I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 51

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 51

In the room, Wei Changtian and Xu Qingwan sat facing each other.

A sandalwood candle on the low table cast a faint, wavy smoke, like a fish swimming between their sleeves.

“I originally wanted to come last night.”

Xu Qingwan’s face turned pale: “But after you woke up, Lord Wei sent someone to tell me, so I came to visit you today.”

“There’s nothing to see, and I’m not going to die.”

Wei Changtian happily waved his hand, but the movement was a bit large, and he suddenly let out a pained “ouch”.

Xu Qingwan was taken aback, and couldn’t help but laugh, saying, “You didn’t even flinch yesterday, so why are you being so sensitive now?”


Wei Changtian originally wanted to explain what “adrenaline” was, but thought better of it, realizing the concept was too advanced, and simply shook his head: “At the time, who would have thought to worry about pain?”


Upon hearing this, Xu Qingwan’s smile disappeared.

She clenched her fists tightly, and after a long time, finally lifted her head and whispered, “I’m sorry…”

“If it weren’t for me insisting on getting close to that statue, you wouldn’t have gotten so severely injured…”

Except for that time in the Chapter’s treasure vault, Xu Qingwan rarely spoke so softly, so it was clear she was truly remorseful.

Wei Changtian had anticipated her apology and comforted her, saying, “This isn’t your fault; after all, who knew there was a monkey demon?”

Xu Qingwan lightly bit her lip: “But if I had been more cautious, I wouldn’t have been injured by the monkey demon, and we three wouldn’t have almost lost our lives.”

“It’s all right now.”

Wei Changtian smiled, saying, “It’s just a matter of resting in bed for a few more days, consider it a break.”

“It’s all because of you, otherwise…”

Xu Qingwan didn’t continue immediately, hesitating for a long time before finally asking the question she had been wanting to ask.

“You… why did you save me back then?”

“Hah, look at what you’re saying.”

Wei Changtian pretended to be nonchalant, saying, “We’re colleagues; could I just watch you get killed by the monster?”


Xu Qingwan felt a pang of sadness in her heart, and softly argued, “But you risked your life to save me…”

“Risked my life?”

Wei Changtian shook his head, answering truthfully, “I was very clear that I had at least a 90% chance of not dying, so it’s not like I risked my life.”


Xu Qingwan opened her mouth, unsure of what to say for a moment.

She had already seen Wei Changtian’s incredible inner armor yesterday, so she didn’t doubt the truth of his words.

But… was it really just out of camaraderie?

She looked down at her shoes, recalling the figure who had blocked the knife in front of her.

She suddenly asked a question, as if possessed by a mischievous spirit.

“If you didn’t have that inner armor… would you have still saved me back then?”


From noble mtl dot come

The incense stick had burned out, and the long ash finally fell into the golden incense burner, creating a small cloud of ash.

Why do women always like to ask such questions?

Can’t they count on their own hearts?

Do they have to find something to be uncomfortable about?


Wei Changtian let out a helpless sigh in his heart.

If it were Lu Jingyao asking, he would have answered without hesitation – “No”.

But as for Xu Qingwan…

“It’s meaningless to assume, Director Xu.”

He didn’t say “I would” without being sincere, nor did he directly say “I wouldn’t”, but used a more tactful phrase instead.

However, the meaning was very clear.

Wei Changtian only noticed that Xu Qingwan, who never wore makeup, seemed to have applied some lip balm today, trying to cover up her pale lips due to injury.

The makeup skills were clearly not impressive, but it was enough to make him think she had bought the lip balm specifically for today.

The image of this silly woman, who didn’t fit in with the other elegant ladies, carefully selecting lip balm, made Wei Changtian feel a bit speechless.

But at this moment, Xu Qingwan seemed to have returned to normal, slowly getting up.

“Mr. Wei, I’m leaving.”

“I’ll repay you for saving my life someday.”


One “Director Xu”, one “Mr. Wei”.

The distance between the two seemed to have suddenly grown.

Wei Changtian didn’t speak, only nodding lightly.

He knew that if he had given a different answer earlier, the outcome might have been completely different.

However, he didn’t want to deceive Xu Qingwan on this matter, and instead wanted to remind himself – to survive in this world, he couldn’t let emotions cloud his judgment.

At any time, his own interests should come first, especially when it came to core interests related to his life.

Wei Changtian made up his mind to thoroughly follow this principle, but just as Xu Qingwan was about to reach the door, she suddenly turned around and said one more thing.

“With that one percent, I’m already satisfied.”

“One percent?”

Wei Changtian was taken aback, quickly understanding Xu Qingwan’s meaning.

A 90% chance of not dying didn’t mean that his previous actions had a 10% risk of death, did they?

After a brief pause, a bitter laugh echoed in the room.

“Ah, it seems I still can’t do it – be completely heartless, that is…”


Five days later.

“Whoosh! Boom!”


Wei Changtian withdrew his left leg, stood firm, and slowly pressed his hands down from the top to the dantian, letting out a long breath as he finished a set of broadcasting exercises.

No choice, he hadn’t started practicing martial arts yet, and the military boxing he learned in his past life was already forgotten, leaving only the broadcasting exercises that he could barely remember.

“Clap, clap, clap, clap!”

Wei Qiaoling was eating snacks on the side, clapping and seemingly interested in this peculiar-looking technique.

“Big brother, do it again!”

“Go eat yours!”

Wei Changtian rolled his eyes, silently feeling out his body’s condition.

The problem wasn’t big, and he had already recovered about 70-80%, but to fully recover, it would still take some time.

Sigh, a single demon ape had made him bedridden for five days, and this lesson was deeply ingrained!

However, the misinformation wasn’t under his control, and if he had to find the reason within himself… it was because his strength was too weak.

Although Wei Changtian had already won more than he lost in martial arts competitions, he had never won against an opponent with a higher cultivation level.

His combat power was at most mid-to-upper level within the same cultivation realm, and it was even more impossible to compare with Xiao Feng’s.

So, he had to continue to seize every moment to improve his strength.

Finding ways to quickly raise his cultivation level was one aspect, but techniques were equally important.

For instance, if he had mastered one or two extremely damaging combat techniques during the demon ape incident, he might not have ended up in such a state.

Thinking of this, Wei Changtian didn’t delay, immediately heading towards the “Wu Pavilion” within the Wei Manor.

A three-story stone tower, not very large, but with many hidden guards watching over it.

Wei Changtian had passed by several times before, but this was his first time truly entering it.

He had expected to be greatly shocked by what he saw, but the reality was disappointing.

At least the first floor was like that.

Five or six rows of black wooden shelves, nothing special, with various “secret manuals” placed on them.

Some were paper-based, some were made of bamboo tubes, and some were carved onto stone plates… At first glance, it was chaotic and hard to believe these were something amazing.

He casually picked up a yellowed booklet, glancing at the cover.

“Mixed Origin Thunder Hand”

What a terrible name, it didn’t sound good at all.

Wei Changtian snorted, tossing the book back, and was about to go upstairs when he suddenly stopped, somewhat uncertain, and opened the system interface.

Not long after, his facial expression began to change, and his mouth slowly opened wider.

【Mixed Origin Thunder Hand: Palm Technique (Earth-level), uses palms as blades, extremely fast, can break through defenses with bare hands, 250 points】


Wei Changtian repeatedly confirmed the system’s introduction and the words on the first page of the booklet, and then looked around at the nearly hundred secret manuals, unintentionally swallowing his saliva…

What’s going on, system… do you have a recycling function or not?

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