I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 49

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 49

The Mirrored Justice had been searching for Xiao Feng, who was secretly monitoring the movements of the Wei family.

He had known that Lu Jingyao was here three days ago, but still hadn’t appeared.

On one hand, he was afraid this was a trap set by the Wei family, and on the other hand, he wasn’t sure how to face Lu Jingyao.

The noisy sounds from the teahouse covered up the movements behind the screens, loud and boisterous.

Xiao Feng stood still, pretending to be nonchalant, but his mind was racing with thoughts.

The choice he made that night, would Jingyao understand?

How was she doing now? Ah, she must be struggling to survive…

He didn’t know how Jingyao would react if she saw him.

Should he rescue her today?

Could the little servant girl by her side be a master from the Wei Manor?

What if she exposes herself because of this?

The more Shao Feng thought about it, the more problems he had, and the more he hesitated.

From noble mtl dot come

But at this moment, the storyteller on stage happened to say a line—

“A great man should do as he pleases! Fear and timidity will never achieve greatness!”

Do as he pleases…

Shao Feng’s body trembled slightly, and suddenly, he had an epiphany, as if he had been enlightened.

Yes! A great man should be like that!

When had he become so cowardly?

Yao’er was always thinking of him, and he should naturally rescue her from her suffering!

He couldn’t let Yao’er suffer for another day!

Thinking of this, Shao Feng no longer hesitated and prepared to rush into the screen to rescue her with a heroic spirit.

But just then, a sudden and urgent cry from behind him stopped him in his tracks.

“Madam! Madam!”

“Oh no!!”

A servant-like woman rushed towards him, crying loudly and stumbling along the way.

Her pitiful appearance immediately attracted everyone’s attention, and Shao Feng could only lower his head and let her pass, frowning as he watched her run into the screen.

Soon, urgent dialogue voices came from inside.

“Qiuyun? Why are you crying? Speak slowly.”

“Madam, you should go back, the young master…he…”

“What’s wrong with the young master?”


“Speak quickly!”

“He…he was severely injured and has just been sent back, and even the imperial physician has come… waaah!”

“Bang! Crash!”

A loud noise of tables and chairs being overturned suddenly came from inside the screen, followed by a stunning figure that made countless men’s hearts skip a beat.

Everyone’s eyes were fixed on Lu Jingyao, but she didn’t care, her mind only thinking of running faster.

However, women’s dresses during this era were all long and trailing, making it impossible to run quickly.

As expected, she hadn’t taken a few steps before tripping on her hem and falling to the ground with a “thud” in front of everyone.


Shao Feng subconsciously called out, stretching out his hand to help.

But Lu Jingyao seemed to have not heard him at all, biting her lip and using her hands and feet to crawl up from the ground, then continuing to run towards the horse carriage stopped at the door.

In the short distance of a few dozen meters, she fell three times, and eventually even lost a shoe without realizing it.


Qiuyun and Juan’er chased after her, also stumbling as they rushed through the teahouse’s front hall, supporting Lu Jingyao as they got into the carriage.

The carriage quickly disappeared into the distance, and the teahouse was filled with the sound of people talking.

Shao Feng stood frozen, his face full of shock and astonishment.

He couldn’t believe what had just happened.


Why had Yao’er become like this?

It’s only been less than a month, and she’s already betrayed herself like this?!

A fierce glare suddenly surged into his eyes, and Xiao Feng hurriedly took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down.

But no matter how hard he suppressed it, the knot in his heart refused to dissipate.

Half a stick of incense later, in a deserted alley.

A man knelt motionless on the ground, with excrement and urine flowing beneath him.

He was a notorious local rascal, often involved in scams, extortion, and protection rackets.

The sunlight stretched his shadow, and a gust of wind blew, dividing it into two parts.



The Wei Manor.

“Big brother, don’t die, the story of Sun Wukong hasn’t finished yet…”

“Woof woof woof!”

A faint dog cry echoed in his ears, and when Wei Changtian opened his eyes to see the scene in the room, he almost thought he had died and was now in the underworld.

What a scene! The small room was packed with people, men sighing and women crying, their faces filled with grief.

It looked just like a funeral.

But when his gaze fell on the person and dog staring at him with wide eyes, he realized he wasn’t a wandering spirit.

Well, how could he have become a dog so easily?

Although he didn’t have a protagonist’s halo, that inner armor wasn’t just for show.

But he was indeed shaken, and would probably need to rest in bed for a few days.

He also wondered about Xu Qingwan’s injuries and whether she had fallen in love with him because of this…

Wei Changtian’s mind was filled with weird thoughts, and Wei Qiaoling also reacted at this time, jumping up from the bedside with a “whoosh”.

“Big brother is alive! Big brother is alive!”

“Big brother just opened his eyes, and I saw it along with the ghost!”


The crowd instantly surrounded him, with Wei Xianzhi and Qin Caizhen at the front.

The two probably already knew that Wei Changtian wouldn’t die, so they didn’t seem surprised.

One had a serious face, and the other a worried face.

Wei Changtian moved his mouth to ask, “Father, Mother, what time is it now?”

“It’s not evening yet.”

Qin Caizhen wiped away her tears and grasped Wei Changtian’s hand: “Son, don’t worry, Doctor Zhang said you’re fine, just a few broken bones. You’ll be okay after a few days of rest.”

After all, in the world of cultivation, injuries wouldn’t take a hundred days to heal.

Wei Changtian nodded and looked at Wei Xianzhi: “Father, how are the others?”

“They’re all fine.”

Wei Xianzhi’s response was profound: “That Xu Qingwan’s injuries are quite severe, but there’s no danger to her life. You can rest easy.”


Wei Changtian let out a sigh of relief, but Wei Xianzhi’s expression turned icy as he looked at a bald-headed man.

“This time, due to incorrect intelligence, you all nearly lost your lives to the demonic beasts. Father will definitely give you an explanation.”


Upon hearing these words, Kong Changgui, standing among the crowd, suddenly shuddered, losing all his aura as a fourth-rank expert.

He felt wronged, but there was nothing he could do.

From a wild chicken spirit with five years of cultivation to a monkey spirit with fifty years of cultivation, the margin of error was indeed quite large.

In the end, two silver leaves were severely injured, and one of them was still Wei Changtian.

Such a major accident definitely required someone to take responsibility, and that person could only be him.

However, just as Kong Changgui thought he was doomed, Wei Changtian suddenly spoke up.

“Father, this matter is not Lord Kong’s fault.”


Wei Xianzhi was taken aback: “What do you mean?”

Wei Changtian smiled bitterly: “Lord Kong only assigned tasks as usual, and the people from Shanyang County and Liu’s Village only mentioned the chicken spirit, clearly unaware of the monkey spirit’s existence.”

“Besides, I get along well with Lord Kong, so let’s just forget about it this time.”

Wei Changtian didn’t think that someone was trying to harm him intentionally, and even if they were, it couldn’t be Kong Changgui.

Otherwise, he wouldn’t have sent Xu Qingwan and Zhou Cheng to accompany him, and it would be much simpler to find two copper leaves directly.

As for why he wanted to protect Kong Changgui, it was to pave the way for the “Seizing the Demon Head” plan later on.


On the other side, after hearing his son’s words, Wei Xianzhi naturally wouldn’t deny him face.

He pondered for a moment before nodding: “Very well, let’s just record this incident for now.”

“Thank you, Commander Wei! Thank you, Young Master Wei!”

Kong Changgui let out a sigh of relief and hurriedly expressed his gratitude: “I, Kong Changgui, am willing to live and die for the Wei family from now on! I’ll be loyal to the death!”

His loyalty had shifted from the Suspended Mirror Agency to the Wei family, undoubtedly a display of devotion.

Wei Xianzhi didn’t react to this, while Wei Changtian nodded slightly.

Three sentences, and a fourth-rank expert was willing to die for me.

Hello, I’m a male lecturer who’s an expert in human nature…

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