I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 35

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 35

The next morning.

Although he had just solved a big case, Wei Changtian still got up on time to prepare for his trip to the Xuanjing Bureau.

He pushed open the window and stretched lazily.

The gentle morning breeze brought in fresh air, and in the courtyard, Qiuyun was bent over, collecting eggs from the chicken coop.

Yes, that’s right, collecting eggs.

Those three big hens finally started laying eggs after adapting to their new environment for a few days!

Wei Changtian always felt that there shouldn’t be “egg-laying hens” in the villain’s household, but the few women seemed very interested in it, and in the end, he just let it go.

“It’s not like they’re roosters, what’s the big deal…”

He muttered to himself, looking up at the sky.

The morning sun was rising, casting a golden glow over the chicken feathers scattered on the ground.

A new day had begun.


He put on his soft armor and casual attire.

Breakfast was the same as usual, but Wei Changtian didn’t have much of an appetite.

Because the opponent in last night’s “Dream Path” had added a big toad, which really made him feel disgusted.

“Why aren’t you wearing those accessories?”

After taking a sip of congee, Wei Changtian asked Qiu Yun and Yuan Er, who still looked the same as usual.

Qiu Yun smiled and said, “Young Master, we need to work during the day, what’s the point of wearing accessories?”

Wei Changtian raised an eyebrow: “What’s the point of having these trinkets if you’re not going to wear them?”


Qiu Yun and Yuan Er didn’t argue, just covering their mouths and laughing, as if they were laughing at Wei Changtian’s lack of understanding of women’s thoughts.

He glanced at them, shook his head, finished his congee, and left the table.

Qiu Yun hurriedly asked behind him, “Young Master, why did you eat so little today?”

“I don’t have an appetite.”

Wei Changtian waved his hand and set off towards the Xuanjing Temple, while Qiu Yun and Yuan Er were worried and started brainstorming.

“Sister Qiu, did we offend the Young Master? Maybe he thinks we don’t like those accessories?”


“Maybe we should wear them from now on, the Young Master’s happiness is the most important!”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“Let’s wait for the Young Master to come back tonight… Lady!”

Yuan Er suddenly closed her mouth and looked at Lu Jingyao, who was walking towards them.

“Ah! Lady, this hairpin of yours is really beautiful!”

“Is it? The Young Master insisted on giving it to me yesterday, and I couldn’t refuse.”

“The Young Master is really good to you!”

“It’s just a hairpin, who lacks this little accessory… Don’t tell the Young Master about this.”



Wei Changtian, sitting in the horse carriage, let out a loud sneeze.

Who’s scolding me?

It’s probably Zhang Hongwen! This old man must hate himself to death.

After bringing the toad demon and the Zhang family members back to the Xuanjing Temple last night, he left, and the remaining interrogation process was presided over by Wei Xianzhi himself.

He didn’t know if it was over yet.

But in fact, Wei Changtian knew that whether the interrogation was completed or not had no impact on the outcome.

The moment the toad demon appeared, the entire Zhang family was doomed, regardless of whether they knew about it or not – they all had to die.

At most, the method of death would be different.

The carriage slowly came to a stop in front of the Xuanjing Temple’s main gate, and Wei Changtian took off his soft armor and climbed out of the carriage curtains.

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Two gatekeepers rushed forward, their faces filled with respect.

“Lord Wei! You’re here!”

“We’ve all heard about how you single-handedly defeated the demonic eye!”

“The brothers in the temple are all admiring you now!”

“Unfortunately, we didn’t get to see it with our own eyes last night…”


How did they find out so quickly?

Suppressing the excitement in his heart, Wei Changtian stretched out his hand and pressed down twice.

“Keep a low profile.”

“I just hate these vicious demonic creatures, don’t make a big deal out of it.”


“Lord Wei is truly a beacon of righteousness!”


As the saying goes, scholars belittle each other, while warriors respect each other.

Compared to scholars who are often looked down upon, it’s much easier to gain recognition from warriors who practice martial arts.

You can get acknowledged by being able to fight better, being more fearless, being braver, more ruthless, and more vicious than others.

So, after last night’s incident spread, most people in the Xuanjing Temple now have a greatly improved impression of Wei Changtian.

In fact, many people even came to the martial arts hall today to catch a glimpse of his skills.

“Whoosh! Bang! Bang!”


Two figures clashed, and suddenly one of them was sent flying, crashing to the ground.

Wei Changtian retracted his foot and stood still, as the audience erupted into cheers.

Today, he finished ten matches, winning seven and losing three.

His total wins had now reached fifty, finally completing half of his goal of a hundred wins.

The reason he was able to progress so quickly was not only due to his uninterrupted dream path practice every night but also the “Fu Yang Step” taught by Xu Qingwan, which had a significant impact.

Unfortunately, Xu Qingwan was on a mission today and didn’t have time for private lessons.

“Lord Wei, are you heading back to the mansion?”

As the onlookers dispersed, Wang Er put the silver tickets he hadn’t given out back into his pocket.


Wei Changtian shook his head: “I’m going to visit my father, and I’ll return for dinner.”

“Tell Li Yang to come to the Wei mansion later to find me.”

“Yes, Lord Wei.”

Wang Er nodded and took his leave, quickly turning around and walking away.

After he left, Wei Changtian stayed in the martial arts hall to watch others fight for a while before getting up to find Wei Xianzhi.

He needed to find out how the imperial palace reacted to the Zhang family’s affair.

Although Zhang Hongwen had fallen, Li Kan becoming the new Minister of Justice wasn’t set in stone, and the Wei family might still need to make some moves.

The Liu family wouldn’t take their revenge failure lying down, so they needed to make preparations early.

And besides these, he had one more thing to discuss with Wei Xianzhi.

He was going to start working!


Wei Changtian didn’t go to work because “labor is the most glorious” or to advance his career.

He did it to earn system points.

These past few days, he had been thinking about a question: how to be judged by the system as “successfully changing the plot”.

Why didn’t he get system points for recognizing Xu Qingwan early, defeating Li Kan, and capturing Zhang Hongwen, but got them for marrying Lu Jingyao?

After much thought, Wei Changtian finally came up with a somewhat reliable answer.

That was, the system’s judgment was based on the same timeline as the novel.

For example, in the original plot, Lu Jingyao should have been taken away by Xiao Feng by now, but since that didn’t happen, this plot was considered changed.

As for others, his actions hadn’t yet affected their current development or outcome.

Xu Qingwan’s plot hadn’t even started yet.

Li Kan was still just a junior official and hadn’t become a high-ranking official.

Zhang Hongwen was still alive.

They were still in the same situation as in the novel, even if some things had changed, but no results had been produced, so no system points were awarded.

This judgment method would drag out the judgment time, which was undoubtedly unfavorable to him.

So, he needed some quick and effective ways to change the plot.

That is, targeting those small plots in the novel that only took up one or two chapters.

Like flirting with women, slapping arrogant servants, or beating up petty thugs, and so on.

As for Xiao Feng, his main task in the early stages was—

Killing demons.

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