn’t appear at all in the entire novel.

So… why was it different from the novel?

To think that he hadn’t even seen Xiao Feng’s face back then.

Even the butterfly effect shouldn’t have produced such an impact so soon!

This feeling… was as if some mysterious power in the darkness was hindering him from killing Xiao Feng.

Was it the will of heaven? Or was it the protection of fate?

Damn it, how was this supposed to play out?

Rubbing his forehead, Wei Changtian sighed and muttered to himself.

“Crossing over with a system versus the son of fate?”

“What did you just say, Young Master Wei?”

Guo Ying, who had been standing beside him, looked puzzled.

He had clearly heard Wei Changtian say something, but he didn’t understand the meaning.


Wei Changtian shook his head: “Let’s go, and see that Liu Yingying again.”


Guo Ying bowed and led the way, and soon they stopped in front of the third-class prison cell.

All the prison cells looked almost the same from the outside, making it impossible for outsiders to tell which was which.

This was mainly to prevent prison breaks.

Looking at the girl with her eyes tightly closed inside the cell, Wei Changtian suddenly turned around and said, “Guo brother, I want to chat with her alone.”


Guo Ying was taken aback.

This wasn’t exactly following the rules, but since it was Wei Changtian…

“Young Master Wei, I’ll wait at the door. Just call me if you need anything.”

“Okay, I know.”

The iron door behind him slowly closed, and the already quiet environment became even more silent, to the point where even the sound of a needle dropping could be heard.

Without hurrying to ask questions, Wei Changtian first took a good look at Liu Yingying from head to toe, then shifted his gaze to the few items on the table.

Apart from some small trinkets that girls usually carry around, the most eye-catching thing should be that glowing elixir.

Wei Changtian recognized this thing, as he had a box full of them at home.

Moreover, judging from their quality, they were far superior to the one in front of him.

“Is this given to you by Xiao Feng?”

Wei Changtian picked up the elixir, glanced at it twice, and casually said, “It’s worth a few hundred silver coins, enough for you to spend until you see him again next time.”

“Of course, on the condition that he can survive until then.”


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Liu Yingying’s eyes suddenly opened wide, filled with fear and a hint of doubt.

In her heart, anyone who meant harm to Big Brother Xiao was a bad person, but the man in front of her, at least in terms of appearance, didn’t seem as vicious as those officials.

“I, I already said I don’t know Xiao……”


Wei Changtian waved his hand to interrupt, “Your grandfather has already confessed.”

“He told us when he killed that demon pig, when he got injured, and how you took care of him… I know everything I need to know.”


The girl’s face turned pale in an instant.

She stared at Wei Changtian, taking a long time to tremble and ask, “What crime did Big Brother Xiao commit? Why do you want to catch him?”

“He didn’t commit any crime.”

Wei Changtian replied illogically, “But he must die.”

“T-this is unreasonable……”

Liu Yingying’s eyes widened in disbelief, clearly unable to comprehend this answer.

“There’s no reason.”

Wei Changtian glanced at her, “Answer a few questions, and you can go back with your grandfather.”

“Did Xiao Feng say anything to you before he left?”


“Not talking? That means he definitely said something.”

Taking two steps closer, Wei Changtian bent down to stare into Liu Yingying’s eyes, saying lightly, “If you tell me now, you two might still be able to see each other again.”

“But if you don’t, I guarantee you won’t see each other again.”

“N-no, that won’t happen……”

Under pressure, Liu Yingying finally couldn’t bear it anymore, suddenly denying in a loud voice, “Big Brother Xiao is so skilled in martial arts! He won’t be killed by you!”

“Kill him? You misunderstood my meaning.”

Wei Changtian’s expression remained unchanged, but his words sent chills down Liu Yingying’s spine.

“Kill you, and you two won’t be able to see each other again, will you?”



Tears of fear streamed down her face, dropping one by one onto the ground.

Death was always the most effective threat, and as long as the timing was right, it could pry open anyone’s mouth.

Moreover, it was just a 12-year-old girl who was still immature.


Liu Yingying bit her lip hard, as if forcing herself not to speak.

But her voice still uncontrollably leaked out, one word at a time, from between her teeth.

“……Xiao, Big Brother Xiao said he wants to figure some things out……”



A quarter of an hour later.

Outside the main gate of the Xuanjing Bureau, Wei Changtian took a deep breath of the fresh air and smiled at Guo Ying, saying, “Brother Guo, you’ve had a tough day today.”

“It’s no trouble at all! It’s just my duty as a subordinate!”

Guo Ying carefully pulled open the curtain of the horse carriage and whispered, “Young Master, what should we do with those two?”

“Let them go, and have a few people keep an eye on them. Xiao Feng will definitely come back.”

Wei Changtian glanced at the dark, overcast night sky before bending down to enter the carriage.

Wang Er cracked his whip, and the carriage wheels rumbled as it sped away into the distance, disappearing from sight in the blink of an eye.

Meanwhile, just as the Yongning Alley was restored to calm, a commotion broke out in a gambling den in the west of the city.

“You little scoundrel! You dare to cause trouble in our Xuantian Society’s casino! You must be tired of living!”

“Damn it, kill him!”


A group of burly men, each wielding various weapons, surrounded Xiao Feng, who was in disguise, their mouths spewing curses, but no one dared to take the first step.

The few companions lying on the ground, wailing in pain, served as a warning.

Neither side made a move, and the standoff continued.

Until the crowd suddenly parted, and a refined, white-robed man walked in from the outside.

“Sir, I don’t know how our Xuantian Society has offended you, but is it worth causing a big scene here?”

Xiao Feng’s face was gloomy: “I just wanted to see your leader, but these people kept blocking and mocking me… I didn’t kill them, which is already showing mercy.”

“Ha ha, quite the bold talk.”

The white-robed man let out a cold laugh: “Our leader isn’t someone who…”


The black sword was unsheathed, its eerie glow flashing.

The next second, the white-robed man exclaimed in shock, “The Xuantian Sword! Who are you, and how did you get this sword?”

“You don’t need to know who I am.”

Xiao Feng asked calmly, “Can I see your leader now?”


“Then lead the way!”


Under the astonished gazes of the Xuantian Society members, Xiao Feng followed the white-robed man out of the gambling den, soon disappearing into the night.

The dark clouds in the sky grew thicker, arrayed on either side of the moon like a massive army preparing for battle.

The great city of Danning, which had stood for hundreds of years, suddenly seemed to be on the verge of a storm.

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  1. This little girl looks like a heroine. In the case of a novel where heroines are strong and can actually help the main hero, not killing her was a bad decision. Of course, if the heroines are just ordinary porcelain vases, then it doesn’t matter, but personally, I would still accumulate aggro by killing those whom the “son of destiny” values, so that he would attack me more thoughtlessly and thus expose himself more.

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