I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 50

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 50

Soon, everyone saw that Wei Changtian had awoken and relaxed, giving some reminders before dispersing, leaving only a few people in his courtyard behind.

It wasn’t until then that Lu Jingyao, who had been standing at the back of the crowd, could finally approach the bed.


Her beautiful face was covered in tears, and she had many things she wanted to say to Wei Changtian, but after stammering for a while, she only asked one question—

“Are you hungry?”

“…… A bit.”

Wei Changtian nodded honestly, and indeed, he was a bit hungry after not eating for two meals.

Qiu Yun immediately went to serve the prepared meal, while Yuan’er slowly helped him up from the bed.

Leaning against the bedhead, Wei Changtian began to eat under the care of the three women.

In fact, he could have eaten on his own with some effort.

However… life is all about experiencing new things, right?

Today, he could experience being fed by three beauties at the same time.

In the future, he might have the chance to experience being fed by three beauties at the same time…

After finishing the meal, Qiu Yun and Yuan’er reluctantly left the room under Lu Jingyao’s “intimidating” gaze.

Wei Changtian looked at her hesitant expression and couldn’t help but laugh: “What do you want to say?”


Lu Jingyao lowered her head, fidgeting with her clothes: “Be more careful when you go out in the future, okay?”

Oh, I thought you couldn’t wait for me to die.

Wei Changtian initially wanted to tease Lu Jingyao with that sentence, but when he saw her bright red eyes, he ultimately changed his tone.

“I know.”

The room suddenly fell silent, with the two of them staring at each other, neither speaking.

Until Wei Changtian coughed and casually brought up a topic.

“Cough, Li Yang has already started preparing for the bookstore. If you have time, you can help him out.”

From noble mtl dot come

“By the way, how’s the manuscript for ‘Journey to the West’ coming along?”

“You’ve already organized the parts I lectured on.”

Lu Jingyao’s face slightly recovered, and she asked softly, “But can we finish it before the bookstore opens?”

“Finish it?”

Wei Changtian was taken aback, then immediately understood Lu Jingyao’s meaning.

In this era, novels didn’t have serialized publications. Authors would typically finish writing before publishing, with some even taking years or decades to complete.

Even though some books on the market were divided into “upper, middle, and lower” volumes, that was just a sales tactic by book merchants, whereas the entire book was already written.

“It’s not necessarily required to finish it…”

Wei Changtian briefly explained what “serialization” meant, leaving Lu Jingyao shocked and amazed.

Who would have thought that her husband was not only skilled in literature and martial arts but also knowledgeable about business strategies?

She stared with wide eyes for a while before suddenly remembering something.

“By the way, do you want to come up with a pen name for yourself?”

Oh, right, there was that too.

Wei Changtian slapped his forehead.

In this era, it was rare for people to use their real names when writing books, especially since he was planning to remain behind the scenes.

But what should he call himself?

Several options flashed through his mind.

Wu Cheng’en? Lanling Xiao Xiao Sheng? Zhou Ruchang?

Decision paralysis…

After thinking for a while, Wei Changtian suddenly had a wicked idea and decided on a pen name that was full of cross-dressing humor.

“Let’s call… Xiao Lang Jun who sells abalones.”

“Xiao Lang Jun?”

Lu Jingyao was puzzled by the two characters: “What does it mean?”

“Don’t worry about it, just remember it.”

Wei Changtian emphasized, “Lang is abalone… cough, the Lang of Lang-Ji.”


Lu Jingyao was even more perplexed but still nodded to remember.

Meanwhile, Wei Changtian waved his hand and said, “Alright, I have something to do. You can go out first.”

“What do you want to do, sir? I can help you.”

“No need.”

“But you’re currently…”

“I said no need.”


Lu Jingyao felt extremely wronged, but her face quickly turned red like an apple.

Because Wei Changtian finally couldn’t resist shouting a sentence.

“Get out of my way!”


The next morning, the familiar voices of “Calling the devil, fighting the devil” echoed in the room again.

Given Wei Changtian’s current situation, he was definitely unable to do anything these past few days, so he could only rely on playing cards to pass the time.

Although the girls’ card skills had greatly improved recently, especially Lu Jingyao, who had even learned to memorize cards without a teacher, they still lost more often than they won.

As for the reason…

“Sir, how many cards do you have left?”

Lu Jingyao sat upright at the table, her eyes fixed intently on the cards in Wei Changtian’s hand.

Wei Changtian didn’t hide it, openly answering: “Five.”


Lu Jingyao thought for a moment, confirming that these five cards couldn’t form a straight before nodding: “Then you go ahead.”


Wei Changtian slammed all five cards onto the table.

“Three with two, I won!”


Lu Jingyao’s eyes widened in disbelief: “Three with two? Isn’t it only possible to bring one card with three cards?”

Wei Changtian’s face remained unchanged: “Oh, I forgot to tell you, three cards can also bring a pair, that’s what three with two means.”


Lu Jingyao was silent for a while, knowing that even if she protested, she would be shut down with a phrase like “I have the final say,” and she couldn’t help but think of what Wei Changtian had said before—

If you want to change the rules, you have to be able to defeat the person who sets the rules.

Lu Jingyao had no doubt that she couldn’t defeat Wei Changtian, so she could only silently stretch out her hand to shuffle the cards.

Just then, Qiu Yun suddenly pushed open the door and walked in.

“Sir, there’s a Miss Xu at the door, saying she wants to see you.”


Wei Changtian’s spirit was shaken: “Let her in quickly!”


Qiu Yun nodded and retreated, and Yuan’er also stood up on her own initiative.

Only Lu Jingyao hesitated for a while before mustering up the courage to speak: “Sir, I want to stay.”

Wei Changtian was taken aback: “What do you want to stay for?”

Lu Jingyao’s expression was serious: “I want to see that Miss Xu.”


Wei Changtian nodded thoughtfully.

Half a stick of incense later.

Lu Jingyao stood in her own room, her face full of anger as she stomped her foot.

“How annoying!”

“She’s definitely going to do something shady if she doesn’t let me in!”

She muttered to herself, her eyes fixed on the window.

Before long, two figures appeared in her line of sight.

One was Qiu Yun, and as for the other… it was definitely that legendary Miss Xu!

Lu Jingyao sneaked up to the window like a thief, sizing up Xu Qingwan from head to toe, her face sometimes worried and sometimes relaxed.

Hmph! I’m supposed to be the prettiest one, right?

But I’ve heard that his martial arts skills are incredibly impressive… what’s the use? He still ended up getting our master severely injured!

And judging by his appearance, he doesn’t seem to understand poetry, books, or etiquette, and his background is definitely not as good as mine…

As she muttered to herself, she watched Xu Qingwan enter the room, and soon heard the sound of the door opening and closing.

Lu Jingyao hesitated for a moment, then made up her mind to eavesdrop.

But just as she stepped out, she ran into Yuer, who was guarding the door.

“Madam, where are you going?”

Yuer covered her mouth and laughed, “Young Master guessed that you wanted to eavesdrop on his conversation with Xu Qingwan! Do you want me to stop you?”


Lu Jingyao’s face turned red, and she forced herself to maintain her dignity, saying, “Who, who wants to eavesdrop on their conversation?”

“Hmm? Then what do you want to do, Madam?”

“I, I… I want to use the restroom!”

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