I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 28

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 28

From noble mtl dot come

As the sun set, Wei Changtian’s horse carriage departed from the Li residence.

Unlike when he came, this time Li Kan saw him off all the way to the gate.

Li Yang was very surprised by his father’s change and wondered what the two had talked about after he left.

However, Li Kan wouldn’t tell him, only sighing heavily as he looked at his son.

As an official, the higher you climb, the more dangerous it becomes.

He had originally wanted to stay in a safe position, but who would have thought that he would be controlled by a younger generation?

It’s useless to think about it now; he can only hope that the infamous Wei family’s troublemaker will behave and not drag him down.


Li Kan worried about his fate, while Wei Changtian in the carriage also shook his head and sighed as he looked at the two papers in his hand.

One was a list of witness names, and the other was the “treason letter” written by Li Kan himself.

With these two things, he had a hold on Li Kan’s seven inches, and he wasn’t afraid of him not listening in the future.

Although the result was basically in line with his expectations before coming, Wei Changtian still felt that the process wasn’t too smooth.

In fact, he hadn’t planned to threaten Li Kan initially and had wanted to save the “massive bribery” card for later use.

But Li Kan had hesitated, clearly not trusting himself, and ultimately had to play the card ahead of time.

Putting the two papers away, he thought of Xiao Feng again.

He didn’t know what Xiao Feng was doing now or what bad ideas he was brewing.

If it were Xiao Feng, he would probably only need three sentences to make Li Kan surrender.

Damn that protagonist’s halo!

Wei Changtian angrily pulled open the carriage curtains and looked out.

At this time, they were passing through the bustling streets, with people rubbing shoulders and the colorful signs of the shops on both sides fluttering in the wind.

Since the war with the Western Da Feng two hundred years ago, Da Ning had not experienced any major conflicts, and even the demonic monsters and evil spirits of recent years had almost been wiped out by the tens of thousands of “Liu Ye” warriors.

In this peaceful and prosperous era, the people naturally lived a comfortable life, to the point where they almost forgot how long this tranquility had lasted.

At the end of the line of sight, the crab-shell blue sky above still retained the last gentle orange-red hues of dusk.

As he gazed at this breathtakingly beautiful sunset, Wei Changtian suddenly muttered a sentence in a low voice without reason.

“The evening sun is infinite, it’s just near dusk.”


Wei Changtian returned to the Wei residence just in time for dinner.

He hadn’t come back, nor had he sent someone to bring back a message, so Lu Jingyao and the others didn’t dare to eat first and waited in the courtyard.

Then, they went to the card table again.

“Do you have any cards left, Madame?” Yu’er asked cautiously, frowning.

“Two,” Lu Jingyao replied with a smile, covering the cards in her hand.


Yu’er was delighted and gently placed a five on the table.

“Madame, I’ll play a five.”


Lu Jingyao instantly threw away the only card in her hand, excitedly spreading her arms open: “I won!”


Yu’er was stunned for a moment, then became dissatisfied and complained: “Madame, you cheated!”

“I, I’m just using a clever tactic.”

Lu Jingyao’s face turned slightly red, but the slightly raised corner of her mouth still revealed her inner joy.

“The young master always uses this trick to cheat me, I didn’t expect Madame to learn it too…”

Yu’er pouted, wanting to continue scolding Lu Jingyao, but was suddenly hit on the head by Qiuyun.

“You lost, so what’s with all the fuss!”

Yu’er felt even more wronged, seeing that even Qiuyun didn’t stand on her side: “The young master always says this too! You, you’re bullying me!”


Qiuyun looked at Yu’er, who was about to cry, and felt a headache, while Lu Jingyao felt guilty and quickly comforted Yu’er, holding her hand.

“It’s my fault, I won’t cheat you again when we play cards, don’t cry.”

“Is, is Madame telling the truth?”

“Of course!”

“…Hehe! I knew Madame was the most understanding!”

Yu’er instantly beamed with joy, without a trace of grievance left.

Lu Jingyao only then realized she had been played by this little servant girl, feeling both amused and annoyed, and let go of her hand, no longer bothering with her.

After gathering the cards, she called out:

“Let’s play again!”

“Okay, Madame!”


“Call the devil!”

“I’ll take it!”


The gentle breeze swept through the pavilion, beneath the slightly swaying green silk threads, were three distinct yet endearing faces.

Such an unusual master-servant relationship would be unthinkable in other wealthy families, but in Wei Changtian’s household, it had already become the norm.

Lu Jingyao, who had successfully taken the “devil” card again, was overjoyed, especially when she saw Yu’er’s small face frowning due to her bad cards, and almost couldn’t help but burst out laughing.

As she was tidying up the cards in her hand with a joyful smile, a slightly sorrowful thought suddenly flashed through her mind.

It’s been a long time since she last smiled like this…

“Madam, what are you thinking about? Hurry up and play your card!”

“…What’s the rush? I’m about to play it anyway!”

At dinner time, Wei Changtian had a feeling that Lu Jingyao was not quite herself.

Usually, she wouldn’t say a word during meals, but this time she took the initiative to ask about visiting Li Kan, and even mentioned that she would go shopping for fabric in a few days to make her own clothes.

Was she preparing her funeral clothes?

Wei Changtian was startled by his own thought and quickly rejected this “kind intention”.

He also swallowed a few mouthfuls of rice to calm himself down.

Lu Jingyao seemed a bit disappointed and returned to her usual silent eating habit.

Wei Changtian didn’t bother to figure out what she was thinking and quickly finished his meal, changed his clothes, and went to discuss the Li Fu affair with Wei Xianzhi.

The whole process went smoothly, and Wei Xianzhi was naturally shocked.

However, Wei Changtian didn’t reveal all the details and only selectively told him about the Zhang Hongwen and San Si Hui affairs.

As for Li Kan’s “treasonous letter”, it was never mentioned.

This wasn’t because he didn’t trust Wei Xianzhi.

It was because Wei Changtian felt that it was time to start building his own loyal forces.

“Wang Er.”

On his way back, he suddenly asked Wang Er, who was carrying a lantern: “How long have you been in the Wei family?”

“I entered the Wei family at the age of five, young master,” Wang Er replied truthfully.

“It’s been thirty years now.”


Wei Changtian nodded and asked bluntly: “Will you ever betray the Wei family?”

“Absolutely not!”

Although the question was a bit absurd, Wang Er answered firmly without hesitation:

“Young master, although I may not be very capable, I was born into the Wei family and will die as a ghost of the Wei family! Even if you asked me to kill the emperor right now, I wouldn’t frown!”

Wei Changtian nodded: “I believe in your loyalty to the Wei family, but…if I want you to be loyal only to me in the future?”


Loyal to the Wei family, loyal to the sole son of the Wei family.

At first glance, it seemed like there was no difference between the two.

But Wang Er understood the difference.

The flame in the lantern suddenly flickered, and the surrounding area fell into a deathly silence.

It was unknown how much time had passed before a sentence suddenly rang out in the darkness.

“Yes, young master.”

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