I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 39

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 39

This year’s Mid-Autumn Festival coincided with the Empress Dowager’s 80th birthday, and with the country experiencing a bumper harvest, reports of good fortune poured in like snowflakes, eventually leading to a grand decree being issued from the palace, bearing four large characters.

Universal Celebration.

When Wei Changtian went out, the entire capital city was already bustling with activity.

Every household had hung large red lanterns at their gates, and firecrackers were going off left and right, even the patrolmen on the streets had tied red ribbons to their knife handles, exuding a festive atmosphere.

Especially in the main commercial districts within the city, the scene was reminiscent of a train station during the Spring Festival.

Long streets were lined with banquets, with no fine wine or exquisite dishes, but everything was free, courtesy of the government.

Vendors selling snacks and lanterns wove through the crowds, shouting loudly, while children held sugar figurines in one hand and grasped the hem of their parents’ clothes with the other, stopping to exchange a few words of praise with friends they met along the way.

As the night deepened, it was soon approaching the hour of hai.

With the exception of a few border towns, there was no curfew in the capital, so the revelry continued unabated.

The full moon, symbolizing human emotions, had risen to the middle of the night sky, casting its silver-white glow unobstructed onto the earth, illuminating the shadows of countless people.

Some farmers were getting drunk on free wine from the banquets on the streets; some scholars were arguing over a lantern riddle, their faces red with excitement.

A young warrior stood hesitantly in front of a brothel, feeling the weight of his empty purse; a coquettish woman leaned out of a window, waving a handkerchief at familiar customers; a man dressed in luxurious attire gazed at his wife and children in the distance; while children stared longingly at the young warrior’s sword…

At this moment, everything in the world was connected by the pure moonlight, like a grand play unfolding in the darkness of the night.

Meanwhile, on the banks of the Qingci River in the southern part of the city, a small stage curtain was finally lifted, but the audience consisted mainly of idle, wealthy young men and a few pedantic scholars.

The Qingci River was not particularly wide or deep, but it could still accommodate several flower boats.

Wei Changtian stood on a small boat, with the boatman behind him exerting himself to push the pole, the boat slowly making its way towards a flower boat, its reflection rippling on the river’s surface.

At this distance, the flower boat was still a ways off, but the scene of beautiful women dancing and colorful butterflies fluttering about was already visible, making one’s heart feel drawn to it.

“There are a lot of people.”

Wei Changtian muttered to himself, and Wang Er, standing beside him, immediately chimed in, “Young Master, most people are only here to catch a glimpse of Miss Liu Shi, and they’re no match for you.”

“Competitive power” was a term Wang Er had learned from Wei Changtian, and it seemed he had already mastered it.

“Yes, I must get close to Miss Liu Shi today.”

Wei Changtian nodded, then asked, “How’s the task I assigned to you?”

“It’s been taken care of, Young Master. Take a look…”

Wang Er pointed to the several small boats hiding around the flower boat, and handed over a copper whistle: “They’re all high-ranking experts, and as soon as they hear the whistle, they’ll be able to board the flower boat within three breaths.”


Wei Changtian took the whistle and didn’t say another word, his small boat now stopping alongside the flower boat.

“Lord Wei! It’s Lord Wei who’s arrived!”

The turtle-shaped boatman, responsible for receiving guests, let out a loud shout and immediately lowered the soft ladder.

However, climbing the ladder was really too troublesome. Wei Changtian roughly estimated the height of the flower boat, bent his legs slightly, and, with a few “thuds,” kicked against the side of the boat and jumped onto the deck.

“Good skills, young master!”

The turtle-shaped boatman and several young servants were initially stunned, then cheered in unison, looking like they were about to fire celebratory cannons.

Wei Changtian, with an air of a master, patted his sleeves, shook out a small silver ingot, and tossed it over: “Is Miss Liu Po out yet?”

“Of course not! We’re waiting for you!”

The turtle-shaped boatman hastily held onto the silver ingot, beaming with a smile as he bowed and sidled over: “Please, young master, this way. I’ll lead you to your seat.”


Following the direction of the music, he walked about a dozen steps and entered the central cabin.

The scenery before him suddenly transformed, like entering a different world from the one outside.

Over a dozen women, clad in thin silk, were dancing to the enchanting music, their movements and smiles exuding irresistible charm, making one want to immediately join in and dance with them.

The young masters sitting around, almost all dressed in luxurious attire, numbered around twenty or thirty, each with a servant girl, drinking and reveling.

These servant girls were nominally Yang Liu Po’s attendants, but in reality, they had the duty of “accompanying” their masters.

From noble mtl dot come

Some even looked like they were about to fulfill their responsibilities soon.

If one had to find a phrase to describe the scene before him… Drunk on beauty and wealth? Immersed in music and feasting? Surrounded by beauty and pleasure?

Or perhaps…

A phrase suddenly popped into Wei Changtian’s mind.

A grand banquet on the sea?

Soon, Wei Changtian took his seat in the front row.

A servant girl, as beautiful as Autumn Cloud, came over to offer him fine wine and delicacies, then took two steps closer, likely ready to throw herself into his arms at a mere nod.

However, Wei Changtian didn’t have the time for this right now.

He waved his hand to dismiss the servant girl, scanned the room, and asked Wang Er.

“Tell me which family each of these people belongs to, don’t miss a single one.”


Wang Er, standing behind him, immediately leaned in and whispered introductions into Wei Changtian’s ear:

“That one touching the servant girl’s thigh is Fan’s son, Fan Xian, whose father is a minister in the Ministry of Rites…”

“That one kissing the servant girl is He’s son, He Shouyuan, whose family operates the largest bank in the capital…”

“That one holding the servant’s hand is Yang’s son, Yang Yunqing, whose sister is the Imperial Concubine Yang…”

“Wait a minute!”

Wei Changtian looked at Yang Yunqing, who had a feminine face, and asked in doubt: “What’s he doing here?”

“This young master is open to both men and women.”

“Oh, continue.”


Before long, Wang Er had introduced almost everyone in the room, until he paused slightly when it came to one person.

Recalling Wei Changtian’s previous instruction to “not miss a single one,” he continued:

“That one flirting with three servant girls at the same time is Liu’s son, Liu Zongliang…”

Liu Zongliang?

Upon hearing this familiar name again, Wei Changtian couldn’t help but take a few more glances.

Although it’s unclear how the previous master had humiliated this person, judging from the other party’s reaction, the extent of the humiliation should be no less than being trampled underfoot.


The wine cup suddenly shattered on the ground, and the three maidservants jumped back in shock.

Lyuxi Liao, who noticed Wei Changtian’s presence, instantly stood up, his eyes blazing with fury.

Such a commotion naturally drew the attention of many, but everyone quickly looked away, busy with their own affairs.

After all, neither the Lyu family nor the Wei family was to be trifled with.

On one side, a calm expression with a hint of a smile, while on the other, a face red with anger and fury.

Wei Changtian locked eyes with Lyuxi Liao for a moment, but the music suddenly stopped.

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