I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 32

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 32

Identifying the demon.

There was only one toad demon in the entire stone cave, so there was nothing to identify, and Wei Changtian’s words implied that he wanted to feed Zhang Hongwen to the demon.

It was no wonder Wei Changtian had such an impulsive idea.

The principle was the same as banning chemical weapons in war.

Killing with real swords and guns was acceptable, but being anti-human was just too excessive.

Many people at the moment had the same thought, so as soon as Wei Changtian spoke, he received a lot of responses from the surrounding guards.

However, Huang Qianhu remained calm, thinking for a moment before advising in a serious tone: “Lord Wei, Zhang Hongwen will surely be punished with extreme penalties, such as being sliced into a thousand pieces, for feeding humans to demons. Dying in the demon’s mouth would be a mercy to him.”

“Moreover, if he dies now, it might lead to rumors and be exploited by villains in the future.”

“So, you see…”

Huang Qianhu was slightly tense at the moment.

He also wanted to kill Zhang Hongwen on the spot, but he knew that doing so would only bring more trouble, apart from temporary satisfaction.

He just didn’t know if Wei Changtian would listen to him.

The stone cave suddenly fell silent, even the toad demon locked up seemed to understand human words, its eyes fixed on Wei Changtian.


After a long silence, Wei Changtian finally shook his head: “In that case… let’s forget about it.”

“Prince Mingzhi!”

Huang Qianhu let out a sigh of relief, but the others felt a bit stifled.

However, just then, the sound of two golden swords clashing and a loud roar suddenly echoed through the stone cave.



“Look at your mom’s gaze!”

Wei Changtian furiously drew his sword from Xu Qingwan’s waist and swiftly threw it at the toad demon’s left eye.

He used all his internal strength, and the sword sliced through the air with a “whooshing” sound, almost instantly reaching a position just a few inches from the demon’s eye.

But the toad demon reacted quickly, finally closing its eyelids at the last moment.


The sharp sword tip seemed to hit a shield, failing to pierce the eyelid, and the sword stopped for a moment before losing its force, appearing to fall.

No way, this toad demon had a 50-year cultivation, and its combat power was almost equivalent to a five-star expert if it weren’t for the chains binding it.

Although the eyelid was its most vulnerable part, it wasn’t something Wei Changtian could break through with a single throw.

The toad demon, with its eyes tightly shut, surrounded by countless scattered limbs and bones, its willow leaf long knife swaying unsteadily.


It was unclear who let out a sigh, seemingly regretful of Wei Changtian’s failed sneak attack.

However, in the next moment, everyone saw a black shadow suddenly jump up to the toad demon’s head.


Wei Changtian looked at the ugly toad demon’s head right in front of him, gritted his teeth, and fiercely kicked the sword hilt.

The foot was the hammer, and the sword was the nail.


Just like stabbing into a tofu wrapped in iron skin, the sword pierced the demon’s eye, and a burst of liquid splashed out.

“Rumble rumble rumble!!”

Dozens of iron chains suddenly tightened, and the toad demon let out a painful cry before instantly opening its bloody mouth, its body frantically struggling.

Meanwhile, Wei Changtian had already used the rebound force to steady himself and land back on the ground.

Feeling the shocked gazes of everyone, including Xu Qingwan, he only felt a sense of pride in his heart.

Damn! I’m too cool!

No wonder Xiaofeng loved to show off in novels!

It’s really exhilarating!!


Half an hour later.

The toad demon, which had struggled in vain for half a day, finally calmed down again, without any dramatic scenes of breaking free from the chains.

Wei Changtian, after calming down, also reflected on his previous actions.


Still impulsive!

He shouldn’t have gone for that extra kick in the end!

Although it didn’t work out, what if the big toad had suddenly swallowed him whole? Who would he reason with then?

Wei Changtian thought more and more about it, instantly deciding not to do it again in the future.

Showing off was okay, but it had to be done in a safe situation…

His expression was extremely serious, while Huang Qianhu, beside him, had no idea what he was thinking, holding back for a long time before finally shouting twice.

“Prince Wei… Prince Wei?”


Wei Changtian came back to his senses, looking at the people waiting for his orders. He suddenly remembered that he had another task to complete at the Zhang Manor today.

“Officer Huang, take care of this toad demon. Kill it if you must, or take it back to the Demon Prison.”

“I’ll go out for some fresh air first.”

“Very well, Prince. You may go.”

Officer Huang bowed and took over the command, starting to handle the giant toad.

Meanwhile, Wei Changtian glanced around twice before leaving the dark room with Xu Qingwan, instructing the guards outside before exiting Zhang Hongwen’s bedroom.

Standing in the courtyard, he took a deep breath, and then casually strolled out of the courtyard.

Xu Qingwan followed closely behind him, her red ribbon tied in her hair fluttering in the wind.

As they walked side by side, Wei Changtian suddenly asked, “When you were serving at the Willow Leaf Pavilion, did you often encounter cases of demonic possession?”

“I’ve seen a few cases, but not many.”

Xu Qingwan thought for a moment before responding in a low voice, “I’ve seen many cases of demons eating humans, but using humans to feed demons… This is the first time I’ve seen it.”

“I wonder what the purpose is of raising such a demon using this method.”

“To prolong life.”

Wei Changtian looked at Xu Qingwan with some surprise, replying, “Zhang Hongwen contracted a strange illness and was supposed to have died long ago, but later, he stumbled upon a secret remedy and discovered that the toxin secreted from the toad demon’s eyes could be used to prolong life.”

“However, this toxin requires human flesh to be fed to the demon.”

“At first, he would look for dead bodies to feed it, but where could he find so many fresh corpses? Besides, it’s more convenient to use living people than dead ones.”

“And so, it gradually led to today.”


Due to the Mid-Autumn Festival being near, the moon was already full, and the entire Zhang Manor was eerily quiet, as if it were clearer and colder than anywhere else in the world.

Xu Qingwan was stunned for a while before nodding lightly.

“I see.”

She didn’t ask Wei Changtian how he knew, and Wei Changtian didn’t say anything else.

The two remained silent for a while, until they stopped in front of an ancient willow tree.

Xu Qingwan looked at Wei Changtian, who was searching around, with some curiosity: “What’s wrong? What are you looking for?”

“Ah ha! I’ve found it!”

Wei Changtian’s face lit up, and he pressed his hand on a protruding part of the tree trunk: “Hahaha, I’ll take you to a great place!”


Xu Qingwan was initially confused, but soon realized what Wei Changtian meant by “great place”.

Looking at the suddenly revealed square hole on the ground, she was shocked and opened her mouth wide: “Another secret room?”

“That’s right! But this one doesn’t have any demons!”

Wei Changtian had already climbed halfway down the ladder into the hole, his joy overflowing: “Come on! It’s full of your favorite things inside!”

From noble mtl dot come

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