I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 29

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 29

Fifteenth year of Tianji, August 12th.

Ren’an Fang was a small alley in the southern part of the capital city, with around a few hundred households, mostly small business owners.

Huilian Alley was the smallest street in Ren’an Fang, with few pedestrians passing by, except for some villagers who would come to pick huilian flowers in March or April to make rice or steam them at home.

Apart from that, it was hard for anyone to remember this ordinary little alley.

As dusk fell, several people dressed as household servants stopped in front of a mansion in Huaihua Alley, each carrying several large food boxes that emitted a faint aroma of cooked rice.

“Big brother, we’ve been sending food for nearly ten days now. Do you think the people inside are doing something?” one of them asked in a low voice.

“Don’t ask what shouldn’t be asked!”

Another person glared at him, put down the food box in his hand, and knocked four times on the copper door ring.


There was no response from inside.

“Hmm? Big brother, what’s going on?”

“I don’t know.”

The leader also looked puzzled, hesitated for a moment, and then knocked again.

“Boom boom boom, boom……”

Still, there was no reaction.

“Big brother, this isn’t right… Why don’t I climb over the wall and take a look?”

“Don’t make trouble! We’ll keep watch here, and you quickly go back and report the situation to Liu!”

“Yes, I’ll go right away…”

The person who spoke nodded and quickly ran off, while the few people left behind looked at each other, found a place to sit, and rested.

Only the leader remained standing, his eyes fixed on the gate, his nostrils flaring slightly.

Hmm? Why does the wind seem to carry a hint of blood?

“What’s going on?”

“How can ten or so people just disappear?”

From noble mtl dot come

“What’s the use of having you bunch of good-for-nothings?!”

“Go and investigate for me right away! If they’re alive, I want to see them; if they’re dead, I want to see their corpses…”

In the main hall of the Liu residence, an old man wearing purple robes and carrying a golden fish-shaped pouch was scolding several people.

He was Liu Yuan Shan, the head of the Liu family and the current prime minister.

Having just returned from the palace after a busy day, Liu Yuan Shan hadn’t even had time to change out of his official robes before hearing this bad news, and it was difficult for him to remain calm.


The people in front of him all hung their heads, not daring to make a sound, except for an old steward-like man who took a step forward and said softly, “Master, please don’t get too worked up over this small matter.”

“In my humble opinion, only the Suspense Mirror Agency in the entire capital city could make ten or so people disappear without a trace.”

“It must be the Wei family who got wind of the news and killed them to silence them.”


Liu Yuan Shan sighed, and his emotions stabilized.

Having held the position of prime minister for so many years, he had seen many storms, and although he was angry, his mind remained clear.

“I naturally understand that this is Wei Xian Zhi’s doing, but I don’t know who leaked the information.”

“Master, this can be investigated, but it’s likely to be a difficult task.”

The old man replied calmly, “Apart from the Liu family, there are also a few people in the Ministry of Justice and the Temple of Law who know about this. We can investigate our own people, but as for them…”

“Are you saying the informant might come from the Ministry of Justice or the Temple of Law?”

“I’m just a humble servant.”


Liu Yuan Shan took a deep breath: “In that case, let it be.”

“Anyway, this time it wouldn’t have hurt the Wei family’s foundation, and since it’s already like this, it’s not worth making enemies with the two bureaus.”

“You’re wise, sir.”

The old man patted his horse’s rear end and reminded him, “About Dà Gōng Zi’s side…”

“Call Zōng Liàng over, I’ll talk to him myself.”

Liu Yuanshan shook his head, “Otherwise, he might not be able to swallow this insult.”

“Yes, sir… by the way, there’s something else.”

“What is it?”

“There’s a hero from the Xuántiān Association who wants to see you, and has been waiting for an entire afternoon.”

“The Xuántiān Association? That bunch of rascals…”

Liu Yuanshan was about to refuse, waving his hand in annoyance.

But just as the words “don’t see him” were about to leave his mouth, a strange thought suddenly occurred to him.

Why not see him? Maybe he has something important to say…

“… Let him in.”

Just as Liu Yuanshan and Xiao Feng were about to have their “historic” first meeting, the atmosphere in a certain dark room in the Xuánjìng Bureau was exceptionally tense.

One hundred and twenty black-clad guards stood in six rows, each one with a straight back, wearing a helmet, and holding a sword with their left hand.

If it weren’t for the slight differences in height and weight, they would have looked like they were cast from the same mold.

At the front of the crowd, Wei Changtian wore the same black uniform, his face cold and stern, with a thousand-man commander standing beside him.

The room was silent, as if even breathing sounds were absent.

Although it was unscientific, Wei Changtian indeed felt an extremely strong killing aura.

Or perhaps “murderous aura” was more fitting.

He looked at the sea of helmets in front of him and couldn’t help but exclaim inwardly –

The Xuánjìng Bureau is incredible!

In less than a day, one hundred and twenty experts above the seventh rank.

Plus a fifth-rank thousand-man commander.

To think that this power, which could be enough to start a rebellion in some small counties, would be completely under his command tonight.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, it’s indeed good to have a strong backing!

“Lord, the hour of hai has arrived.”

A sudden reminder sounded in his ear.

Wei Changtian immediately collected his thoughts, nodding seriously: “Yellow Commander, let’s set off.”


The Yellow Commander responded, then looked up at the crowd, issuing a loud command: “From now on, anyone who disobeys orders will be beheaded!”

“Those who bend the law for personal gain will be beheaded!”

“Those who pretend to obey but secretly disobey will be beheaded!”


He listed several prohibitions, then waved his hand.

In just five breaths, the previously crowded dark room was suddenly left with only him and Wei Changtian.

“Lord Wei, where are we headed? You can tell me now.”


Wei Changtian slightly turned his head, revealing the mission target for the first time.

“Da Li Temple, Chapter Manor!”


For an instant, Huang Qianhu’s eyes flashed with incredulity, but he quickly suppressed it.

He took a deep breath and replied in a low tone, “Yes!”

Half a stick of incense later, over a dozen horse-drawn carriages of various types emerged from the small gates of the Hanging Mirror Agency, stopping near Chapter Manor in the darkness of night before dispersing to surround the perimeter of the courtyard walls.

The entire Chapter Manor was silent, oblivious to everything.

“Your Excellency, our people have secured all the exits.”

Huang Qianhu looked up at the vermilion gate a few feet ahead, as well as the large plaque with the inscription “Chapter Manor”, and finally swallowed his saliva.

Although he still didn’t know what crime the Chapter family had committed, judging from the current situation, it was unlikely to be simple.

Looking at Wei Changtian, who seemed calm and even excited, he paused before handing over a bamboo tube: “Your Excellency, this is the fire令. You only need to twist the bottom to shoot out flames… be careful not to hold it upside down.”

Wei Changtian: “……”

He wanted to ask, “Do I look like an idiot?”, but ultimately restrained himself, glancing at Huang Qianhu before taking the bamboo tube and pointing it at the night sky.


A massive ring-shaped fireball suddenly exploded in the night sky, and the torches that lit up instantly surrounded Chapter Manor.

After a brief silence, the noise began to emanate from within the manor, and the guards who had infiltrated the courtyard also pushed open the large gate.

“Who… who are you?”

“Do you know this is Chapter Manor?”

Several gatekeepers knelt in terror, gazing fearfully at Wei Changtian, who was approaching them.

However, Wei Changtian didn’t care about them, simply waving his hand lightly.

“Whoosh! Whoosh whoosh!”

Over a hundred black-clad figures, holding torches and long knives, suddenly rushed into the inner courtyard, accompanied by the intimidating shouts—

“Hanging Mirror Agency is here to investigate!!”

“Everyone come out! Kneel at the gate!!”

“Those who resist will be considered treasonous!!”

“Those who flee will be guilty too!!”

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