I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 43

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 43

Wei Changtian wasn’t bluffing Yang Liushi.

After all, this woman was useful, but if she wasn’t completely under his control, she would undoubtedly be a ticking time bomb.

So, as long as she dared to say a single “no,” he would unhesitatingly blow the copper whistle and immediately eliminate the demon for the people.

The misty vapor in the bedroom had dissipated.

The cold night wind squeezed through the window cracks, circled around the screen embroidered with peonies, and blew against the light, thin silk skirt.

It was unclear whether it was due to wearing too little, but Yang Liu Shi suddenly shivered, revealing a hint of sorrow and resentment on her face.

“Does the young master really want to kill me?”

“Don’t waste words.”

Wei Chang Tian didn’t have the time to indulge in these empty, frivolous tactics with her, his tone icy cold: “If you don’t have an answer in the next sentence, you’ll die anyway.”


Her dark, gem-like eyes narrowed slightly, long and slender.

Yang Liu Shi remained silent for a while before wrapping her silk skirt around her, forcing a bitter smile: “I don’t want to die.”

“Make it clear.”

“I, I’m willing to cooperate with the young master.”

Wei Chang Tian gazed deeply at her: “I hope you keep your word.”

Yang Liu Shi’s expression turned serious: “The young master can rest assured, our demonic tribe values credibility the most.”

“That’s good.”

Wei Chang Tian nodded, his expression relaxing slightly, before suddenly thinking of a rather inexplicable question.

“After your demonic tribe transforms, can you still change back to your demonic form?”

“No, we can’t.”

Yang Liu Shi replied truthfully: “Once the transformation is complete, it’s irreversible.”

“What’s the difference between you and humans then?”

“There’s no difference in appearance, but our cultivation methods and magical abilities remain the same as those of demons.”

“Is it just a human face with a beast’s heart?”


Yang Liu Shi fell silent, helplessly nodding: “Yes.”

“Alright, I understand.”

Wei Chang Tian seemed to comprehend, feeling a mix of relief and regret in his heart.

As for why he felt relieved and regretful… only those who understood would know.

He sipped his tea, his thoughts returning to the matter at hand.

“Tell me everything about that Xiao Gongzi.”


Yang Liu Shi didn’t dare defy Wei Chang Tian, softly recalling: “Xiao Gongzi found me the night before last.”

“He also knew I was a demon, but he didn’t know why I had infiltrated the capital.”

Wei Chang Tian asked: “Did you tell him?”

“Of course not.”

Yang Liu Shi shook her head, her side-swept hair also swaying slightly: “He was willing to offer a hundred-year-old demon spirit pill as a trade, wanting me to help him with something.”

Demon spirit pill.

Wei Chang Tian immediately remembered this item.

Although it differed from demon pills by only one character, their values were vastly different.

Demon pills were something that demons with over ten years of cultivation could produce, and aside from being decorative, they had limited effects, often used as precious stones or to ward off evil spirits at home.

However, demon spirit pills were different.

This item could only be produced by demons with over fifty years of cultivation after their death, containing the essence of their cultivation.

Although the principles of cultivation between humans and demons are completely different, the absorption of heavenly and earthly spiritual energy is the same.

Therefore, warriors can use this demon spirit pill to accelerate their cultivation, as long as they wear it on their body, they can slowly absorb the spiritual energy within.

Wei Changtian happened to have a demon spirit pill containing ten years of cultivation, which could only be obtained by killing a hundred-year-old demon.

Even though only two or three tenths of the spiritual energy within could be converted into internal power, this was already considered the most effective auxiliary tool for cultivation in this world.

If the demon spirit pill was given to a demon to refine, the absorption and conversion rate would be even higher.

Normally, if one wanted to obtain a demon spirit pill with a hundred years of cultivation, they would need to kill at least a thousand years’ worth of demons, each with a minimum of fifty years.

Not to mention whether ordinary warriors had the capability, but where would they even find so many powerful demons?

But for Xiao Feng, this wasn’t a problem.

Because he had a golden finger!

The divine ability “Refine Demon” could directly convert part of the demon’s cultivation into his own, and the remaining could be automatically refined into a demon spirit pill.

He only needed to kill a few twenty-year-old small demons to refine a demon spirit pill with ten years of cultivation, with a utilization rate of 100%.

No wonder he could give Yang Liu Shi so many.

You work 996 every day, earning a few thousand a month, while he goes out and collects rent, earning tens of thousands. Can they be compared?


Wei Changtian let out a silent sigh and asked Yang Liu Shi again, “What does he want you to do in exchange for such a price?”

Yang Liu Shi didn’t notice Wei Changtian’s unusual behavior and replied softly, “Xiao Gongzi wants me to seduce someone.”



“What about after that?”

“Xiao Gongzi didn’t say, only that he would tell me after I agree.”

“So you haven’t agreed yet?”

“Yes, I said I needed to think about it, and Xiao Gongzi didn’t pressure me…”

Yang Liu Shi looked at him with a pitiful gaze, as if saying – only you would kill a lovely little fox demon without hesitation.

Wei Changtian directly ignored this pitiful gaze, furrowed his brows, and thought for a moment before suddenly saying:

“Agree to it.”

“Ah?” Yang Liu Shi was taken aback, her expression filled with surprise.

Wei Changtian glanced at her and slowly asked, “Do you know what relationship I have with Xiao Gongzi?”

“I don’t know…”

“Well, I’ll tell you – we’re sworn enemies.”


Yang Liu Shi’s eyes widened in shock, and after a while, she stuttered, “You… you want me to…”

“Don’t ask so much, just do as I say.”

Wei Changtian’s expression turned serious: “If he asks about tonight’s events, you know what to say?”

“I know…”


Wei Changtian paused briefly, then tossed the copper whistle on the table, gazing directly into Yang Liu Shi’s eyes.

“I trust you.”


The small copper whistle rolled twice and slowly stopped in front of Yang Liu Shi.

At this moment, she finally realized that this whistle was the tool Wei Changtian used to call for help.

A complex, incomparable expression flashed across her eyes, and her slender, jade-like hand grasped the copper whistle, her gaze fixed on Wei Changtian’s ordinary face.

Now, she had an opportunity to escape this man’s clutches.

The air in the room was almost frozen, and the sound of water outside the window flowed gently.

Yang Liushi remained silent for a long time before suddenly and lightly pulling Wei Changtian’s hand, surprisingly returning the copper whistle.

Her small mouth opened slightly, revealing a gentle and affectionate expression.

“Sir, do you… do you want me?”


Wei Changtian’s gaze paused, hesitating for a second before confirming, “Are you sure you won’t turn back into your demonic form?”


“Whatever, change or not, I don’t care!”


The large, embroidered bed creaked violently.


An hour later.

Her silky, smooth black hair cascaded down her fragrant shoulders, and Yang Liushi clutched the bed sheets to her chest, her charming face filled with resentment:

“Sir, are you leaving already?”


Wei Changtian, now fully dressed, nodded solemnly: “I still have some business to attend to.”

Ha! How could he possibly stay overnight here?

This woman might be fine for now, but what if she suddenly attacked him while he was sleeping at night?

Safety first!

Wei Changtian was extremely cautious, while Yang Liushi, of course, didn’t believe his lies, her eyes reddening as she fell silent.

What a heartless man! And to think she had just…

She bit her lip in shame, gazing up at the ruthless figure’s back.

However, her gaze soon softened.

But Sir really did have poetic talent.

“Clouds think of clothes, flowers think of faces, and we’ll meet under the moonlit jade platform…”

How beautiful.

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