I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 26

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 26

The Li Manor, in terms of its grandeur, couldn’t compare to the Wei Manor, and even seemed a bit shabby, not like the residence of a third-rank official.

This wasn’t hard to understand, as Li Kan, as a “legal worker,” probably understood the principle of “keeping a low profile for a long time.”

“Master, Young Master Wei has entered the main gate.”

A butler-like person came in to report, and Li Kan thought for a moment before standing up and walking to the courtyard.

As an elder, he didn’t need to come out to welcome guests, but since Wei Changtian’s identity was special, and he was known for his eccentric personality, it was better to show some humility.

He straightened his clothes and soon Wei Changtian and Li Yang appeared in sight.


Wei Changtian’s appearance was surprisingly handsome?

His dignified demeanor didn’t seem like that of a violent and brutal person at all?

At least he was better than his own son.

Li Kan thought to himself, but his face still broke into a smile as he quickly welcomed them.

“Hahaha, my son has mentioned Young Master Wei many times at home, and today I finally get to see that he’s indeed a talented young man!”

“Lord Li is too kind to me.”

Wei Changtian stood opposite Li Kan, bowing politely and saying, “I’m visiting for the first time today, and I heard that you, Lord Li, enjoy drinking tea, so I brought some tea leaves, hoping you won’t dislike them.”

“You’re too thoughtful, Young Master Wei.”

Li Kan glanced at the box in Wang Er’s hand, his smile growing even wider.

As a connoisseur, he could tell the quality of the tea leaves with just one glance.

If Wei Changtian were to give him money, he wouldn’t necessarily want it, but it’s tea leaves, after all…

He glanced at the steward, who immediately understood and took over the wooden box.

“Master Wei, let’s talk inside!”

“Good, Lord Li, please!”

In the main hall, Wei Changtian and Li Kan sat on either side of the tea table, with a famous landscape painting hanging behind them.

As for Li Yang, he could only sit at a lower position.

“Master Wei, how’s your father doing lately?”

Li Kan sipped his tea and smiled, “I met with Lord Wei last year, and it’s hard to believe it’s already been a year. Time really flies.”

Li Kan and Wei Xianzhi weren’t officials, so they didn’t attend court, making it difficult for them to meet.

If it weren’t for Li Yang and the previous master’s affinity, the two families probably wouldn’t have any interactions.

“Thank you for your concern, Lord Li.”

Wei Changtian smiled and replied, “My father is doing well. He even mentioned you a few days ago, saying you’re a rare, good official nowadays.”

“Ha ha, Lord Wei is too kind.”

Li Kan didn’t believe Wei Xianzhi would remember him, but he still politely said, “It’s all for the emperor and the people’s sake.”

“You don’t need to be humble, Lord Li.”

Wei Changtian shook his head meaningfully: “The Dali Temple’s criminal cases are a huge responsibility.”

“Moreover, everyone knows that Lord Zhang is frail and often ill, so you’re actually handling all the temple’s affairs. You’re worthy of being called a ‘good official’!”

“You’re saying something outrageous, young master… Lord Li, you should have taken another step forward long ago.”


The room fell silent for a moment, as Wei Changtian’s words were indeed too outrageous.

The “Lord Zhang” he mentioned was Zhang Hongwen, the Minister of the Dali Temple, and Li Kan’s superior.

By saying Li Kan should take another step forward, Wei Changtian probably meant replacing Zhang Hongwen’s position.

Li Kan, of course, wanted to be promoted, and even wished for Zhang Hongwen to hurry up and die, but he also knew this wasn’t something Wei Changtian could decide.

Not even Wei Xianzhi could.

“Ha ha ha, Master Wei is joking.”

“I don’t have much ambition in my official career, and I’m already very satisfied with my current position.”

“Let’s drink tea, drink tea!”

He laughed and tried to change the subject.

But Wei Changtian refused to let it go, and instead said something even more shocking.

“Lord Li, I’m not joking… Lord Zhang really should step down.”


Li Kan glared at Wei Changtian, his heart racing with fear.

He wasn’t clear about Wei Changtian’s intentions, but he knew that if this reached Zhang Hongwen’s ears, he and the Wei family would definitely be in trouble.

The Wei family might not care about Zhang Hongwen, but he couldn’t afford to!

Furthermore, even if Wei Changtian was genuinely trying to help him, the method would likely be the usual assassination tactics used by the Xuanjing Bureau.

This would be too obvious and risky, and even if they managed to kill Zhang Hongwen, according to the Dali law, he wouldn’t be able to take over the vacant position of Minister of the Dali Temple.

In non-military positions, if a superior dies suddenly, their subordinate cannot fill the vacancy.

The Wei family controlled the Xuanjing Bureau, and Wei Changtian must know this.

So… could it be that the Wei family wanted to harm him?

As I thought of this, Li Kan didn’t care about saving face for Wei Changtian anymore, and his expression instantly darkened.

“Prince Wei, I don’t understand your meaning! Please think three times before speaking!”

“If you continue to speak nonsense, please leave, Prince!”


In an instant, the atmosphere in the room plummeted to freezing point.

Amidst the swirling tea fragrance, neither Li Kan nor Wei Changtian spoke, but instead, Li Yang burst out in discontent.

“Dad, what are you doing?”

“I think Brother Wei is right, that old geezer Zhang Hongwen…”

“Shut up! What do you know!”

Li Kan’s furious shout cut off his son’s words.

Li Yang was taken aback, his expression clearly dissenting.

Just as he was about to argue, Wei Changtian suddenly spoke in a soft voice:

“Brother Li, please leave first.”

“Brother Wei…”

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Li Yang hesitated, looking at Wei Changtian, who nodded, and then reluctantly bowed to Li Kan before leaving.

“Lord Li.”

After Li Yang closed the door, Wei Changtian withdrew his gaze and suddenly asked Li Kan an unrelated question.

“What are the capital offenses in the Da Ning Code?”


As the Vice Minister of Justice, Li Kan naturally knew the answer, but he couldn’t fathom why Wei Changtian was asking this.

After a moment of silence, he forced himself to suppress his anger and listed the crimes: “Treason, rebellion, great disrespect, impiety, injustice…”


Wei Changtian patiently listened, then asked again: “What crime can sentence a third-rank official to death?”


Li Kan unconsciously took a deep breath.

Although the Da Ning Code states on its first page that “the emperor’s crimes are the same as those of the common people,” in reality…

“Treason, rebellion…”

This time, the number of crimes was significantly reduced.

It seemed Li Kan also knew what Wei Changtian was getting at.

“Lord Li, I won’t hide it from you…”

As expected, he soon heard the sentence from Wei Changtian’s mouth.

“These crimes, Lord Zhang has committed one of them.”


Li Kan swallowed hard, his voice trembling as he asked: “W-which one?”

He knew he shouldn’t ask, but he couldn’t help himself.

Wei Changtian didn’t intend to conceal it either, and after a moment of contemplation, he uttered two words.

“Feeding demons.”

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